Obama Cuts Government Waste

Last Thursday President Obama signed a bill which will eliminate $50 billion-- yes that is billion with a "B" of waste from entitlement programs. It is designed to stop all those dead people and jailbirds who are illegally receiving social security, disability, food stamps and other entitlements  from getting their monthly checks. Bad payments range from outright fraud to checks issued to the wrong person or for the wrong amount because of a typo

According to President Obama, an estimated  $110 billion  was wasted just last year through improper payments. To give some perspective, this figure is more than the budgets of the Department of Education and the Small Business Administration combined.  That is pretty mind blowing, isn't it?  The answer is not to eliminate entitlements, but to eliminate waste and fraud.

Stopping dead people from collecting Social Security seems like a no brainer. I think we should hear more about what the government IS doing and less about what it is NOT doing.

  It took eight years of Bush to get us into this mess.  Obama is getting us out as fast as he can.  Stay with him and don't give up. OK?