Has the Mark of the Beast Been Implemented Behind Our Backs?

I was asked whether owning birth certificates, participating in the stock market, having other modes of identification, etc make us a part of the Mark of the Beast system in some way we do not know about.

Like many others, I am unhappy about having to give out all sorts of information to companies. Sometimes I wonder why companies need so much information from me. I even understand why there is some suspicion about whether a Mark of the Beast system has already been put into place behind our backs because there is so much personal information about us located in various databases and so many transactions are being done electronically these days.

Fortunately, however, I do not believe the Mark of the Beast system that will be in effect during the End Times is in place yet because people will be given an option about whether they want to opt into the system. The choices are: get the Mark of the Beast or die. It’s not an appealing set of choices, but there is a choice nonetheless.

Most people think of the Mark of the Beast as something that people must have in order to buy and sell. Although the mark will enable a person to conduct transactions, a person could get by with having beast’s number or the name of the beast.

  • Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
  • Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The fact that a person can also buy or sell by using the name of the beast or the number of the beast shows that people do not obtain the Mark of the Beast so that they buy or sell. The Mark of the Beast’s main purpose is to serve as a way for people to prove that their allegiances lie with Antichrist. In other words, accepting the Mark of the Beast means that you have declared yourself a follower of the Antichrist and thereby an opponent of God.

New Age sources indicate that people may need to participate in a special initiation process which most likely would stealthily link people’s loyalty to Satan/Antichrist before they can receive the mark. The mark then would be something people would have as proof they underwent the special initiation ceremony if New Age sources are correct, and that’s a BIG IF.

Therefore, the Mark of the Beast system is not in place yet as we have not been given the choice to accept the mark or die yet. By giving out personal information to companies and to government agencies you are not surrendering yourself to the Mark of the Beast. However, it will not be long before the infrastructure needed to implement a Mark of the Beast system on a worldwide scale will be in place.