Teabaggers on Parade

Remember the tea parties-- those well orchestrated " grass roots" gatherings orchestrated by lobbyists and attended by right wing riff raff? Remember those oh so sincere, all American teabaggers carrying signs that could make you laugh or cry-- or both?

Here's an internet album of stupid tea party signs and the teabaggers who believe them along with some sardonic captions by yours truly. In all cases I've linked to the original source of the image.

Have a laugh or get out the kleenex:-)

The" kill a Commie for Christ" crowd still lives. J. Edgar Hoover would be proud

Oops. Don't look now, but Medicare IS socialized medicine

How do you spell racist?

LMAO--'nuff said :-)

Muslim and Marxist both start with "m" but that's about all they have in common. Did these folks flunk seventh grade or something? At least they can spell

Big smile, big threat and check out that fashion forward outfit


This sign paid for by the insurance lobby

Fair and balanced?? yeah-- sure and I'm the tooth fairy

Stay tuned for more from the lunatic fringe. They're planning more teaparties once the weather warms up. Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and proud to be an American, doesn't it?

Creme Live Interview Notes 1/28

Benjamin Creme granted another live interview today for an Internet radio talk show based in Florida. It’s pretty amazing that the official spokesmen for the Antichrist Spirit Maitreya would take two hours out of his schedule to grant an interview to a show that had a very tiny audience (35 people ended up listening to the show live).

Creme gave his usual talk about Maitreya, the Ascended Masters, and how UFOs are here to assist the Ascended Masters.

  • However, Creme mentioned that the Ascended Masters are able to influence world events through the work of their disciples. Creme even went as far as to suggest that virtually every major historical figure-man or woman-was an initiate/disciple of an Ascended Master. I’m not ready to say that Creme is lying about this because this is Satan’s world (2 Corinthians 4:4). You’d expect Satan to have at least some say in deciding which people are in position to influence history.

Creme spoke of the Star Sign, but said very little about Maitreya’s supposed appearance on live television. Unfortunately, the interviewer would rather chat with Creme about Maitreya’s appearance in Nairobi, Kenya than to talk about the television interview.

Creme spoke about World War 2 a lot more than usual in this interview.

  • Creme stated that Adolf Hitler was driven by the forces of evil; going as far as to admitting that Hitler was driven by Antichrist energy. As I’ve said before, I believe Creme is telling the truth about Hitler being driven by Antichrist energy.
  • However, Creme claimed that the Spiritual Hierarchy (the Ascended Masters) was heavily involved in helping the Allies to defeat the “forces of evil” or the Axis. Creme even gave credit to Sanat Kumara (Satan) for providing the Allies with the technological knowhow to create the atomic bomb. This is a complete lie because the Spiritual Hierarchy was actually backing the Axis powers.

The Bible alludes to Hitler as a satanically-inspired king (the 7th king) in Revelation 17:10 (read my articles: Prophecy of Adolf Hitler and The Evil of Adolf Hitler for more about this). Therefore, Satan did everything in his power to help the Nazis/Axis. For instance, I remember watching a UFO television show several months ago where an investigator mentioned that the Nazis often contacted spirits in hopes they would grant them technological secrets. I suspect the Nazis received help from these spirits because the Nazis had technological innovations that in some cases would have taken the Allies decades to develop on their own. One technological innovation I heard mentioned on a History Channel documentary about Nazi secret weapons was a machine that resembled a flying saucer. I can’t think of any other explanation of how Nazis got a hold of such advanced technology besides thinking that a non-human source supplied it to them.

Creme claimed that Sanat Kumara (Satan) has his headquarters (Shambala) in the Gobi Desert. Creme added that Sanat Kumara’s headquarters is not on the ground, but far up in the atmosphere in a different dimension. You may question whether Creme is telling the truth, but there is a video of the Dalai Lama spending his birthday worshipping at a temple built in the middle of the Gobi Desert where people believe where Shambala is located. Here is the video:


Creme claimed that the Roswell incident was a case of Martians deciding to sacrifice themselves and their spaceships so that people would become far more aware of aliens’ existence. I do not know a lot about Roswell, so I can’t comment whether Creme was lying or saying something that is somewhat truthful.

Creme has another live interview scheduled this Sunday on a South African radio station at 3:30PM EST or 10:30PM local time if I’m not mistaken. The interview can be heard at this link:


More to Come perhaps on this interview…

What We Can Glean from the State of the Union

I just watched the State of the Union speech and felt moved enough by what I saw to write about what I feel we can glean from the speech (full disclosure: I am an Independent Conservative so I naturally am going to be a tad biased in my assessment of what we can glean from the speech). However, I am not a Republican apologist because I am highly skeptical about their ability to do the right thing for this country based on their poor job of managing the country when they were in power.

