Another Preview of Topics to Come

Here is a preview of some of the topics I likely will touch on in the coming days

  • Who is Abaddon, King of the Locusts in Revelation 9 (2 Parts)
  • My opinion on the images of Jesus
  • The Shroud of Turin
  • My opinion on people who call themselves “prophets”

Beyond that I’m still researching other topics I’ve been asked to write about recently. One of topics I definitely want to write about is how long I feel the “tribulation” is going to last because there is so much confusion about this topic.

Of course, this is all subject to change depending on what events happen in the coming days. This week the U.S. Treasury is going to attempt to sell $82 billion in debt to investors. If you read my blog post about U.S. Government debt last week you know I’ll be watching this event closely.

The Benjamin Creme interview I wrote about a couple of weeks ago is now available to watch on a website called ustream.

  • Creme mentions that Maitreya has appeared 8 times on American television at 7 minutes and 20 seconds into the interview.
  • Creme says that Maitreya wants people to know that everything is going perfectly to “the plan” at 54 minutes and 20 seconds into the interview.

The interview is in English, but there is a French translator to translate everything that Creme says.

I’m still looking for some feedback for the questions I posed in the previous post. If you have something to say feel free to comment. I want thank those who’ve commented so far and I hope to see more feedback from those who haven’t yet commented.