A Peculiar Article About the U.N. Preparing for Alien Contact

I’m currently working on a rather significant article about some suspicious activity going on in the stock market and examining some Bible prophecy chapters that I feel require more study (chapters a lot of people don't cover). In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a link and my thoughts on a rather peculiar article about the U.N. considering naming someone to the role as ambassador of Earth in case aliens contact Earth: Link

For those who are new to this blog, my research indicates that aliens are a real, but they are low-level fallen angels that likely have a role in Satan's attempt to deceive people now and during the End Times. My research also indicates that the U.N. is not exactly an organization that works for Christians so perhaps those who run the U.N. are trying to draw people's attention to the possibility that aliens are real and could possibly contact Earth. Believe it or not, there are some people out there who put faith into the so-called "gravitas" of U.N. so if the U.N. takes the possibility of alien contact seriously perhaps some previous "unbelievers" may begin to take the possibility seriously. This Telegraph story about the U.N. may end up converting a few people into believers of the alien phenomenon, but it also gives a lot of people more reason to view the U.N. as a laughable organization. "Ambassador to Earth" is something I would expect to see in an old, black and white science fiction movie, not in real life... Now we may have one soon according to this article. Yikes