First, the typical State of the Union speech has little political impact in the long-term because the ordinary American forgets what the President said after just a few days following the speech. Second, most of the items Presidents promise in these speeches rarely are ever delivered because they have to deal with Congress and there is only so much time to get things done.

Overall, I found Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech highly-partisan and full of questionable statements. The Republicans did an amazing job of restraining themselves when Obama made several objectionable statements. I know if I were there I might have been like Joe Wilson, who shouted something aloud after a questionable statement Obama made. I noticed how Obama blamed the previous Administration for the country's problems and mis-characterized what Republicans believe in.

Looking past substance, Obama could arguably be classified as a “demagogue” now. Obama tried to vilify Wall Street and health insurance companies in his speech tonight. He tried to appeal to Americans by saying he felt their pain and that he has gotten their message. You have to wonder if Obama is going to pit segments of American society against each other or take draconian actions for a short-term boost in popularity as American living standards decline rapidly in the coming years.

Obama also appears to want to continue to ram his policies through before the 2010 election. Obama pleaded with the Democrats to take advantage of their large majority in the Senate and in the House of Representatives and told the Republicans that they can’t say “no” to everything. Therefore, we should continue to expect more strong-arming by Obama and backroom deals when Obama needs the extra one or two votes to get his policies passed.

Finally, Obama is on the offensive. Even though Obama lost his super-majority last week he appears to feel that he can exploit the anger nationwide by channeling the anger towards his causes. This is probably why Obama tried again to pit the middle class against health care insurance companies and the big banks during his speech. This is also probably why Obama called on the Democrats to not retreat and put public pressure on the Republicans during his speech to offer their own solutions to issues of his choosing. Obama likely knows Americans want change based on the Republicans’ victory in Massachusetts last week. However, Obama probably feels that if he can use his charisma and go on the offensive he can dictate what kind of change will be made.

We're soon going to find out with the healthcare legislation if Obama's offense can overcome the Republican's newly-gained ability to filibuster legislation in the Senate.

There's An App for the White House

Listen up political junkies. Now you can check every press release and every blog post that comes out of the White House. The Obama White House is so totally wired that last week it rolled out a new app which can be downloaded for free from the iTunes App Store Now your iphone or itouch can be an instrument of political activism.

No matter where you are you can check in and check out what's going on. Streaming video means you can be part of White House video conferences, check out the daily press briefings, and listen to Obama speeches whether you are in the office on the train or relaxing on the beach. No need to miss next week's State of the Union and no excuse to either.

Check out Robert Gibbs demo here

1/24 Creme Live Interview Notes (Creme is Challenged by Christian)

Another live Benjamin Creme interview took place today. The show was supposed to be about 2012, but nothing about 2012 was mentioned during the interview. Here is an overview of some of the things that were discussed in this interview.

The interview began the usual way with Creme giving the background about the Ascended Masters and Maitreya.

Creme claimed that the Ascended Masters were somehow responsible for giving the religious teachings to the world. For instance, Creme spoke about how “Buddha” (a spiritual being according to Creme) utilized a human messenger to present the teachings that eventually formed Buddhism. I’m not sure how Buddhists would react to hearing that, but I would not be surprised if the Ascended Masters were indeed behind the creation of Buddhism. This is a topic worth investigating…

Creme went on to flat out deny that Jesus is the Son of God and claimed that it was Maitreya that used Jesus of Nazareth’s body to bring Christian teachings to the world. Any Christians listening to the interview would immediately see Creme for who he is-a spokesman of a deceiving spirit. Unfortunately, everyone commenting in the chat room on the webpage where the broadcast could be heard from thought nothing of it. Creme even had the audacity to claim that Jesus came back a few years after his crucifixion to live in India.

Around 50 minutes into the interview a brave Christian managed to get on the air and told Creme that he believed that Maitreya was the Antichrist. As you can imagine, Creme was taken aback by the comment and tried to comeback at the Christian with lies. Creme told the Christian that he doesn’t know what he is talking about when it comes to Maitreya because he has never seen him, felt him, or experienced him. Creme went on to state that fundamentalist Christians do NOT understand their own scripture, which was a completely ridiculous statement since Creme warps the meaning of every Bible passage he quotes from. Creme even had the audacity to compare Christian’s criticism of Maitreya to the Jews’ criticism of Jesus 2000 years ago.

