Prophecy of the Popes Insights

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

One of the most famous series of predictions in history was given by St. Malachy in the 12th Century. While in Rome, St. Malachy went into a trance and allegedly named off details about every Pope from his time to the end of time.

Pope John Paul II is identified by Malachy as the “labor/work of the sun”. Proponents of the prophecy’s accuracy say that Malachy’s description of John Paul II was accurate because he was born during a solar eclipse and/or was perhaps the hardest working Pope in history. The current Pope is identified as the “glory of olives”. It is not yet clear how Pope Benedict XVI fulfills this description, but people have already come up with explanations of how Pope Benedict XVI fulfills Malachy’s description. Malachy identified the final Pope in his vision as “Peter the Roman”. Here is a translation of Malachy’s description of the final Pope:

"During the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, the seat will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed his sheep in many tribulations: and when these things are finished, the seven-hilled city will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End."

For several years I found Malachy’s series of predictions quite interesting because his predictions seem to have come true to some extent. However, I had some difficulty understanding why someone would be given such information to written down for all history to see. I was unsure what motive a higher power would have to give this type of information out.

After I learned about the dangers of the New Age Movement and some of the predictions those associated with the New Age Movement have made I now have a strong opinion about Malachy’s predictions. My suspicion now is that the information that St. Malachy was given in his vision came from the forces of evil.

First, Malachy seems to have been a person who was prone to being contacted by the forces of evil whether he knew it or not. Reports say that Malachy periodically entered into trances and possessed the power to levitate in the air.[1] The reports that Malachy had the ability to levitate is a huge red flag about Malachy because levitation is a New Age practice that requires people take on a certain mindset that opens them up to being contacted by the forces of evil (a higher consciousness level). The reports about Malachy periodically entering into trances is also a bit concerning because the last piece of divine revelation was given to John of Patmos, who wrote the Book of Revelation. You have to wonder why Malachy would enter into trances so frequently when the information given to him is highly unlikely going to be divine revelation. People who often go into trances are psychics, but they get their information from an evil source.

I suspect the purpose behind the Prophecy of Popes is to condition devout Catholics to look forward to the arrival of “Peter the Roman” and to view him as a benevolent person. The forces of evil plan to have a fallen angel named Jesus Sananda Immanuel, the False Prophet of Revelation 13, control the Papacy during the End Times (you can read about this in-depth by clicking this link). However, Jesus Sananda Immanuel will not have the formal title of Pope because he will spend his time serving as the False Prophet. Instead, the forces of evil appear to have someone else slated to assume the title of Pope and leader of the Catholic Church. I suspect that the forces of evil are going to assign the title of Pope to a fallen angel who masquerades as the Apostle Peter. This fallen angel’s name is El Morya. Share International, the official website of the Antichrist Spirit Maitreya, has a couple of articles that mention that the El Morya will have a large role to play in the future.[2] [3]

Therefore, I suspect that Peter the Roman is a coming figure, but he is coming as a counterfeit Peter who will not be a benevolent leader, but an evil spiritual entity who will lead his followers to destruction. Meanwhile, I view the Prophecy of the Popes as another example of the forces of evil setting up something hundreds of years earlier to deceive people in the future.