Some of the Ways I Spiritually Prepare for the Future

A reader asked how does one spiritually prepare for what is coming besides watching. I am not sure if there is a specific way to spiritually prepare that can be equally effective for everyone. However, I’ll tell you some of the things I do to spiritually prepare so you have an understanding of what I mean by spiritually preparing and an understanding of how I approach things.

I view spiritual preparation as conditioning yourself so you are ready spiritually to face the spiritual challenges that we face between now and the Rapture. Spiritually preparing yourself is not the same as physically preparing yourself. Physically preparing yourself means that you have the physical resources to endure the physical challenges ahead.

  • What good is it to have the physical resources to endure the challenges ahead if you are not spiritually prepared? You can lose eternal life since physical resources can only help you live in our current life. Being spiritually prepared enables you to endure the spiritual challenges so that you can have eternal life.

Obviously, one of the things I do to spiritually prepare is to watch events. I am not really looking for a sign of the End Times when I watch events because I do not expect the End Times to begin for another several more years. I am instead looking for certain trends and developments that could lead to something important in the long-term-something that could prepare the world for the start of the End Times.

I also spiritually prepare by educating myself. I obviously study Bible prophecy because that is the best resource of information for the spiritual challenges we face and events we will see. I also study politics, finance, economics, and science because these subjects help me understand how the world can get to the point where some Bible prophecy events can be fulfilled. In addition, I study statements made by the forces of evil so I have some idea of some of the tricks Satan may have for us in the future.

  • I personally would not dare to consider the forces of evil’s statements unless you are advanced because their lies are so elaborate that they could fool a beginning Christian.

I also spiritually prepare by thinking about all the tricks that Satan could use in the future. For instance, here is a small list of tricks and tactics I expect Satan is going to use in the future to deceive people:

  • A major UFO/Alien invasion on Earth
  • A False Prophet who will bear a striking resemblance to Christians’ conceptions of what Christ looks like
  • An Antichrist who will appear to be resurrected from the dead when he really will not be.
  • Fallen angels posing as major religious figures to persuade people to follow the Antichrist.
  • Lying signs and wonders

By thinking about the tricks that Satan could use, I drastically reduce the possibility of me being overwhelmed emotionally by these tricks when they are performed. People who succumb to these tricks are likely going to be thinking emotionally rather than with a skeptical mind. Eliminate the emotion and think with your mind.

Finally, I do not spend 100% of my time watching what is going on or thinking about the future. I believe it is important for people to have different interests that are completely unrelated to studying the Bible, watching the news, thinking about the future, etc.

  • For instance, I am a huge sports fan who spends a lot of time following sports like basketball, American football, baseball, etc. It is important for me to have an outside interest like sports because it keeps me from becoming burned out from watching and studying the future. When I pursue or follow an outside interest my mind completely changes to the point where I feel like any other normal person and not feel like a worrywart. Thinking about a single subject a 100% of the time is not healthy.

When you have other interests it helps you to enjoy some of the things this world has to offer. I know the Bible says do not love the world. I am not saying to love the world. I am just saying that there are some things in life that you can enjoy during the time you take a break from spiritually preparing.

I feel it is important to pursue your interests now because in a few years the world is going to be a much different place; one where pursuing your interests may be much harder to do…