Meanwhile, in the chat room the listeners were lamenting about how “hateful” the Christian was and mentioning how love and acceptance is needed. At this moment, I had a mini-epiphany about New Age followers. These people are so indoctrinated in this stuff that they are on a completely different mental wavelength than a fundamentalist Christian. They are so open-minded that they become completely incapable of discernment. New Agers’ desire to be accepting of all points-of-view and to love all points-of-view impairs their ability to differentiate between right and wrong; good and evil. Therefore, it was no surprise that a New Ager then called up the show and said that the Book of John supported Creme’s assertion that Maitreya is the one that all religions are waiting for.

Creme claimed that Maitreya and "Jesus" (fallen angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel) were inseparable “brothers” always working together. Creme mentioned he was confident that most Christians would accept Maitreya as their savior.

Creme was asked about the television interview that he claimed Maitreya gave. Creme ducked the question and rambled on about the need for peace, justice, sharing, and trust. The New Agers in the chat room noticed that Creme was ducking the question and they were unhappy about it. However, the unhappiness did not turn into skepticism for Creme because the New Agers still ate up everything Creme said afterwards as the truth.

Overall, the interview was hard to listen to because of all the blasphemies that Creme spoke of and because of the undiscerning chat room participants that believed every single word that Creme had to say. Creme has another live interview scheduled this Thursday at 1PM/EST on Blogtalk Radio. It was revealed today that Creme has an assistant that contacts all these radio shows and asks if they would be interested to interview Creme. This explains why he is appearing so frequently now. More to come…

Review of Jan/Feb 2010 Share International Magazine

The January/February combined issue of Share International Magazine came out today. Each month I try to provide a review of the newest magazine because few Christians have any idea what is actually said in this magazine or is even aware such a magazine exists.

The magazine mentioned very little about Maitreya’s supposed appearance on television earlier this month. The magazine began with the same public statement that was posted on Share International’s website last week. In contrast, there is far more about the star sign in this magazine.

Benjamin Creme’s Ascended Master (Fallen Angel) contributes an article each month to the magazine. In this issue the Ascended Master had an article about the Day of Declaration, which is the day that Maitreya reveals his identity to the world and probably is the same date referred in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Creme’s Master denies that Maitreya will portray himself as a savior on that date, but what else would you expect? A lot of red flags would be raised if Creme’s master said that Maitreya will declare himself as the savior of the world.

I remember an early December live interview with Benjamin Creme where he spoke glowingly of this newspaper editorial that appeared in 56 newspapers around the world. At the time Creme insinuated that Maitreya may have something to do with the editorial. In a question and answer section of this month’s magazine Creme confirmed that Maitreya inspired the newspaper editorial and hinted we would see more in the future.

Again, Creme says the appearance of the Ascended Masters is NOT planned in 2012.

Each month the magazine has a section on signs and wonders. This month a story about a “magical” event at a Philadelphia diner back in December was featured. The story can be read at the following link:


Creme claims that the mysterious couple that triggered the “magical” event at the diner was Maitreya and his fallen angel counterpart Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

Each month a section of the magazine is devoted to some of Maitreya’s teachings. This month’s teaching mentions the qualities of the human heart. The message was basically listen to your heart because it’s pure and good and don’t listen to your mind because it will lead you astray. This teaching is wrong on so many levels… What people should do is to NOT listen to their hearts because it is not only wicked (Jeremiah 17:9) but it also opens them up to becoming followers of Maitreya.

Also embedded in this month’s teaching is the claim that no man is born into sin. Again, this teaching is wrong on so many levels because the Bible says that people are born into sin.

Finally, there is a large section of the magazine devoted to UFOs. Creme portrays aliens and UFOs as peaceful entities that would never harm us. Creme went as far as to claim that aliens helped defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis by advising President Kennedy and doing some strange things with the energy of Earth. Unfortunately, there is a large audience that will believe everything that Creme says is true.

The next edition of the magazine comes out sometime in March.

What I'm Doing at the Moment

I had several current event topics that were on my mind today, but unfortunately I do not have enough time to focus on one topic in particular. Instead, I’ll touch on a few things that are on my mind.

Right now I am working on completely rebuilding my website (www.prophecyproof.org) to make it much more user friendly and to add some new features that I hope will get people to keep coming back. The big, new feature I plan to add to the website is a news headline and news analysis section where I will select news articles that I feel are important to understanding the present and/or future and provide commentary about why I feel the selected articles are important. With this new feature you will get the news that matters and understand why it matters. The newly designed website may be ready within the next week.

One item I would have posted if the news headline and new analysis section was working is this 40 minute podcast entitled the “Countdown to Financial Armageddon”.


