Another Update About What I'm Doing

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a non-Creme live interview notes blog entry so I felt it was a good time to update people about what I’m doing.

I am currently focusing on ways to increase people’s exposure to my work. I feel that at this point it is far more important to make sure as many people as possible are informed about what is coming in the future than it is to come up with new research findings. As a result, I’ve been busy doing some things to drive up traffic to my reports in the past two weeks.

I have been updating my research reports so that people aren’t so judgmental when they read about the Ascended Masters, fallen angels, Maitreya, etc. I figure that a very small number of people have any idea who or what these New Age figures are and why they are important to reference so any extra attempts to clarify who these figures are and why they are important to reference could go a long way in getting people to accept what I write.

Another thing I’ve recently done is to begin writing some articles for a website called EzineArticles. I submitted my first article to EzineArticles yesterday and they quickly posted it on their website. You can read my articles on EzineArticles by clicking this link.

In the coming weeks I will be posting more articles on EzineArticles about various topics.

I still plan on posting blog entries on this website when I am compelled to…so check this blog often or subscribe to receive e-mail updates of when I post new blog entries.