Signs of the End Epilogue: New Age Birth Pangs

The talk about birth pangs is not limited to just Christian circles. The forces of evil also talk about birth pangs affecting Earth. In this blog post I will give you an idea of how the forces of evil portray birth pangs and give you an idea of when they suggest the end times could begin.

Under the direction of an Ascended Master (a spiritual being mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”) named Djwhal Khul, New Age author Alice Bailey wrote that “we now find ourselves, is literally the stage of birth -- the birth pangs of the new order and of the new civilization”.[1] Bailey also suggested that the distress and pain experienced in the world is necessary.[2]

The idea that the world must first undergo agony and distress to prepare it for a future time appears similar to what is taught in the Bible at first glance. Christ told us that the unsettling conditions we would see on Earth prior to the start of the end times would be necessary (Matthew 24:6). However, there is a major difference between how the forces of evil portray the purpose of birth pangs and how the Bible portrays birth pangs:

  • Those associated with the forces of evil teach that the agony and distress is going to lead us directly into a New Age, the greatest time in history of mankind. In contrast, the Bible portrays birth pangs as something that is going to prepare the world for the end times, a time when life won’t be good for the inhabitants of Earth.

An Alleged Timeline

Over a half century ago Bailey provided a timeline that the forces of evil claimed they would follow as they worked to spiritually prepare the world for their physical arrival on Earth. The forces of evil’s plan is supposedly to give the world “new” spiritual thought (it’s not really new, but the same kind of teachings promoted in the Ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion) in three separate stages[3]:

  • Preparatory Stage (1875-1890): Establish foundational teachings (with the works of Helena Blavatsky)
  • Intermediate Stage (1919-1949): Add onto the foundational teachings (with the works of Alice Bailey)
  • Revelatory Stage (1975-2025): Make the teachings as available and well-known to the general public as possible through the use of all media available (in the book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow Christian author Constance Cumbey noted how promotional activity increased dramatically beginning in 1975, including the first public lecture by Benjamin Creme)

The main reason I mention these three stages is to alert you that many people who follow the forces of evil’s teachings do not expect a lot to happen until 2025. In fact, Bailey hinted that the earliest people could see the physical appearance of (Satan’s) spiritual hierarchy [Satan’s team of fallen angels] is 2025.

“Thus a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025. During the years intervening between now and then very great changes will be seen taking place, and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy - held as usual every century - in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalization of the Hierarchy”.[4]

The physical appearance of Satan’s spiritual hierarchy in the year 2025 corresponds with the general timeframe I have it occurring after estimating when the next Jubilee Year might occur. The halfway point of the 70th Week of Daniel (where the Antichrist will reveal his true identity to the world and will introduce Satan’s fallen angels to the world) is projected to occur in April 2025 under the general timeline I have.

I want to make it clear that I learned about what Bailey wrote regarding the Year 2025 over a year after I estimated when the next Jubilee Year might occur. I do not take what Bailey wrote about the Year 2025 as gospel because of who the source is. However, I do find the match between what Bailey wrote and what I estimated interesting.

Finally, I want to make it clear that none of this is set in stone because everything is determined by God’s timetable. The best a person can do is to make an educated guesstimate about when the end times might begin. I am an ordinary person-not a prophet. What you’ve read over the past several days ultimately was the support and reasoning behind my guesstimate. The actual timing will be revealed to us through the fulfillment of events that the Bible says will lead us to the end times.


[1] Bailey, Alice. The Externalization of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Trust. 1957. 116

[2] Ibid. 116

[3] Bailey, Alice. The Rays and the Initiations. New York: Lucis Trust. 1960. 255

[4] Bailey, Alice. The Externalization of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Trust. 1957. 530