If you have an 40 minutes of free time I highly suggest you listen to it. The conversation is very fascinating and includes commentary by one of the smartest financial and economic market commentators in the world, David McAlvany. You will hear a lot of information about the current state of the economy that you will NOT hear in the mainstream press.

There is nothing really new to report on the Maitreya front. The website where I obtained a guest list for virtually every American talk show between January 11 and January 15 still remains missing. If this website doesn’t reappear soon there is reason to wonder what’s going on…

Benjamin Creme will have a live interview this Sunday at 1PM EST. The topic of the show will be about the 2012 phenomenon. Creme has already called the 2012 phenomenon a “red herring” and said nothing will happen in a previous interview, but it will be interesting to see if he will have more to say about this supposed television appearance by Maitreya. I think the interview will be available on this webpage.

I’m not sure I can write something new every day, but I’ll try my best.

Two New Clues to Aide the Hunt for the Antichrist Spirit

I re-listened to a part of an interview Benjamin Creme gave on January 9 last night. During the interview Creme instructed the interviewers to watch the television closely. This means that Maitreya’s appearance on television had not yet taken place at the time of the Creme’s interview on January 9. Since Creme made the announcement in England on January 14, it is most likely that Maitreya’s supposed appearance on American television took place between January 9 and January 13.

Last night I located a comprehensive television schedule that had the guest list of virtually every American television talk show from the week of January 11 to the 15. This is the website where I found the television schedule.


Somehow this website has disappeared at this moment. All I see is “GoDaddy” promotional page when yesterday it was a fully-functional website. Odd…

After scanning the listings several times last night I find that Creme was really exaggerating about the size of the television audience of the television program that Matireya supposedly have appeared on. I do not see any indication from the television listings that Maitreya appeared on a television program that has at least 10 million viewers.

I also noticed that most guests that appear on a television program have something to promote. Therefore, I find it highly doubtful that Maitreya would show up on a television program in a disguised form without something to promote-whether it is a book, a cause-something that is newsworthy. Creme gave the impression that Maitreya would show up on the television out of the blue when the time was right. So, if Maitreya did appear on television there was a reason he was allowed to be on.

With that said, I’m not ready yet to announce that I have found the interview or that an interview never took place. I have a suspicion, but I need to find more evidence... More to come...

The Meaning of Massachusetts

This morning, I was going to write about the hand wringing and speculation going on in punditville about the Republican victory in Massachusetts.

I was looking at what other Obama- friendly bloggers had to say on the subject and came across a blog that said just what I was thinking. Here's the link.

Go read what the Dispassionate Liberal has to say. He says it so well

A Clue in the Hunt for the Antichrist Spirit?

Share International added a Youtube video yesterday about Antichrist Spirit Maitreya taking a step forward into the world of television. The Youtube video actually shows footage of Creme making the initial announcement to a group of people on January 14 in London. Here is a link to the Youtube video.


Creme dropped some hints about what type of show Maitreya was on in the video. Creme proclaimed that the “well-known” television program Maitreya appeared on was broadcasted on a major network and was probably watched by “many millions”-“probably… 10, 12, 13, 14 million people”. Furthermore, Creme said there would be people on the Internet that watched the interview.

I don’t know if Creme is aware of the ratings that network news programs and cable news programs get, but no news program anywhere gets ratings like that these days. FOX News, which is the cable news ratings leader, gets 3 million viewers, on average, during its highest rated shows each night. Major network news programs like NBC Nightly News and ABC’s World News Tonight get around 9 to 10 million viewers a night.

My suspicion is that Maitreya did not appear on a news program, but on a major network talk show of some kind before January 14.

On an aside, I encountered a media press release from Share International on Fox Business News’s website about Maitreya’s television appearance. I don’t think much of it because all sorts of organizations use public relations firms to get their press releases on major news websites. In fact, you can see on the press release that Share International used a firm called Comtex to get this news out. Here is a link to the press release.


I mention this finding because I do not think people should freak out by thinking that Fox Business News is pushing Maitreya’s agenda. This is not the case-at least to me…

I’ll be checking out the websites of all sorts of major network talks shows. More to come…

Maitreya’s Open Mission = The End of Time?

It’s been four days since Benjamin Creme announced that Maitreya gave his first interview on American television. So far no one has been able to find what show this interview took place, but that hasn’t stopped me from continuing to search for it.

I imagine that the few Christians that know about Maitreya and this announcement are pretty anxious now that Maitreya’s open mission has begun. I say…Relax! The end of the world isn’t coming yet. We still have a long way to go before the end times begin.

