A Quick Take on the New Middle East Peace Negotiations

I’ll keep this short because I am constantly bailing out water from a leaky washing machine at the moment. Today begins the first Middle East peace negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians in almost two years. Barack Obama says he is “hopeful, cautiously hopeful, but hopeful" while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas recognized that reaching a peace deal is going to take a lot of hard work...

I highly doubt that the Israelis and the Palestinians are going to get very far with this new series of peace negotiations because permanent peace in the Middle East can only be established by Christ. As a result, the Israelis and the Palestinians are likely going to have periodic conflicts until Christ begins His reign on Earth. Any “peace” agreement that is reached before that time is likely only going to be temporary.

Therefore, keep your expectations regarding these negotiations low. It is highly unlikely Obama, Netanyahu, and Abbas are going to end the long-lasting conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis in this round of negotiations. It is also highly unlikely that any agreement that may come from this round of peace negotiations is the covenant that initiates the seventieth week of Daniel since none of the participants involved is the Antichrist, including Obama.

Nonetheless, the Bible says that we should pray for peace in Jerusalem, and I will continue to pray for peace for those in Jerusalem:

  • Psa 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.