Creme Says Aliens Among Us (March 2010 Share International Magazine Overview)

A few days ago Benjamin Creme’s website released the March edition of their magazine. Here is an overview of what you will find in the March edition.

The Ascended Master that advises Creme gave a very brief overview of some of the things Maitreya said in his alleged television appearances. The Ascended Master wrote that Maitreya admonished the current financial system and praised some people for their work in face of the current system.

In the Q&A section a follower of Maitreya asked if author and activist Raj Patel, a man who many Maitreya followers view as Maitreya in human form, is Maitreya. Creme’s response was quite interesting because he did not issue anything that resembled a denial. He basically replied that many people are receptive to Maitreya’s ideas. To be fair, Creme’s official policy is not to confirm or deny whether someone on television is Maitreya. However, Creme could have at least issued a denial to give Patel a break from all the attention he is receiving from the followers of Maitreya.

A person asked Creme about how many people in the world are aware of the Maitreya story. Creme said that there are only between 30-38 million people that are aware of the story. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true because 95 to 99% of Christians have no idea about Maitreya, the Ascended Masters, etc. Creme also claimed that 7 million people who heard the Maiterya story totally believe it, but there are currently around 1.8 billion people who will follow Maitreya when he reveals his true identity.

The magazine had lots of stuff about UFOs and aliens. The section about UFOs and aliens basically was a transcript of a talk Creme gave about the spiritual mission of UFOs last year. Here are a few things that jumped out at me (whether I actually believe Creme is speaking the truth is a completely different matter):

Creme claims there are 2000 aliens living on the planet right now. He claims some of them have arrived on this planet as adults while others are raised as children by families.

Creme says that these aliens on Earth would look like any other ordinary human unless they want to be seen in their true form. This is almost a dead giveaway by Creme that aliens are low-level fallen angels as Paul warned in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 that Satan’s ministers can pose in different forms, including as ministers of light.

Creme claims that these aliens have contact with government officials and that some aliens actually are employees of the United Nations.

Creme claims there are underground and underwater UFO bases where these aliens work to clean up nuclear activity (Creme seems to be a conspiracy theorist’s best friend).

I’ve just about completed a new research report about the Mark of the Beast. I plan to have the research report available sometime this week. The report should have some information about the Mark of the Beast that many of you have not seen before.