My research indicates that we are most likely 11 years and several months away from the start of the end times-the 70th Week of Daniel. I wrote about why I feel that way in a report called “When Will the End Times Begin?” which can be accessed at the following link.


In case you do not have time to read the executive summary or the full report I’ll give you an overview of why I feel the end times will not begin for at least several more years here.

First, there is the timing of a special year on the Hebrew Calendar called a Jubilee Year. Before I focus on the Jubilee Year you must first be aware of another special year on the Hebrew Calendar called a Sabbath Year.

God instructed the Jews to give their land a full year of rest (basically do not farm it) every 7 years. This year of rest is known as the Sabbath Year.

  • Lev 25:4 But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.
  • Lev 25:5 That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land.
  • Lev 25:6 And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee,
  • Lev 25:7 And for thy cattle, and for the beast that are in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat.

A Jubilee Year is a special Sabbath observed once every 50 years after the completion of the 7th Sabbath Year. A Jubilee Year begins on Yom Kippur (Tishri 10 on the Jewish calendar) with the sounding of a ram’s horn.

  • Lev 25:8 And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.
  • Lev 25:9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

At the beginning of a Jubilee Year people are obligated to return items to their original owners, including land, (Lev 25:10, 13, 23-28) and grant freedom to their servants/slaves (Lev 25:39-54). Since a Jubilee Year is another Sabbath Year it is another year of rest for the land (Lev 25:12).

The reason the Jubilee Year is so important that there are multiple passages in Isaiah that indicate that the 70th week of Daniel (the seven year end time period) will end at the beginning of a Jubilee Year (Isaiah 61-3 and Isaiah 58). Therefore, to find when the end times will begin a person must find first when the seven year period will end (find the Jubilee Year).

First, I tried to identify the date of a past jubilee year mentioned by the Bible. A scholar working for the Vatican and I believe that Luke 4 where Jesus reads Isaiah 61 in the Temple is an announcement of a Jubilee Year. Luke 4 apparently took place in the Year 28 AD, so the next step was to see if I could use some simple math to calculate the dates of other past Jubilee years and Sabbath years to make sure it is even possible to calculate future jubilee years (since if a person cannot calculate past Jubilee Years and Sabbath years why bother calculating future ones…). My calculated dates matched up with historians’ dates for the following events.

  • Jesus’s reading of Isaiah 61 in the Temple, (Luke 4:16-21, Jubilee Year)
  • Nehemiah’s reading at the Feast of Tabernacles (Nehemiah 8:14-8, Sabbath Year).
  • The destruction of Solomon’s Temple (Jeremiah 34:12-17, Sabbath Year)
  • Ezra’s reading at the Feast of Tabernacles (Ezra 7:6-10, Sabbath Year)
  • Josiah’s reading of the Book of the Law (2 Kings 22:3-11, Jubilee Year)
  • Ezekiel’s vision at “the beginning of the year” (Ezekiel 40:1, Jubilee Year)
  • Alexander the Great exempting tax payments in Israel (Sabbath Year).
  • St. Jerome’s identification of a Jubilee Year in the 2nd year of Probus

Once I knew that I could find past Sabbath years and Jubilee years I tried to calculate future Jubilee Years. I found that the next Jubilee year should take place in Fall 2028. Then I subtracted seven years from Fall 2028 and got an end times start date of Fall 2021.

Daniel 9:27 and other verses indicate that Antichrist will reveal his identity 3.5 years from the seven year end times period. The timing of this date would be in Spring 2025 based on a Fall 2028 Jubilee Year date. About a year after I estimated that Antichrist would reveal his true identity in 2025 I found an Alice Bailey book where she quoted Fallen Angel Djwhal Khul saying that we are likely going to see the physical appearance of Satan’s spiritual hierarchy, which includes Maitreya, beginning in the year 2025.

Another reason why the end times is still at least several years away is that Alice Bailey (through Fallen Angel Djwhal Khul) wrote that a New World Order would not arise until the world first goes through a destructive crisis period that leaves humanity badly shattered. This destructive crisis period has not yet occurred, but that will soon occur-most likely within the next few years.

Nevertheless, this recent news is still a big deal. I view the beginning of Maitreya’s open mission as a signal that the restraints on Maitreya and his fallen angel counterparts are slowly being lessened. I also would not be surprised if a series of major world events begin soon. The last event that I thought was a big deal like this recent news about the beginning of Maitreya’s open mission was the Russian-Georgian War in 2008. Less than a month after the Russian-Georgian ended the world economy and U.S. stock market began a multi-month meltdown.

