Looking For More Feedback

Once again I’m looking for some feedback. This time there are a couple of things I’d like to know from you.


First, I’d like to know if people are having a difficult time reading what’s on this blog due to the “artistic” format of the blog. In other words, is everything legible? I wonder because some people have different levels of eyesight. I have no problem reading what’s on this blog because I have 20/20 vision, but just because I can read what’s on here doesn't mean that someone else can.


Also, I’d like to know why people come to read blogs like this. Some blogs are geared towards reporting the news of the day while others use their blogs to tell people their opinion. At this moment, I think this blog has a little bit of everything. I’m not sure whether I should gear the blog more towards more news reporting, more towards opinion-based pieces, more towards reporting research findings, more towards answering people’s questions, keep things as is, or do something else.


I appreciate your feedback. Your feedback helps me to know what I should work on to make things better for you. You can leave your feedback in the comments section. In the comments section you have the option of leaving your feedback anonymously if you're uncomfortable with identifying who you are.