Are the Forces of Evil Targeting Catholics Specifically?

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

At the end of my third post about Fatima I posed the question: “Are the Ascended Masters targeting mainly Catholics or are they equal opportunists in (targeting) other faiths?” In this blog post I will attempt to answer this important question.

One way we can tell whether the forces of evil are picking on Christians is to look at what kinds of people Maitreya is appearing in front of because he has to pick and choose where he goes as he does not have an infinite amount of time to appear to everyone in the world.

  • Another way to think about this is to think of a CEO of a major multinational corporation. A CEO’s time is limited and very important so he or she should only go to places where it best serves the long-term prospects of his/her company. Maitreya is effectively the CEO of Satan’s spiritual hierarchy so by looking at what kinds of people he's appeared to you will see what kinds of people the forces of evil feel warrant the most attention.

Benjamin Creme’s website has a list of religious gatherings that Maitreya made an appearance at from 1988 to 2002.[1] I utilized this information to create a couple of graphics that I think you’ll find insightful about Maitreya’s activities. Unfortunately, the data from 1988 to 1997 is incomplete so I could not use listings from those years. However, there are enough listings from 1998 to 2002 (84) to make a fairly accurate assessment about what Maitreya is doing behind the scenes with regards to targeting specific religious groups.

The following pie chart breaks down the appearances Maitreya made by religion (Creme’s website distinguishes between Orthodox Christianity and Christianity).

The finding that jumps out the most is that Maitreya allegedly appeared to Christians and Orthodox Christians services 82% of the time. This is a very strong indication that Maitreya is targeting Christians.

I also have data on the number of people Maitreya appeared in front of between 1998 and 2002 and religious category of these people. The data is listed in the following table:

# of Believers Maitreya Appeared at Between 1998-2002










Orthodox Christians








The results in the table are very similar to the pie chart above. Maitreya allegedly appeared to primarily a Christian audience from 1998 and 2002, so we have confirmation that the forces of evil are targeting primarily Christians. You will notice from both figures that Maitreya did not appear to Jews or Hindus between 1998 and 2002.

A couple of key questions arise from this data:

  1. Why is Maitreya targeting Christians more so than any other religion?
  2. Why did Maitreya not visit Jews or Hindu religious gatherings?

I am unable to prove why Maitreya allegedly appeared in front of Christians the vast majority of time yet. However, my suspicion is that Christians are getting special attention because the forces of evil feel that Christians pose the biggest problem for them by far, particularly the fundamentalist Christians. Here are a couple of reasons why I suspect that Christians pose the biggest problem for the forces of evil.

  • Christian teachings vastly differ from New Age teachings to the point where it is difficult to reconcile between the two.
  • The Bible alerts Christians to lookout for false teachers and imposters.

As a result, the forces of evil have to work extra-hard to prepare many Christians to succumb to them.

There are probably a couple of reasons why Maitreya did not visit any Jewish worshippers between 1998 and 2002.

  • Maitreya would have difficulty persuading Jewish worshipers that he is the Messiah because Jews historically have been critical of those who claim to be the Messiah (like Jesus Christ)
  • Maitreya and Satan hate Jews more than any other group of people, including Christians.

I’m not sure why Maitreya did not appear in front of Hindu worshippers between 1998 and 2002. Perhaps Hindus have an expectation about what the Kalki Avatar (the messianic figure that Hindus await) will look like that Maitreya cannot mimic in a small setting. I am not completely sure so I’ll leave this finding open to speculation...

We know from the data above that the forces of evil are targeting Christians. However, it is practically impossible to come up with a direct way to demonstrate that the forces of evil are targeting Catholics specifically using the data above because the data above does not break the Christianity category into different branches beyond Orthodox Christianity. Nevertheless, I think I have something that gives us an indication of whether the forces of evil are targeting Catholics.

Benjamin Creme states that there are 14 Ascended Maters in the world at the moment. I feel the locations of these Ascended Masters are important because there aren’t many of them if we are to believe Creme (which is something you should definitely not do all the time). I suspect the Ascended Masters that are in the world have been assigned to locations where they are needed the most. Thus, if there is a disproportionately large number of Ascended Masters assigned to primarily Catholic locations we can conclude that the forces of evil are targeting Catholic locations and most likely Catholics.

Unfortunately, I only know the location of 12 of these 14 Ascended Masters. The locations are listed in the following table.


Predominant Religion


Geneva, Switzerland

Christianity (Catholic)

Tokyo, Japan


Darjeeling, Nepal


New York, United States

Christianity (Protestant)

London, England (Unnamed One)

Christianity (Anglicanism)

London, England (Maitreya)

Christianity (Anglicanism)

Creme’s teaching

Rome, Italy

Christianity (Catholic)

Moscow, Russia

Christianity (Orthodox)

Central America

Christianity (Catholic)

Northern South America

Christianity (Catholic)

Southern South America

Christianity (Catholic)



The table above reconfirms that the finding that the Ascended Masters are targeting Christians as at least 9 of the Ascended Masters on Earth are assigned to predominantly Christian locations. At least 5 of the Ascended Masters currently on Earth are assigned to predominantly Catholic areas, including at the de facto headquarters of the Catholic Church in Rome. In addition, at least 3 Ascended Masters are assigned in heavily Catholic areas of Central and South America.

  • The positioning of the 3 Ascended Masters in Central and South America is particularly important. According to the Ascended Master that advises Benjamin Creme, these Ascended Masters are working with people within the Catholic Church in that region to help transform it.[2]

I think this is enough to say that the forces of evil are targeting Catholics specifically as part of their overall plan to target Christians. Now the important question that needs to be answered is “why are Catholics being specifically targeted by the forces of evil?”

I think the main reason the forces of evil are targeting Catholics specifically is that the Catholic Church is the largest religious body in the world with over a billion people. Unlike other religious bodies, the Catholic Church is very organized with the Pope at its head. The forces of evil are likely banking on the idea that they could get the loyalty of many people by using a counterfeit Virgin Mary to give Catholics misleading statements about how all the world’s religions are the same, lying signs and wonders, etc and by one day using a counterfeit Jesus to take over the position of the Papacy.


[1] “Maitreya’s World Wide Appearances”. 13. Nov 2009. Last Accessed 21 Mar. 2010.

[2] Pitchon, Patrica. “The Third World and Latin America: Interview with the Master –through Benjamin Creme”. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 21 Mar. 2010.