Benjamin Creme has added another interview to his busy schedule. Creme will be on another program on Blogtalk Radio this Sunday, and the topic of the program will be 2012. For an 87 year old man Creme has a lot of energy. More to come…

Pat Robertson Voodoo Doll on Ebay

I came across a footnote to yesterday's Pat Robertson post that's too good not to share. A Pat Robertson voodoo doll is being auctioned off on Ebay right now, with 100% of the proceeds going to Haiti earthquake relief. Here's a quote from the listing to whet your appetite

"Ever wanted to cause Pat Robertson a massive headache? give him back pain? jab him in the crotch? Of course you have! Well then BID NOW to own your very own pysical representation of the dark, dark soul of Pat Robertson."

Talk about doing well by doing good-- not to mention the irony of being able to stick pins in Pat Robertson while helping survivors of the disaster. I love it! Get on over to Ebay and check it out. Here's the link.

Check out Paliban Daily where I found this story too. It's a fascinating website that tracks the doings of the Christian Right.

Creme Addresses Maitreya's Mission Beginning Comment

On January 14 Benjamin Creme added a special message on the front page of his website, Share International, announcing that Maitreya has recently given his long awaited interview on American television. Creme has said that Maitreya would “soon” give an interview on American television for almost the past 30 years so his announcement that the interview has taken place is a big deal.

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you want to look at it), I was able to listen to a 2 hour live interview that Creme granted a Midwest Internet radio station this morning. This would be the first live interview that Creme has granted since posting the big announcement on his website. Like usual, I took notes and tried my best to write down anything important or unusual that he said.

Creme began the interview by describing how he got to become the official spokesmen of Antichrist Spirit Maitreya. Creme described his first encounter with Maitreya, and listening to Creme’s experience with Maitreya just reconfirms that Maitreya is an evil spirit.

Creme spoke about how he cried as he began to feel Maitreya’s presence. He was overwhelmed by Maitreya’s (evil) energy… Creme described that Maitreya’s energy made him fall in love with everything in the world. He said that he felt no separation with himself and everything else in the world, including the trees, the sky, etc. Apparently, Creme has not heard of the passage in the Bible where it says “do not love the world”:

  • 1Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
  • 1Jn 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
  • 1Jn 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Fittingly, the next verse in 1 John Ch 2 says the Antichrist is coming…

  • 1Jn 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
  • 1Jn 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Creme’s description of the feelings he felt when he was around Maitreya clearly demonstrate that Maitreya is not from God. Maitreya made Creme love the world, which is not something Christians should be doing.

Creme also mentioned that he saw a very bright light around Maitreya. Creme claims that when he looked into the light he could see all the major historical events of the past take place and when he looked to the left he could see future events take place. Creme insinuated that the Ascended Masters are able to see future events and have no concept of time. I wonder if Maitreya was trying to mimic Jesus's appearance to John of Patmos...

After talking about his experiences, Creme rehashed things he’s said in previous interviews, including lying about how Maitreya influenced Jesus 2000 years ago and retelling the lie told in the Garden of Eden about how man is divine.

Creme later discussed politics. He claimed that Christians are all far right-wingers. He claimed in disgust that fundamentalist Christians see things in black and white and consider those who are not like them as being evil. Creme went on to claim that the Bush Administration was a fascist regime and that America is still a fascist country today.

  • Just so you know where Creme is coming from politically/economically… He sees America as being 95% Capitalist and 5% Socialist. According to Creme’s website, the upcoming New World Order economy will be 30% Capitalist and 70% Socialist. As a point of reference, Scandinavia is 40% Capitalist and 60% Socialist.[1] Therefore, Creme is more left-wing than the Socialists that live in Scandinavia on economic issues.

Creme spoke about how some of the most important people in history were high-level initiates. Creme claimed that Leonardo da Vinci was nearly at the same level of initiation as the Ascended Masters themselves. Creme went on to make a ridiculous claim that the Spiritual Hierarchy/Ascended Masters have NEVER been responsible for a single war.[2]

  • This claim is a complete lie and almost an insult to my intelligence. Adolf Hitler was directly under the influence of the Ascended Masters to the point where I can easily argue that he was flat out possessed. Even Creme has gone as to far as to say that Hitler possessed Antichrist energy, which I do believe because I view Hitler as the 7th King mentioned in Revelation 17:10. You can read in detail about how Hitler was influenced by the Ascended Masters in my report the “Evil of Adolf Hitler” at this link: http://www.prophecyproof.org/evilhitler

Earlier this week Pat Robertson claimed that the Haitian people brought the earthquake upon themselves for making a pact with the devil. Robertson deservingly got a lot of criticism for comments he should have never uttered. I mention Pat Robertson because Benjamin Creme said something very similar to what Robertson said, and unlike Robertson, received no criticism for his comments.

