My Top 10 Recommended Blog Posts

This is my 76th blog post since this blog debuted. Many people are new to this blog and do not have a lot of time to look over the other 75 blog posts. I’ve decided to help out those who do not have a lot of time to read every post by listing my Top 10 recommended blog entries (excluding my reviews of several Benjamin Creme live interviews).

These recommendations are not listed in any specific order. You can access each blog post listed by clicking on each listing’s bolded title or where it says “link”.

A Spiritual Reason Why You Should Eat Meat: Most people eat meat without ever noticing that their choice to eat meat has a spiritual impact on them. There is a spiritual impact, and I explain what that impact is in this blog entry. Link

Insights into Psychics: In this blog entry I theorize how some psychics are sometimes able to know things about people they never meet or sometimes are able to predict the occurrence of an event before it happens. Ironically, this blog entry was listed by a pro-psychic website as one of the “best” blog entries about psychics around even though I condemned psychics in the blog entry. Link

Insights on Edgar Cayce: This blog entry has my thoughts on Edgar Cayce and my thoughts about one of the predictions he made about the future. Link

Why Politicians May Sometimes Ignore the People: Political scientists believe that politicians are mainly concerned with securing reelection. However, the validity of this assumption is being challenged by the ongoing healthcare reform debate in America (the Democrats have shown a willingness to pass healthcare reform even if it causes them to lose control of Congress in the 2010 election) and by world leaders pushing for global governance even though their constituents do not want it. In this blog entry I briefly explain how behind-the-scenes spiritual intervention could be causing politicians to ignore their constituents. Link

Prophecy of the Popes Insights: The Prophecy of the Popes is one of the most famous series of predictions in history. When Pope John Paul II died a lot of prophecy “experts” talked about the Prophecy of the Popes’s accuracy and noted that the Prophecy of Popes predicts that only one Pope after Benedict XVI is left before the start of the end times (Peter II of Rome). In this blog entry I explain why the Prophecy of the Popes was most likely given by the forces of evil to help condition Catholics to accept the False Prophet. Link

Economic Myth vs. Reality Part 1: Do you have the feeling that things are getting worse in America even though you hear on TV or read in the newspaper that economic conditions are improving? If you answered “yes” you are right to be suspicious because the U.S. economic numbers reported by the media do not reflect today’s reality. In this blog I give an overview of some of the U.S. economic numbers that are grossly misreported. Link

Resisting Maitreya’s Evil Energy: During a live interview Benjamin Creme provided information that reveals how you can block the energy that Maitreya uses to influence people. Link

What’s Behind the Twilight Craze?: The Twilight Series is very popular among young people today; particularly among teenage girls. In this blog entry I go over some evidence that suggests there could be something sinister behind the scenes driving the Twilight phenomenon. Link

Maitreya’s Open Mission = The End of Time?: On January 14, 2010 Benjamin Creme announced that Maitreya’s open mission began. In this blog entry I explain what the beginning of this open mission means. Link

Russia Poising to Exploit the Cold: A growing number of scientists believe that Earth is going to be cooling over the next several years. Russia’s leadership believes the world is going to be cooling and is poising to exploit the cold. In this blog I provide a brief overview of why Russia would gain a tremendous amount of political and economic leverage over the European Union in a cooling world. Link

Unfortunately, I was unable to listen to the interview Creme gave on Wednesday. However, I plan on listening to a live interview that Creme is going to give this Sunday on Blogtalkradio at 4PM EST. The topic of the interview will apparently be UFOs.

In the coming days I plan to post my notes from Creme’s Sunday interview, my thoughts on the Raj Patel speculation, my insights on Fatima, and possibly my thoughts on Nazis UFOs. Plans could change, however, if something major happens or if I feel there is something more important to write about. I also plan to fix any broken links that are on this blog.

If you’re visiting this blog for the first time I recently released a free report on Aliens & UFOs and a free report on the Mark of the Beast. More information about these reports, including where you can access them and download can be found at the following links:

You can also access and download my free book about the next world war at this link

Enjoy your weekend