Has the World Changed Much in the Past Week?

Overall, the state of the world has not changed much in the past week, but there are some new developments.

The ongoing crisis in Europe is actually deteriorating with the Deputy Prime Minister of Greece labeling the Germans as “incompetent Nazis” and the Greek government showing little sign that they are willing to implement austerity measures demanded by the EU (link to the story). In addition, Greece was literally shutdown on Wednesday with a national strike by all its unions (a video report can be accessed by clicking this link). Europe is going to explode if Greece fails to implement austerity measures by the middle of March Europe. Meanwhile, the fiscal crisis in Spain is looking worse by the day with nationwide protests of the Spanish government’s suggestion that the retirement age be raised from 65 to 67 and with youth unemployment around 45%. The video report about these protests is below.

Spain’s problems are featured in a great Wall Street Journal article which suggests that Spain’s problems may lead to the breakup of the Euro as a currency.

Benjamin Creme visiting Spain this week to give a lecture and is working on the new edition of Share International Magazine so there is unlikely going to be news from him.

The Democrats appear ready to ram health care reform through Congress by taking advantage of procedures which will enable passage with only 51 Senate votes. My sense is that if the Democrats ram health care coverage through Congress as they appear ready to do there is a high probability that they will lose both houses of Congress in the 2010 election. However, given how bad the economy is and how much people loath incumbents these days that may happen anyway. You could see the Democrats ram through every law they possibly can in the next several months because they realize they may not have the opportunity to pass another law after the 2010 election.

My plan in the coming days is to write a new research report about the Mark of the Beast. I have some information that I have not yet seen in other articles or reports about the Mark of the Beast. It’s very interesting information that I hope will be somewhat enlightening.

I will write when I am compelled to. You can get my blog entries sent to your inbox by subscribing in the box on the top, right-hand sign of the page.