Creme claimed that the recent earthquake in Haiti was not from natural causes like the movement of tectonic plates. Creme stated that the earthquake was caused by a “karmic eruption”. Creme basically said that the friction between the Haitian people and the Haitian government’s corruption built up “negative karma” to the point where it exploded in form of an earthquake. In some ways Creme’s comments about the cause of the Haitian earthquake were even more ridiculous than Robertson’s comments because Creme also mentioned that America was partially responsible for the earthquake by adding to Haiti’s “negative karma” through its actions.

After blaming Americans and Haitians for the earthquake, Creme ended his comments on Haiti by saying that the Ascended Masters are on the ground assisting the people right now as they are supposedly always the first ones on the ground in any disaster. I do not know how the hosts just didn’t tear into Creme for everything he said about Haiti, especially since the hosts claimed they were Christian.

Creme was asked if he or Maitreya were a false prophet, but Creme was able to quickly brush off the question by stating that Maitreya only sees himself as a teacher. I was really disappointed in the hosts for their inability to challenge Creme on a lot of the stuff he said, particularly with what Creme said in response to the false prophet question.

80 minutes into the interview the hosts finally asked the question the online audience and I was waiting for. The hosts asked Creme what television show Maitreya appeared on and when the interview took place. Creme stated that he is not allowed to reveal the television show or what day the interview took place. Creme’s explanation for why he is not allowed to reveal this information made little sense to me so I won’t even try to explain it. However, Creme said that if Maitreya does not want you to find him you will not find him.

The hosts were not satisfied with Creme’s answer so they brought up how Jesus would openly let people see Him in public. The hosts were trying to make the point that “if Jesus was seen in the open why can you not tell us where and when Maitreya was on?” Creme responded by saying that Jesus had no believers who thought of Him as the Christ. At this point, the hosts should have just torn into Creme for making that comment, but they let him weasel his way out of having to answer the question with that comment and a few subsequent comments.

At this point of the interview Creme was asked a series of short questions. Here are the highlights of what Creme said.

If you want to know where Creme stands on the healthcare reform debate, he is in favor of Obama’s attempts to “reform” the healthcare system. Creme criticized the Republicans for trying to stop healthcare “reform”.

Creme said that the economic system of the past 2000 years is finished. He said that we may periodically see an upswing, but the system is just about done.

The hosts asked Creme about the religions of the world. Creme was very diplomatic here by saying that he views all the major religions as the same, but they didn’t take things far enough. Creme is often most critical of Christianity and Judaism, but here he lumped these two religions in with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. However, Creme claimed that Mohammed was a disciple of Jesus and even said that Jesus gave Mohammed the Koran. I doubt we will see Creme give a speech at a fundamentalist Christian church anytime soon after making statements like that.

Finally, Creme mentioned that Maitreya will make more appearances on American television soon. After a certain number of appearances Maitreya will then appear on Japanese television and then European television. I guess the only way at this point to figure out if the person talking on television is Maitreya is to listen to his message. If a man talks about how we are all one and that we should share our resources you might be listening to Maitreya speak. Creme has another live interview scheduled on January 28 and another one in early February. More to come…


[2] You can read about which historical figures were supposedly initiates at the following link: http://www.share-international.org/ARCHIVES/religion/rl_bspathfinders.htm

Russia Poising to Exploit the Cold

A Daily Mail story about the potential for an upcoming 20 to 30 year period of global cooling caught many people’s attention earlier this week. The article mentioned that some preeminent scientists believe that global temperatures are affected by a natural cycle in global ocean temperatures-potentially influencing up to 50% of the change in global temperatures in the past several decades. Scientists who hold this belief are predicting that global temperatures will be cooling over the next 20 to 30 years based on way this natural cycle is going.

I would not be surprised if global temperatures are partially impacted by a natural cycle in global ocean temperatures. However, I think the change in amount of solar energy that sun emits has a bigger impact than a natural cycle in global ocean temperatures.

A related news story two days ago focused on how Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is talking about the need to prepare for global cooling. Putin said “In addition to the global-warming challenges, we need to address 'global cooling' effects and to do so promptly”. While the context of the Putin’s statement was a speech about how Russia needed to upgrade its energy infrastructure, Putin’s statement reveals what he is thinking and allows us to potentially anticipate what European-Russian relations will be like future.

