Creme’s Failed Predictions

A reader asked me to write about the failed predictions of Benjamin Creme, who is the spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters (elite fallen angels referred to by Paul as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” in Ephesians 6:12). I will try my best to address this topic in this blog post though it is not an easy one to write about.

One problem with locating a failed prediction is that people who make a failed prediction have a tendency to remove all traces of their prediction once they realize it failed. Therefore, it should be expected that someone like Creme would remove any evidence that he has made a failed prediction in the past.

Another problem I have with locating any potential failed predictions by Benjamin Creme is that I do not have a memory of things that Creme has done like others who have watched him have. I have only known about Creme for eighteen months and I was not alive during the first several years of Creme’s work. As a consequence, I have to rely mostly on people who have followed Creme for the past few decades to know what kind of fail predictions he has made.

  • I am trying not to make excuses. I just want people to be aware of how difficult this task is.

I am aware of two instances when Creme made failed predictions concerning the appearance of Maitreya.

  • 1982: The Tara Center (now Share International) advertised in newspapers that Maitreya would appear on worldwide television to announce his existence to the world. There is a claim that Creme advertised that Maitreya would appear on June 21, 1982. I have been unable to independently confirm that date yet, but I do not doubt that he did.

  • Late 1990s: Creme apparently predicted that Maitreya would be making his presence known in the world in late 1990s. Creme’s organization had another advertising campaign promoting the imminent appearance of Maitreya. In fact, Share International went as far to advertise a website (which does not work anymore) where people could learn about the appearance of Maitreya on billboards.

There is a third instance involving Share International failing to get the correct timing of Maitreya’s appearance. On December 11, 2008 Share International released a press release proclaiming that a star that would herald Maitreya’s coming appearance on world television. The press statement said that Maitreya would give his first interview on American television one week following the star’s appearance. This prediction did not come true as Maitreya did not begin to appear on American television (if you are to believe Share International on this) until January 2010. I am surprised that Share International did not remove the “one week” claim from their press release and from their website.

Creme has proven to be a horrible timer of events with his failed predictions about when Maitreya may appear. However, I cannot yet judge Creme on his ability to predict the occurrence of certain events that do not involve timing. Many of the predictions that Creme has made concern an upcoming economic and financial collapse and a New World Order. We have to wait and see whether these predictions concerning the future will be proven false.

Creme is obviously not a prophet from God since he has made failed predictions. Believing every prediction that Creme makes would be a foolish thing to do since he isn’t on “our side” and he has already made failed predictions. However, Creme is as well-connected with the forces of evil as any other person alive today so if anyone knows what the forces of evil may have planned he would know. I do not ignore Creme’s predictions completely because he may release information about what the forces of evil may have planned in the future. Of course, I won’t consider something he says as plausible unless it lines up with what the Bible indicates is possible.

Finally, it is important to state again that this Maitreya issue goes beyond Benjamin Creme… If you assume that Creme has no credibility the Maitreya issue is not eliminated because Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky wrote about Maitreya too.