Benjamin Creme Addresses Raj Patel Speculation: Creme Live Interview Notes 4/13/10

Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of a group of beings called the Ascended Masters or “the spiritual wickedness in high places” mentioned in Ephesians 6:12), granted a 90 minute live interview on a Blogtalk Radio program. The interview had a lot of chatter between the interviewer and Creme, but there were a few things that stood out.

Creme was asked directly about the speculation regarding Raj Patel fifteen minutes into the interview. Creme finds all the speculation about Patel amusing because he feels people have identified the wrong person despite Patel’s and Creme’s own denials. Creme acknowledged that he was aware of Patel’s work and even commented that Patel’s focus on the redistribution of food is one of Maitreya’s main focuses. However, Creme forcefully denied that Patel was Maitreya and emphasized that Maitreya is a teacher.

  • Creme said that he announced that Maitreya had made his appearance on American television on January 12.  The actual announcement was posted on Creme’s website on January 14 so that’s something to think about for those trying to find out who Maitreya is posing as.  Maybe it was a Freudian slip by Creme or perhaps just an instance of Creme’s old age causing him to not fully remember what happened.

Creme now says that Maitreya has given 10 interviews on American television (yesterday I reported that Creme’s magazine said that 9 were given). Therefore, Maitreya may have been on American television yesterday if Creme is telling the truth. Creme said the purpose of these interviews is to spur public opinion worldwide.

If anyone in America wants the opportunity to meet Creme, he announced that he’s coming to America this July. Creme mentioned that he will appear in at least New York City and Los Angeles during his visit.

The interviewer admitted she was skeptical about Creme when the interview started out. However, as she heard more of Creme message she began to believe that what Creme claimed was real. Similarly, listeners participating in the internet chat room warmed up to Creme’s message as the interview continued.

I was distracted while listening to some parts of interview, so there might be a thing or two that I missed.  However, I think I have included the important parts in this post.