Creme Live Interview Notes 2/6 (Creme on Lucifer and More)

Today Benjamin Creme granted a live interview to an Internet radio host on Blogtalk Radio. The interview demonstrated that the evilest lies can be presented in the nicest of packages. Here are some of the things discussed in the interview.

Creme was immediately asked by the host about where and when the supposed television interview with Maitreya took place. Creme said he could not reveal where the interview took place because it would go against Maitreya’s plans. Creme emphasized that it did not matter that Maitreya was the speaker-what mattered is the message. After nearly 30 years of hyping Maitreya’s live interview, it’s quite puzzling to see Creme try to deemphasize the event.

The host mentioned to Creme that Christians would find his message that “we are gods” against the Bible. Creme proclaimed that Christians misunderstand their own scriptures, including the role of Lucifer. Creme spoke glowingly of Lucifer saying that he brought us the “divine light of the soul” and claimed that Lucifer never rebelled against God. He also denied that Lucifer was the devil.

The host was very sympathetic towards Creme. Someone who knew about the evils of Maitreya and Creme tried to warn the listeners on the talk show’s message board about how deceptive Creme and Maitreya’s message was. The host was hostile with the person and warned them to stop. In addition, the host told Creme that he had a Christian upbringing, but when he listened to what followers of the New Age Movement had to say he found that Christians really misunderstood what the New Age Movement is all about.

The host’s comment led to Creme telling a story about a Christian that went to see him lecture because he wanted to experience Maitreya’s energies. The Christian went alone because his fellow church members were scared of Maiterya’s energy. As Creme spoke he noticed that this individual was taking copious notes while others in the audience just watched and listened to the lecture. After the lecture ended, the now former-Christian walked up to Creme and told him that he learned a lot that night and had become a follower of Maitreya after being exposed to his energy. The former-Christian then asked Creme what book he should buy to learn more.

One woman called up Creme to ask him about whether she should engage in certain spiritual practices like Creme was a Christian pastor. Surprisingly, Creme actually told the woman to not use mediumships, Ouija boards, or contact the dead. However, Creme indicated that doing those things would be okay if she were under the protection of an Ascended Master. The woman asked Creme if tarot cards were safe to use, which Creme replied that they were rather harmless. I hope she did not follow Creme’s advice about using tarots cards.

Creme said that we are still in the early stages of a global economic meltdown. He warned that it will get very tough in the future. Creme called what the world will be going through the “wilderness experience”.

Creme said that the fake Jesus (fallen angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel) has the task of driving out all the old Christian teachings-“all the misinformation, the distortions which have grown into a distortion of Christian teachings down the ages”. Creme then went on to deny that Jesus is the Christ, which would earn Creme the title of “antichrist” according to 1 John 2:22.

  • 1Jn 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Creme has another live interview scheduled this coming Tuesday. I might to listen to hear if he says anything noteworthy.