New Info About Maitreya’s TV Tour (Creme Live Interview Notes 2/18/09)

This morning Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of a group of beings Paul referred to in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” and a being that meets John’s description of the Spirit of Antichrist), granted a live interview on an Internet radio talk show. Here is a brief overview of the things Creme talked about.

Creme proclaimed that 99 out of 100 reports of miracles (like weeping statues of the Virgin Mary) should be taken seriously. He credits these miracles to the Ascended Masters.

Creme spoke about Maitreya’s supposed television appearance tour. Creme now says that Maitreya has made 6 television appearances on American television as of this date.

  • On an aside, some people have been stating for awhile that author Raj Patel is Maitreya. In fact, a recent New York Times article focused on people, particularly followers of the New Age Movement, believing that Patel is Maitreya (link to the article). I want to remind people that Maitreya is spiritual being. Maitreya can take any form he wants so he could look like me if he wanted to or he could look like some anonymous person. This means that when Maitreya reveals his true identity he isn’t going to look like what he may appear in television interviews (I’m not saying that Patel is Maitreya in human form). Creme’s claim that Maitreya has appeared on 6 television shows now gives people additional clues to search for the person if such television appearances actually took place.

Creme said something really revealing when he said that without this economic collapse people would be unable to respond to Maitreya. We can infer from this comment that the economic collapse is something the forces of evil wanted to happen and perhaps planned on having because you can find predictions all the way back to the late 1980s where Creme and the Ascended Master that advises Creme about the situation we find ourselves in now.

Finally, Creme revealed in this interview that he is going to have a new book out in the U.S. about the spiritual mission of UFOs this summer. It will first be published in Japan later this spring.

Obviously, the big news is that Creme says Maiterya has appeared 6 times on American television. You may accept Creme’s statement as the truth or as a lie. It is up to you…