U.S. Debt Reduction Efforts & its Potential Impact on the Road to the End Times

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

The fact that the U.S. is one of the most heavily-indebted nations in world history is no big secret. It’s public knowledge that the U.S. government is now running trillion dollar-plus annual budget deficits and faces a looming problem with entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.

  • A recent study by Boston University Professor Laurence Kotikoff estimated that the U.S. government faces $202 trillion in unfunded liabilities and growing (having “unfunded liabilities” means that the U.S. government does not have the money to pay its obligations). More “conservative estimates” places the U.S.’s unfunded liabilities around $100 trillion. As a point of reference, the U.S. economy is around $15 trillion, so its unfunded liabilities far exceed the value of its economy. It’s like the amount of money you’re obligated to pay far exceeds your annual income.

The enormous size of the U.S.’s unfunded liabilities is a problem that some members within the U.S. government have finally recognized as a problem that needs to be addressed soon. Next month Barack Obama’s deficit reduction commission is going to formally report policy recommendations intended to reduce the size of the U.S.’s annual federal budget deficit and eventually the U.S.’s enormous national debt.

Last week some details about the commission’s recommendations were released to the press. The commission will reportedly recommend changes to Social Security and Medicare, two of the most wide-reaching social welfare programs in the U.S, tax increases, and spending cuts in many areas. The commission’s reported recommendations are already being heavily scrutinized by both Republicans and Democrats; proving that any attempts to address the U.S.’s problems are going to be unpopular and difficult to pass through Congress.

Some of the global news media’s focus in the coming weeks and months is likely going to be on the U.S. government’s attempts to reduce its spending and unfunded liabilities. Americans and non-Americans are likely going to hear about certain proposals to cut spending or policy recommendations like pushing back the retirement age. You’ll also likely hear experts make comparisons between the U.S. and countries like Greece and Ireland.

  • I could easily analyze proposals and ideas to reduce the deficit and the size of the U.S. unfunded liabilities, but I assume most people would rather read about any spiritual connections with this topic. Therefore, in this blog post I’ll attempt to share what the spiritual forces of evil have to say on this salient matter for Americans and add my own thoughts about what most likely will happen, including how America’s efforts to reduce its debt/unfunded liabilities burden could impact the road to the End Times. Whether you believe what the spiritual forces of evil have to say on this topic or me is totally up to you...

From a secular point of view, U.S. policymakers must begin to address its deficit and unfunded liability problems as soon as possible. Interestingly, Benjamin Creme’s (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of a group of spiritual beings mentioned by Paul in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”) Ascended Master suggests that U.S. policymakers may actually try to deal with its massive debt out “of necessity”. Here is the quote from this high-level fallen angel (transcribed by Creme) about the U.S.’s fate:

“They will ruefully watch an attack on their proudly held freedoms; they will see a steep decline in their standard of living as the government, of necessity, strives to tackle their enormous debts; they will witness a loss of confidence in their currency and a sharp reversal of trade with their traditional trading partners”.[1]

Once again, it is up to you to decide whether you believe a high-level fallen angel is capable of saying something truthful or knows what is going to happen. I am going to analyze the passage for those who believe it is possible that this high-level fallen angel might be informing his followers about what to expect in the future.

The quote above mentions a link between the U.S. government’s attempt to deal with its debt problem and a decline in the standard of living among Americans. This could be the result of major cutbacks in U.S. government spending on key programs like Social Security and Medicare or could be the result of the U.S. government deciding to print money to pay off its debt. The quote is not exactly clear on the main way the U.S. government will deal with its debt/unfunded liabilities problem…

  • The quote also includes a statement that people will lose confidence in the U.S. dollar and the U.S. will experience a major reversal of trade. Both predictions point to the U.S. experiencing hyperinflation because hyperinflation is driven by people’s lack of confidence in paper currency and can lead to a sharp reversal of trade (Weimar Germany imported more goods than they exported before the hyperinflation and during the hyperinflation Weimar Germany exported far more items than it imported because foreigners were trying to rid themselves of German Marks. The U.S. is likely going to see the same type of phenomenon with regards to its imports and exports if/when it experiences hyperinflation)

Ignoring the quote above, I still anticipate that the U.S. government’s efforts to deal with the country’s debt/unfunded liabilities problem is more likely going to center on money printing than a full commitment to reduce spending and make drastic reforms in the long-run. The displeasure U.S. politicians’ voiced in reaction to the debt commission’s recommendations last week suggest that they’ll resist major cutbacks and reform to reduce America’s debt/unfunded liabilities problem.

  • American politicians have incentive to resist major spending cuts and reform because they are dependent on voters who wouldn’t mind seeing some changes, but not changes that affect them directly. In addition, many American politicians are heavily reliant on special interest groups who can threaten to make their bid for reelection difficult if they reduce spending in certain areas important to these interest groups or bring reform that adversely affects these interest groups. For instance, AARP could direct a substantial amount of money and support to a political candidate who opposes Social Security reform to compete against a Congressman or Congresswomen who supports reform.

I ultimately expect the Federal Reserve is going to print money to pay off the U.S.’s government’s debt and pay for the U.S. government’s obligations. One could argue that the Federal Reserve is already trying to help pay for some of the debt incurred by the U.S. government quietly.

Eventually, the American public and foreigners will figure out that the U.S. government is going to be paying off debt and making entitlement payments with money that is created out of thin air. The people’s confidence in the U.S. dollar should disappear, which would then unleash the hyperinflationary process.

After the hyperinflationary process begins in the U.S. it could quickly spread to the rest of the world if the rest of the world is not already experiencing its own bouts of hyperinflation from devaluing its own respective currencies to keep their economies afloat and/or to remain competitive in trade. The social upheaval and political upheaval that is likely going to be experienced around the world could lead to increased revolution and war worldwide, two key developments the Bible suggests we’ll see as birth pains intensify. Eventually, the world will dramatically be altered and readied for the arrival of a strongman on the world stage.

The catalysts to bring us closer to the End Times are there. It’s only a matter of time before these catalysts work to bring us there.


[1] The Master (through Benjamin Creme). “America Adrift”. Dec. 2004. Last Accessed 6 Jul. 2009. http://www.share-international.org/master/2004/ma_dec04.htm