A False Teaching Backfires to Show that Hitler Belonged to the Spiritual Forces of Evil

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Adolf Hitler, the seventh king of the Revelation 17:10, is a big problem for the spiritual forces of evil. Hitler was a devout follower of Helena Blavatsky’s teachings, was initiated into/was a practitioner of the occult, and believed in the coming of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of spiritual beings mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” and an individual who Hitler referred to in private as “the messiah” who would come after him).

  • Hitler is a public relations disaster for them since he is considered one of the most evil men of all time. The spiritual forces of evil are not going to gain new followers if people found out that the teachings they promote were the teachings that Hitler believed in and tried to instill on the German nation.

I’ve noticed that the spiritual forces of evil attempt to distance themselves from Hitler in statements supplied through their human messengers by acknowledging that Hitler was controlled by an evil power while claiming that they represent the side of good or the "forces of light". For instance, a human channeler for Ascended Master Djwhal Khul (the one who telepathically gave messages to Alice Bailey to transcribe in volumes of books) reported that the high-level fallen angel said the following about Hitler [parenthesis added by me]:

“Djwhal Khul has told me that Adolph Hitler was a walk-in [a “walk-in” is a person who voluntarily surrenders their physical body to be inhabited by one of Satan’s spiritual agents] The Dark Brotherhood facilitated the shifting of one of their high ranking members into Hitler's body. Adolph Hitler was on the dark path himself before he left, but the new entity was even darker in consciousness”.[1]

It is acknowledged in this statement that Hitler was controlled by an evil power, but there is no association made between the evil power controlling Hitler and Djwhal Khul. This is one of many examples where the spiritual forces of evil attempt to deny association between them and Hitler. Nevertheless, one teaching promoted by the spiritual forces of evil undermines their denials about Hitler’s association with them. Today I’ll share with you this teaching which undermines their denials.

  • Disclaimer: I do not endorse the actual teaching that I’ll present since I am a Christian and write from a Christian perspective. I believe this teaching does not have any validity to it, is unbiblical, and is an elaborate lie that is designed to later encourage people to accept the Mark of the Beast. However, I provide background information on the teaching so that I can show you that an implication of this teaching the spiritual forces of evil promote is an indirect acknowledgment that Adolf Hitler was one of their very own agents and show you that unlike biblical teachings (which are infallible), the teachings promoted by the spiritual forces of evil are contradictory.

The writings of Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme (official spokesmen of Maitreya) mention a rating system that describes one’s supposed degree of spiritual evolution or spiritual initiation. The rating system includes ten levels of initiation or ten degrees of initiation (if you are familiar with Freemasonry you can think of it as degrees of initiation).

Bailey and Creme state that the Ascended Masters seek to prepare humanity for the first-degree of initiation, the initiation process that New Age author David Spangler referred to as the “luciferic initiation” and the initiation process I suspect is associated with the giving of the Mark of the Beast. [2] The idea that is taught and is probably going to be emphasized in the one-world religion is that people will have to opportunity to evolve spiritually, but to begin the path of spiritual evolution one must undergo the initiation process.

In an attempt to give the rating system more appeal to potential believers, Bailey and Creme teach that many major historic figures were initiates of various degrees. They claim some extraordinary figures like Shakespeare and Michelangelo were initiates beyond the third degree. They even make blasphemous claims by stating certain biblical figures and historical religious figures were high-level initiates as well.

  • For people who believe that world leaders are up to no good here’s something for you to consider: Creme wrote that the majority of world leaders today are at level 1.6 on the initiation scale.[3]
  • Bailey and Creme teach that a person supposedly becomes an Ascended Master when they achieve the fifth degree of initiation; giving them level 5.0.
  • It is taught that Sanat Kumara (Satan) is a tenth-degree initiate while Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters) is a seventh-degree initiate.

The rating system teaching actually works to undermine the spiritual forces of evil’s denials about Hitler. For instance, Creme has a peculiar statement on his website about Hitler when addressing a frequently asked question about him: Creme states that Hitler was a second-degree initiate:

“Hitler was actually a fairly evolved individual, a second-degree initiate; that is, he was two-fifths of the way along the path to becoming a Master. But even when the second initiation is taken, the person is only potentially divine... Occasionally, however, there is a rotten egg in the basket. Hitler was one of these, a deeply evil personality. Because he was of the second degree, he had power and could be powerfully used, obsessed, by the forces of evil - like vibration attracted like vibration”.[4]

Although Creme attempts to distance the spiritual forces behind the rating system from Hitler, he still associates Hitler with these spiritual forces by stating he was on the path to become an Ascended Master. In addition, the Ascended Master that advises Creme made a statement (through Creme) about the initiation process that strongly implies that Hitler was working to fulfill Sanat Kumara’s (the godhead of the New Age Movement/Satan) Plan by being a second-degree initiate:

“Each initiation confers on the initiate a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose behind God's Plan, a fuller awareness of his part within that Plan, and an increasing ability to work consciously and intelligently towards its fulfillment”.[5]

By the Ascended Master’s own logic and teaching, Hitler was someone who worked to achieve the Plan since each new initiation level supposedly increases ones understanding of the Plan and one’s ability to work towards fulfilling the Plan.

Again, let me state that I believe the rating system/initiation teaching given by the spiritual forces of evil is an elaborate lie to later get people to accept the Mark of the Beast. The teaching has no validity with me nor is it a teaching that could be supported by the Bible. However, I thought I would share the teaching because an implication of the teaching is that the spiritual forces of evil admit something that they generally deny, which is that Hitler is an individual who worked for them.


[1] Stone, Joshua David. “Walk-Ins”. Last Accessed 12 Jul. 2009. http://www.iamuniversity.org/iamu/mobile/literature/lodges/spiritual_extraterrestrials_lodge/3667-Walk-Ins.html.

[2] Spangler, David. Reflections of the Christ. Forres: Findhorn Foundation. 1977. 45

[3] Creme, Benjamin. Transmission Meditation for the New Age. 5th Ed London: Share International Foundation, 2006. 166

[4] Creme, Benjamin. “Religion-FAQ”. 18. June 2006. Last Accessed 13 Jan. 2009. http://www.share-international.org/ARCHIVES/religion/faq_religion.htm.

[5] The Master (through Benjamin Creme). Initiation. 15 Oct. 2005 Last Accessed Dec 7. 2010 http://www.share-international.org/archives/agelesswisdom/aw_mas-initiation.htm