Looking for Some Feedback & Help: What Do You Want Me to Focus On?

I am again curious about what you want to write about. I know much of my readership came when I wrote about the New Age Movement and focused mostly on the ongoing spiritual warfare. Some of my recent new readership has come from my writings on Bible prophecy, politics, and the economy/financial issues. This suggests that people read this blog for different reasons…

However, after I’ve looked at some recent blog statistics I need to ask you what you want to read about. Do you want me to write solely on the New Age Movement/the upcoming One-World Religion/the ongoing spiritual warfare, religious issues (exposing the One World Religion + Bible Prophecy), continue with the mixture of topics, or something else?

  • The last time I asked this question those who responded told me to continue with the mixture of topics. However, it’s been awhile since I’ve asked the question and the composition of readers has changed since I asked the question...
  • Feel free to leave a comment or contact me to share your thoughts. I react on the feedback I get so if only a few people respond I will react based on their comments and probably think everyone who does not respond is indifferent. Even if you agree with a previous commenter(s) you can leave a comment saying that you agree with a previous commenter(s). Feel free to remain "anonymous" if you comment.

I try my best to write about what I believe is important to understanding what is going on in the short-term and long-term. Some of the time I stray away from writing about religious topics because the path to the End Times involves developments in secular areas.

  • The world in which the Antichrist will ascend to power is going to be completely different than the world that we have today. Major economic, financial, political, societal, technological, and climatic events must take place between now and the End Times to make global conditions conducive for the Antichrist to ascend.
  • An event like the beginning of a new round of quantitative easing is a noteworthy development in this respect because it has the potential to bring long-term financial and economic damage. In the worst case scenario, quantitative easing has the potential to destroy global currencies if every country attempts to keep up with the U.S.’s deliberate attempt to debase its currency. If the worst case scenario happens then the world is much closer to being “ready” for the rise of Antichrist. This is why I write about a secular event like this…

Finally, I work hard to produce the quantity and “quality” of articles each week. The average daily article takes a few hours to produce and the longer articles may take days of advance research and work. I would like to have a lot more people reading my work and knowing about what I do. The more people I have reading my work the easier it becomes for me to continue on producing articles and research because I know I have a large number of people who may benefit from my hard work. If you know people who may be interested in the topics that I write about please share with them the link to my blog or certain articles that you find particularly interesting. I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you all in advance