The End Times Fusion of the World’s Religions

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

In the past couple of weeks I’ve focused on Satan’s intentions to fool people during the end times with major deceptions. While it is vital that we understand that Satan is going to use all sorts of lying signs and wonders to deceive people, we should not neglect other elements of Satan’s end time strategy. Satan is incredibly crafty and is definitely not a one-trick pony.

I want to go over another key element of Satan’s end time strategy. In today’s blog post I will give you an overview of how Satan is going to treat the world’s major religions during the end times.

A major misnomer today is that Antichrist is going to put one of today’s major world religions above the others. For instance, some Christians believe that an Islamic Antichrist is going to impose Islam upon the world and kill anyone who doesn’t submit to Islam.

There are important reasons why a strategy that completely disregards every major religion except for one major world religion that the Antichrist chooses would not be very effective.

  • There will not be enough time to get everyone to unlearn what they previously believed and to accept and learn a completely new religious system. Revelation 13:5 indicates that Antichrist is only going to have control of the world for only 42 prophetic months. Thus, Antichrist will only have a few years (at the most) to get everyone who wasn’t originally a follower of his religion of choice to unlearn everything they knew and learn everything anew.
  • There would be a lot of resistance to the religion chosen to dominate the world above the others as people like to cling to tradition because it is all they know.
  • It’d be obvious to people that they’re dealing with an Antichrist-type figure because the common perception among people is that Antichrist will impose his religion at the complete detriment of others.

Instead, the forces of evil intend to fuse all the religions together so that elements from every major religion are incorporated into a one world (New Age) religion.

  • You can see evidence of the forces of evil’s intention to fuse all the world’s religions together by how Maitreya is presented. Maitreya is presented by believers as the messianic figure prophesized by every major world religion.
  • The plan for the New Age Religion calls for people to celebrate holidays that people of different religions practice today like Easter and Wesak (Buddhist). However, the meanings of these holidays will change. This is unsurprising since the Bible tells us that Antichrist plans to “change times and laws” (Daniel 7:25)

The advantages of fusing all the world’s religions together are the following:

  • Fusing the world’s religions together reduces the likelihood that people will suspect that they are dealing with an Antichrist-type figure. People may not be as suspicious about Antichrist because some aspects of the one-world religion will resemble their religion before the rise of Antichrist.
  • Fusing the world’s religions together enables those who implement the one-world religion to accuse those who resist the religion as being people who are seeking to create disunity. The Ascended Master that advises Benjamin Creme proclaimed that there would be a “sword of the cleavage” where those who are opposed to Maitreya would expose themselves.[1]
  • Fusing the world’s religions together will enable people to learn about the one-world religion faster than if they have to learn a completely new religion. It will take less time for people to become familiar with the one-world religion because people will have fewer things to learn about. People learning about the one-world religion are likely going to recognize customs and terminology that originated from the original religion they followed. For example, Easter will still be celebrated in the one-world religion (except that it will have a different meaning). The familiarity simply accelerates the learning process.

The main disadvantage of trying to fuse all the world’s religions together for the forces of evil is that a lot of preparatory work needs to be done before the start of the end times. The preparatory work that needs to be done to make the fusion go smoother is to break down the barriers between religions. The fewer barriers there are between religions the fewer obstacles there are to impede people from sharing common beliefs.

  • New Age author Alice Bailey (while under the direction of an Ascended Master named Djwhal Khul) indicated that these preparations were planned. For instance, Bailey wrote that an Ascended Master named Jesus Sananda Immanuel would work to break the barriers down between the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church, and the Orthodox Church starting in 1980.[2]

You can read about the specifics of the upcoming one-world religion at the following link:


[1] The Master (Through Benjamin Creme). “The Reception of Maitreya”. `15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 23 Mar. 2010.

[2] Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. New York: Lucis Trust. 1930. p.749.