A UFO & Alien Report is On the Way, Reporting on 666

I have been busy the past couple of days writing a report focused on UFOs and aliens. Benjamin Creme’s statements about UFOs and aliens in the March edition of Share International Magazine was so interesting that I went back to research other statements he made about UFOs and aliens. I’ve gathered enough information that I felt it was necessary to write a report about UFOs and aliens. It’s a topic that many Christians have difficulty dealing with so a report about UFOs and aliens would be useful. I hope to have that report done in the next few days.

Today I published a report about the Mark of the Beast. The report has some fairly new information that has not been seen in my other reports and has information that has hardly ever been touched on in Christian writings about the Mark of the Beast. The following is a description of the report:

In this report I provide “new” information regarding the Mark of the Beast. I introduce a little-known symbol that people should consider as a serious candidate to be the Mark of the Beast. In addition, I include a 666 calculation and give an overview of the process people will go through to get the Mark of the Beast. I am confident that the information I present in this report will increase our collective understanding of the Mark of the Beast.

Here is a link to the actual report http://www.scribd.com/doc/27833751/666-Mark-of-the-Beast-Insights

According to Creme’s website, Creme has a live interview this Saturday at 6PM EST on Blogtalk Radio. We’ll see if he has anything new to say after being quiet for a couple of weeks…