Has Evil Infiltrated the Vatican?

Gabriele Amorth is the long-time chief exorcist at the Vatican. A story about Amorth came out in the Times of London where Amorth states that he believes that Satan has infiltrated the Vatican. Amorth accuses some cardinals in the Vatican of not being believers in Jesus Christ and that some bishops are linked to “the demon”.

Amorth claims may sound outlandish to some people, but what he claims caught my attention because New Age author Alice Bailey (through an Ascended Master, a spiritual being mentioned by Paul in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” named Djwhal Khul) and Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters), have wrote about such infiltration in the Vatican.[1]

Bailey and Creme wrote that an Ascended Master named Jesus Sananda Immanuel (Sananda) would be sent to Rome to prepare for the eventual re-spiritualization of the Christian Church. Creme states that Sananda has been in Rome since 1984.[2]

In addition, Creme suggested that two Vatican figures and a high-ranking Catholic priest were followers of Maitreya 20 years ago.

  • Creme claims that a man named Monsignor Biaggi met twice with Maitreya and became convinced that Maitreya was the “Christ” during these meetings.[3]
  • Creme claims that two Vatican cardinals in John Paul II’s inner group were disciples of Sananda and were trying to convince John Paul II that Biaggi was right.[4]

I’ve doubted whether Creme’s statements about the two Vatican figures and the high-ranking Catholic priest had much relevance to us today for a while since the information about them is limited to the events surrounding the early 1990s. However, since Amorth, who has firsthand knowledge of what is going on in the Vatican, believes that evil has infiltrated the Vatican, I feel the information becomes relevant for us today.

We essentially have the statements made by the chief exorcist of the Vatican aligning with information provided by Benjamin Creme and Alice Bailey. Either these sources of information are bogus or there is some behind-the-scenes stuff going on in the Vatican.

However, it is unfair to single out the Catholic Church. It’s likely that Satan has infiltrated every major organization regardless of what religion it is.

New Age author Alice Bailey suggests that fallen angels (working in a dimension New Agers call the "astral plane") have been assigned to every place of worship to stimulate the spirituality of the attendants at the place of worship-likely by fueling the occurrence of signs and wonders.

“The activity of the astral plane is being much intensified and the angels of devotion, in whom the aspect of divine love is pre-eminent, work with the astral bodies of all those who are ready to strengthen and redirect their spiritual aspiration and desire. They are the angels who guard the sanctuaries of all the churches, cathedrals, temples and mosques of the world. They are now increasing the momentum of their vibration for the raising of the consciousness of the attendant congregations”.[5]

Unsurprisingly, Creme credits the Ascended Masters for virtually every miracle, sign, etc that takes place. If what Bailey (through Djwhal Khul) wrote is true then Satan has indeed infiltrated every religious institution. My suspicion is that what Bailey wrote is true, but whether you believe it or not is totally up to you.

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[1] Creme says this several times on his website. Bailey wrote that Sananda was going to be sent in Rome in a book called the A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. (Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. New York: Lucis Trust Publishing Co. 1930. 749)

[2] “Maitreya and Jesus”. 13 Nov. 2009. Last Accessed 10 Mar. 2010. http://www.share-international.org/maitreya/Ma_jesus.htm

[3] “Maitreya’s Teachings on Religion”. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 10 Mar. 2010. http://www.share-international.org/ARCHIVES/M_teachings/Mt_religion.htm .

[4] Ibid

[5] Bailey, Alice. The Externalization of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Trust Publishing Co. 1957 505-506