What I'm Doing at the Moment

I had several current event topics that were on my mind today, but unfortunately I do not have enough time to focus on one topic in particular. Instead, I’ll touch on a few things that are on my mind.

Right now I am working on completely rebuilding my website (www.prophecyproof.org) to make it much more user friendly and to add some new features that I hope will get people to keep coming back. The big, new feature I plan to add to the website is a news headline and news analysis section where I will select news articles that I feel are important to understanding the present and/or future and provide commentary about why I feel the selected articles are important. With this new feature you will get the news that matters and understand why it matters. The newly designed website may be ready within the next week.

One item I would have posted if the news headline and new analysis section was working is this 40 minute podcast entitled the “Countdown to Financial Armageddon”.


If you have an 40 minutes of free time I highly suggest you listen to it. The conversation is very fascinating and includes commentary by one of the smartest financial and economic market commentators in the world, David McAlvany. You will hear a lot of information about the current state of the economy that you will NOT hear in the mainstream press.

There is nothing really new to report on the Maitreya front. The website where I obtained a guest list for virtually every American talk show between January 11 and January 15 still remains missing. If this website doesn’t reappear soon there is reason to wonder what’s going on…

Benjamin Creme will have a live interview this Sunday at 1PM EST. The topic of the show will be about the 2012 phenomenon. Creme has already called the 2012 phenomenon a “red herring” and said nothing will happen in a previous interview, but it will be interesting to see if he will have more to say about this supposed television appearance by Maitreya. I think the interview will be available on this webpage.

I’m not sure I can write something new every day, but I’ll try my best.