Resisting Maitreya’s Evil Energy

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of the Antichrist Spirit Maitreya, mentioned something during a radio interview with a psychic yesterday that I found very noteworthy. Around the 27 minutes into the interview Creme lashed out against those who label him and/or Maitreya as the “Antichrist”. Creme said the following (parenthesis added by me):

“…They (people opposed to Maitreya) are blocked to his (Maitreya’s) response. People who think that Maitreya or myself are/is the Antichrist are people who cannot respond to the energy of love which is now flowing in the world more strongly than ever before… and when he says ‘I can say to you that we are all god/we are all divine’… it goes straight into the heart-he speaks from heart to heart and every thought that he utters goes directly into our hearts-and then you know…that what he is saying is true-it couldn’t be otherwise-you just know deeply-a deep, deep understanding that this is the truth…even if they do not know that he is Maitreya they will respond…”.[1]

Creme also mentioned during this portion of the interview that the energy of “love” comes directly from Maitreya and from an even higher power. The energy of “love” that Creme refers to is known to New Agers as “Christ Consciousness”.[2]

The term “Christ Consciousness” is quite misleading because it is an evil energy and has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Recall that Creme said that the energy comes directly from Maitreya (the Antichrist Spirit) and from a higher power. The higher power that Creme referred to is Sanat Kumara, who is also known in New Age circles as Lucifer. We know Lucifer as Satan.

The quoted passage above describes some of what this evil energy can do to a person. When a person first receives Maitreya/Satan’s evil energy it is like a ticking time bomb has been implanted in them. This “bomb” is detonated when Maitreya reveals his true identity and speaks to the world. The people that received this evil energy automatically become blind followers of Maitreya. In addition, Creme wrote that people who receive this energy are also able to do Maitreya’s bidding when called upon.[3]

Although this process probably reminds you of mind control, it should actually be viewed as “heart control”. Creme said that Maitreya is able to speak to a person through their heart. Indeed, all the New Age sources I’ve read state that the heart is the key to everything. Once you open up your heart you become a recipient of Maitreya’s and Satan’s evil energy.

Unsurprisingly, the Bible confirms that the heart is probably the last thing you should listen to:

  • Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

It is obviously in a Christian’s best interest to not become susceptible to receiving Maitreya and Satan’s evil energy. The key question is how can a person resist receiving this evil energy?

Creme revealed in the quoted passage above that a person can block the flow of evil energy by having a negative disposition towards Maitreya. Believing that Maitreya is somehow related to the Antichrist impedes Maitreya and Satan’s evil energy from impacting a person.

Based on what I have read from Creme you can put up further resistance to the evil flow of energy by eating meat. I wrote about this in a previous blog post, which you can read here.

You can also resist the evil flow of energy by NOT listening to your heart. Unfortunately, the message to listen to our heart is everywhere. During the month of December, Kay Jewelers ran a nationwide commercial campaign to push a jewelry designed by actress Jane Seymour called “open-heart” jewelry. In these commercials Seymour said to always keep your heart open because “love would always find a way in”. Growing up I heard the message to listen to my heart in movies and on television. Fortunately, I did not think much of this message, and now that I am aware of the implications of listening to one’s heart I will do my best to not listen to it.

Finally, prayer is a very powerful thing, so praying that you will not succumb to this evil energy will also help.

I plan to have more to say about Creme in the coming days. Creme has another interview scheduled for Noon EST on Saturday. You can hear the interview at the following link:

I wrote a lot more about Maitreya and Satan’s evil energy and how it relates to the 2012 Phenomenon in the appendix of my new book Prophecy Proof Insights of the Next World War, which can be accessed by clicking this link.


[1] Solana. Thought Provoking Conversations with Benjamin Creme. Solana Psychic Energy Medium. 7 Jan. 2010.

[2] Creme, Benjamin. “Maitreya’s Mission-FAQ”. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.

[3] Creme, Benjamin. “Breaking the Biggest Story in History”. 19. Jun. 2006. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.