A Quick Link on the Usage of the Terms “Holy Ghost” and. "Holy Spirit" in the King James Bible

I came extremely close this morning to losing all my research and every file I had on my laptop due to a computer error. Fortunately, I eventually got the laptop running like normal after several attempts to fix the error. As you can imagine I had quite the scare and did not have much time to finish up the article I planned to post today. However, I won’t leave you empty-handed today…

The King James Bible mentions the term “Holy Ghost” eighty-nine times and the term “Holy Spirit” four times in the New Testament. One could theoretically use this detail as evidence to support the existence of ghosts (since the King James Bible seemingly distinguishes between "Holy Spirit" and "Holy Ghost"). However, the meaning of the word “ghost” in the time when the King James Bible was written had a different meaning than it does today. The term "ghost" apparently was synonymous with the way we use the word “spirit” today. The translators of the King James Bible did not mean to imply that "ghosts" in the way we understand them today exist.

  • A short, yet complete article about the usage of the terms “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” can be found at this Link. I think the article does a good job of clarifying this potential issue.

With this potential issue cleared up, the Bible continues to be an irrefutable source that refutes the possibility of disembodied souls of former living humans or “ghosts”existing on the physical Earth surface. With the Bible's help, we are left to conclude that the "ghosts" people claim to see are actually evil spiritual entities that have bad intentions.