Putin’s statement reveals that he believes that Russia must position itself to take advantage of global cooling. Putin is a man who would not mention global cooling unless he was taking the situation seriously. Putin is also a man who sees his natural resources as not only an economic tool but a national security/geopolitical chip (in fact, Putin’s PHD thesis was about how Russia should exploit its natural resources). Accuweather Meteorologist Joe Bastardi, my favorite meteorologist, believes Putin thinks global cooling is coming and is readying to exploit the situation. You can read Bastardi’s comments at the following link:


I fully agree with what Bastardi had to say. Europe is very vulnerable to Russia if global cooling continues in this decade. A large percentage of Europe’s energy supplies run through pipelines that go through Russia. This gives Russia the ability to cutoff a large percentage of Europe’s energy supplies whenever they feel like it. If global cooling continues Europe’s winters will become increasingly brutal and Europeans will become even more dependent on Russia to supply them with energy so they can keep warm and stay alive. Russia would then be in a position to extract huge economic and political gains from European governments lest these governments allow their citizens to freeze in the bitter cold.

I just do not see how Europe is going to be a superpower in the end times due to their energy dependence on Russia. Russia’s control of a large portion of Europe’s energy supplies will put Europe at a huge disadvantage. Russia is going to be a force to be reckoned no matter what happens, but even more domineering in a cooling world.

Pat Robertson Does It Again

Good old Pat Robertson is once again suffering from Christian foot in mouth disease. The guy who in the 1980's declared that AIDS was a punishment from God for homosexuality, and more recently observed that Hurricaine Katrina was God's vengence on a decadent American society which tolorated divorce, adultery and homosexuality has done it again.

In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the 80 year old Robertson commented on his Christian Broadcasting Network, that the quake was the result of a" pact with the devil" made by the Haitian people two hundred years ago in order to throw off the yoke of colonialism.

Not only does he have his facts and his history a bit skewed, he is once again presuming to know the will of the Almighty. It is true that a slave rebellion which began in 1793 ended in 1804 with the establishment of Haiti as the first republic in the world ruled by former slaves of African descent. As for the " pact with the devil", I suspect this is a rather fanciful reference to a voodoo ceremony said to have been performed at the start of the revolt asking God( not the devil) to assist in driving out the French.

It absolutely stuns me that Pat Robertson, who claims to be a Christian, can possibly cheapen the impact of this natural disaster by saying, as he did, that the earthquake just might be " a blessing in disguise." He seems to see it as a kind of divine slum clearance plan.

Can you believe that Pat Robertson once wanted to be President of the United States? What a relief that God had the good sense to keep him out of the White House.

Benjamin Creme on Messianic Jews

Benjamin Creme mentioned in his interview with the Fairness Doctrine radio show last week and in his Saturday interview with Blog Talk Radio that he wants the Jews to accept Jesus as their Messiah. If I recall correctly, Creme even went as far as to praise the work of a messianic Jewish ministry called Jews for Jesus. Hearing this surprised me at first because the last thing you would think that Satan wants is for Jews to believe in Jesus Christ. However, Creme’s explanation makes it somewhat clear why he wants the Jews to accept Jesus as their Messiah.

Creme said that Jews will never be able to accept (the Antichrist Spirit) Maitreya unless they first accept Jesus as their Messiah. Creme described a future scenario where people will ask fallen angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel, who I believe will be the False Prophet, if he was/is the Christ. According to Creme, Sananda will say something along the lines of “I came 2,000 years ago and Maitreya worked through me and now he has returned to work for us all”.

After hearing Creme, it dawned on me that Satan’s plan is so treacherous that he might actually be exploiting Christian’s efforts to get Jews to become believers in Jesus Christ. Don’t get me wrong, I fully encourage Christians to try to get Jews to believe in Jesus Christ. I just suggest Christians warn Jews about Jesus Sananda Immanuel after they manage to get them to believe in Jesus Christ. Just because a Jew becomes a Messianic Jew doesn’t mean they are out of the woods yet. They are just as vulnerable as Christians to fall prey to Satan’s coming lying signs and wonders.

Finally, I wrote last week that Creme repeatedly retold the same lie that Satan told in the Garden of Eden when he said that we are divine. I want to mention that Alice Bailey (through fallen angel Djwhal Khul) wrote that one of the main tenants of New Age Religion will be the teaching that man is divine. You can read a complete description of the lies/tenants of the New Age Religion at the following link:

SNL Does Yemen

Not since Sarah Palin ran for veep has SNL had such great political pudding to chew on. In the wake of the underpants bomber ( in himself great fodder for political satire) the mighty United States has a new ally in it's never ending war on terror-- Yemen'

What a juicy target. Many a truth is said in jest. Saturday Night Live does it again!

Have fun watching the video.