Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Six Pack, Take It Easy, The Usual & The Regular

masih lanjut membahas cara unlock badge-badge "untappd" kali ini ada 4 badge yang bisa diunlock dengan cara yang agak mirip dan bisa berurutan yakni "six pack", "take it easy", "the usual" dan "the regular".

sedangkan untuk melihat cara unlock badge-badge lain yang sudah diposting serta melihat cara menggunakan layanan "untappd" bisa liat kembali halaman yang ini: http://pcholic.blogspot.com/search/label/Untappd

berikut rincian dan cara unlock keempat badge tersebut:

Name: Six Pack
Message: "It’s in the fridge, so why not drink it. Hope you don’t get bored. Drink 6 of the same beer, in a row, in 1 week."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di brew yang sama 6 kali berturut-turut dalam 1 minggu tanpa diselingi brew yang lain.

Name: Take It Easy
Message: "Whoa, I think you’ve had enough. That's 12 beers in 1 day - you might need to call a cab."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in 12 brew dalam 1 hari (bisa item sama atau berbeda)

Name: The Usual
Message: "I think you need to change it up. You've had the same beer 15 times in the last 30 days. Boring."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di brew yang sama sebanyak 15 kali dalam 30 hari.

Name: The Regular
Message: "They know what you want when you walk in the door. That’s right, you don’t have to wait for anyone here."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di suatu venue yang sama sebanyak 15 kali (contohnya bar yang sama 15 kali)