Creme Promises Big Changes This Year: Live Interview Notes 2/9/10

Today Benjamin Creme granted a live interview with another Internet radio show. Creme spoke on a variety of topics including politics, economics, UFOs, Maitreya, and what is in store for 2010. Here are some of highlights of the interview.

Creme again talked about the “spiritual mission” of UFOs. He mentioned that UFOs change their frequency when they want to be seen and when they do not want to be seen.

Creme spoke of the U.S.’s debt problem. He mentioned that the U.S. has colossal amounts of debt and are dependent on China and Japan to continue functioning as a country. Creme lies a lot, but he is correct about this.

Creme talked about Maitreya’s plan to redistribute all the world’s resources in fair detail. The plan is to have an Ascended Master oversee a new U.N. department that monitors the distribution of global resources. Each country would be required to take an inventory of its resources and contribute any excess resources to a world resource pool. Countries that have need for a certain resource would then get that resource from the world resource pool. The interviewer commented that this plan is Communism, but Creme denied it.

Creme lashed out against countries that follow market forces and blamed market forces for the current situation. Creme claims that market forces are blind and that those who follow market forces are leading their countries into destruction.

  • I believe Creme is totally off-based here. The current situation is a result of governments making poor policy decisions like forcing banks to take bad loans in the earlier part of last decade and engaging in wasteful spending. I also believe the purpose of discrediting market forces is to implement regulations that will eventually give Antichrist more power to control the world’s economic system.

The same applies to global warming. Despite the global warming scandal, Creme continues to maintain the stance that there is man-made global warming. Creme mentioned that the Ascended Masters told him that 80% of the change in global temperatures is man-made.

  • The Ascended Masters want people to believe there is global warming because it gives governments an excuse to implement more regulations on the global economy. I doubt governments could justify implementing more regulations if they admitted that there is global cooling.

Creme often speaks about how there are 1.8 billion people who would be receptive to Maitreya’s teachings. However, this is the first time Creme actually proclaimed that Maitreya has 1.8 billion people that “he knows will respond to his teachings” right now if he were to reveal himself now. Creme also said that there are more than enough people already that can make Maitreya’s plan work. Creme actually referenced the idea that a little bit of leaven can leaven-ize the whole lump when describing how Maitreya can get an entire world full of followers. Creme claimed there would be a critical mass where non-followers would see what Maitreya followers are doing and would then seek to imitate them.

Creme demonstrated his extreme disdain for Israel when he blamed them for all the Middle East’s problems. He said Israel’s actions in the 1967 war were illegal; though he conveniently “forgets” that Israel was attacked first. He also claimed that every time the Palestinians have made a gesture of peace Israel would illegally invade some Palestinian territory. In addition, although Creme is against any country owning nuclear weapons, he believes that Iran is justified to pursue nuclear weapons because Israel possesses nuclear weapons. Satan hates Israel so it’s no surprise that Creme dislikes Israel too.

Creme claimed that North Korea and Iran are not threats to the U.S. and that these two countries do not want to do harm to the U.S. He claims that Americans are just overly paranoid about threats to their country. It should be pretty clear who’s side Creme is on by this point.

Finally, Creme stated that he heard from Maitreya that “this (year) 2010 is the year of the Tiger in the Chinese calendar…and in the year of the Tiger everything starts-everything big takes place-it’s a year in which big changes takes place and he says this will be so this year. He did not indicate what kind of changes would take place, but he said that everything probably will not going to be in place this year.

Iran is promising to punch the West in the mouth on Thursday. I wonder if Iran is going to unveil a new weapon that will trigger big changes in world politics and world economics.