How Little People Are Regarded By the Spiritual Forces of Evil

Yesterday I received a new laptop in the mail to replace the broken one I’ve been using for the past several weeks. I spent yesterday afternoon and evening trying to decide which computer files I should move from my broken laptop to my new laptop. In midst of my review I uncovered a couple of interesting quotes from Adolf Hitler, the seventh king of Revelation 17:10, that I believe are quite interesting because they may shed some light about how Satan/the spiritual forces of evil view people in general.

I believe that it is possible to glean information about how Satan/the spiritual forces of evil view us from Hitler’s comments because Hitler was possessed/influenced by an extremely evil entity. Since Hitler was possessed/influenced by an extremely evil entity it is likely that the evil entity spoke through Hitler at various times (sort of like using Hitler’s body as his mouthpiece). This suspicion was shared by some free-thinking Germans in the 1930s. For instance, German Alma von Stockhausen described a brief conversation she had with her dad about the scary man (Hitler) she heard on the radio when she was young:

“Frightened, I asked my father, who was listening to the speech with me, ‘Who is that? What is that?’ My father said: ‘That’s the Fuhrer. But whether that’s really him that’s precisely the question. Perhaps he is only the medium for something else for a dark, destructive satanic power’”.[1]

The evil-empowered Adolf Hitler made two comments that reveal how little he/the spiritual forces of evil regard/regarded people’s intelligence. Hitler said:

“What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.”

How fortunate for leaders that men do not think”.

Hitler’s comments reveal that he/the spiritual forces of evil were/are amazed with what they can get away with simply because people do not think. The notion that is “fortunate” that people do not think implies that Hitler/the spiritual forces of evil probably knew/know that they could get away with a lot less if people took the time to think. Although Hitler specifically spoke about political matters in these comments, the spiritual forces of evil probably share the same sentiment with regards to religious matters.

Recall I wrote at the end of yesterday’s article that there are a lot of people who follow evil spiritual entities like Sanat Kumara (Satan) even though the details about them easily reveal that they are evil and that their own names could easily be rearranged to spell the biblical names of evil spiritual entities. I concluded that this absurdity has to be the result of people not being grounded in the Bible and being easily deceived. It’s a problem that could be rectified if people just take some time to think about who they are following or worshiping:

  • For instance, if most people simply took a few moments to think about the spelling of Sanat Kumara’s name or to think: “Where have I’ve seen the title ‘Lord of the World before’” the spiritual forces of evil would have a lot fewer followers because many people would figure out that Satan is trying to get them to follow him.

Unfortunately, people do not take the time to think or to test spirits. You would think that people would find adequate time to do this because the issue of where they may spend eternity is at stake. I don’t know about you but I think making sure I’m not being led astray is more important than watching the new Harry Potter movie that is coming out this week. The fact that many people do not take the time to think or test spirits has got to be one of the main reasons why the spiritual forces of evil have such little regard for people and why they will be able to lead many people astray in the future with the coming strong delusion mentioned in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.


[1] “The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler”, Part 2, DVD. ZDF Enterprises, 1995.