Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Ahoy Matey!, Beach Bum, Above The Clouds, Layover & Tailgater

Masih di bahasan tentang cara unlock badge "untappd". kali ini tentang badge yang berbasis lokasi, artinya badge yang didapatkan dengan cara ngebir atau cek in di venue atau lokasi dengam kategori atau tag tertentu. venue yang digunakan di "untappd" adalah venue milik foursquare sehingga kategori/ tag adalah yang ada di venue foursquare.

sebelumnya udah dibahas badge untappd berbasis lokasi yakni "hitting the slopes" yang dapat diunlock di venue dengan kategori "ski area" (liat postingan di sini)

kali ini kita bahas badge-badge berbasis lokasi lain yakni: "ahoy matey!", "beach bum", "above the clouds", "layover" dan "tailgater".

Name: Ahoy Matey!
Message: "Is the ship swaying or did you just have one too many? Hope you don’t get sea sick!"

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in to venue kategory "Harbor/ Marina"

Name: Beach Bum
Message: "Feet in the sand and a can in your hand while you watch the waves roll in. Enjoy 5 cold brews at the beach!"

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in to venue kategory "Beach"

Name: Above The Clouds
Message: "Become part of Untappd’s “Mile High Club”. No, it’s not the same as that other one."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in to venue kategory "Plane / In-flight"

Name: Layover
Message: "Bad weather? Strike? Flight delayed? Head over to the nearest bar and kill some time! Knock back 5 brews at an airport."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in to venue kategory "Airport" or "Terminal"

Name: Tailgater
Message: "Burgers on the grill, beer in your hand and friends by your side. You’re ready to cheer your heart out for your team."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in to venue kategory "Stadium" (5 times)

Silahkan baca badge-badge lain di kategori "Untappd"