Technology Could Become a Liability in the End Times

I received a brochure from my cell phone service provider earlier this week announcing that I am eligible for a free phone upgrade if I renew my contract with them. I currently own a cell phone that practically is so obsolete that I think phones from ten years ago might have more technological capabilities than my phone. In addition, I might be the only 25 year old in a Western country that has never sent a text message from a cell phone.

Given my backwardness when it comes to cell phones and their uses, I was amazed to see the features and capabilities of the phones I was offered. These phones had television, video recording, Internet, social media, texting, and music playing capabilities. Reading about these phones not only made me realize how much technology has improved in the past ten years but also made me realize something startling about where we are heading in the future with technology.

Technological innovations like the Internet and the cell phone have arguably helped improve people’s daily lives. For instance, the Internet has greatly helped me research new information and I appreciate not having to search for a pay phone if I have to make a call when I’m not home. The downside with these technological innovations is that they are also making it increasingly difficult to maintain your privacy.

  • As I mentioned last week, governing authorities can utilize your cell phone as a listening device so they can eavesdrop on your private conversations whether your phone is on or off. In addition, many cell phones can potentially give away your location with the GPS device that is installed on them.
  • The Internet has got all sorts of privacy issues. Many websites track users’ activities and can basically figure out where you are located with the IP address of the computer you are using. I am often irked by Google when they try to give me search results that are specifically relevant to the area where I live.

I believe the biggest beneficiary of these technological innovations will ultimately not be you or me. The biggest beneficiary of these technological innovations will be the Antichrist because he will get to utilize these technologies to promote his agenda, monitor people, to hunt down those who oppose him.

  • A few decades ago I imagine people thought that the Antichrist may one day be able to appear suddenly on television sets across the world. I also imagine people began to think that Antichrist could suddenly appear on people’s computer screens too after the computer and the Internet became widely used in people’s homes. Now with the cell phones capable of broadcasting television and playing video I can easily envision the Antichrist suddenly appearing on people’s cell phones too. The development of video and television on technology on cell phones is a going to be a huge boon for the Antichrist because he will be able to contact people who are nowhere close to a television set or a computer. Antichrist would be able communicate with a person trapped in middle of the desert if the person has a cell phone with them.
  • If you are a person trying to hide from the Antichrist it is probably not the best idea in the world to call someone on your cell phone because someone you don’t like might try to listen in on your conversation. It might not even be a good idea to have a cell phone in your possession during the End Times because someone might hunt you down with the GPS device in the phone. The same goes for utilizing a computer to access the Internet…

In sum, technology may become a liability if you oppose the Antichrist and try to hide from the Antichrist because Antichrist is likely going to use technology to his fullest advantage and to your detriment. However, before that happens I am going to enjoy the benefits of our technological innovations because I do not want to live like someone from the seventeenth century just yet.