My View on Images of Jesus

Tomorrow I plan to post a major entry on the Shroud of Turin. Today I’ll give you my opinion about the pictorial representation of Jesus as preparation for tomorrow’s big post. Some of you may already be familiar with my opinion on the issue, but there are people who have not heard it before. It is best everyone knows it before I post the entry on the Shroud of Turin.

For most of my life I have been afraid of images of Jesus without knowing why I was afraid.

  • I remember being taken to a Christian bookstore when I was around 6 years old. I remember walking around the bookstore when I saw this giant painting of “Jesus”. I was terrified of the painting and tried to hide from the painting until it was time to go home.
  • Three years later I was given my first Bible for Christmas. The Bible had an image of “Jesus” on its front cover and had a picture of “Jesus” walking away from the tomb after the resurrection on its inside. I always tried to avoid looking at the images and often had the Bible laid on its backside so I would not be able to see the front cover.

Around 18 months ago I learned that there was a good reason to be afraid of the images of “Jesus” I saw. I learned that Satan has an Ascended Master (a spiritual being spoken of in Ephesians 6:12 as the spiritual wickedness in “high places”) named Jesus Sananda Immanuel who physically reminds people of Jesus. People for centuries have envisioned Jesus of Nazareth having long, brown hair and facial hair as paintings by various artists and other images have depicted him having these physical features. I believe these images not only help Satan to deceive people now but also deceive those who will be living in the end times since Jesus never had long hair. Jesus of Nazareth did not have long hair since 1st Corinthians 11:14 states that it is unnatural and against societal norms for men to have long hair.

  • 1Co 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

The unbiblical paintings and images of Jesus will help Satan fool many people because Jesus Sananda Immanuel physically resembles most people, particularly Christian’s, conception of what Jesus of Nazareth looks like. You can find see what New Age sources claim what this Ascended Master looks like by accessing these links: Link 1, Link 2

Since I learned about the counterfeit Jesus I have become very leery of anyone who claims to have been visited by Jesus and I have tried to avoid looking at any visual portrayals of Jesus.

  • I suspect that people who claim to have seen Jesus probably were visited by the Ascended Master posing as him or were hallucinating. However, when a controversial religious teacher claims he or she was visited by Jesus it’s very likely that the Ascended Master appeared to them as a way to encourage them to continue leading people astray.

Last summer I visited my uncle to repair his computer. Before I went to fix my uncle’s computer he told me about a giant picture of Jesus he bought from someone for $1. I immediately thought that I was going to see a picture of the fake Jesus when I heard this news.

When my uncle showed me his bedroom there was a large portrait of the fake Jesus hanging on his wall. The portrait showed the fake Jesus with long golden hair and piercing blue eyes. The portrait was eerily positioned where you could literally stare at the portrait if you lay in the bed.

I felt nauseous as I looked at the portrait because I could feel the evil inside of it. I told my uncle to get rid of the portrait because it was evil. My uncle was confused but he thankfully took the portrait off his wall and moved it to a place where it belonged: the dumpster located outside. The nauseous feeling was gone, but I can never forget that evil image.

I plan to soon give away my first Bible so I can finally remove the final images of the fake Jesus I have. I suggest you also try to remove any pictures of the fake Jesus you may have because it does not make sense to me to possess images of an elite fallen angel if you are aware of what you're dealing with.