How the Recent Economic News Relates to the Spiritual Warfare

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Looking at the feedback I notice that people are having difficulty grasping why I’ve been talking about the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (the money printing campaign intended to buy bonds and other assets) when I should be talking more about the spiritual forces of evil. I realize now that I made a mistake by failing early on to link what is going on in the economy with the ongoing spiritual warfare. Believe it or not, quantitative easing is relevant to understanding where we may be on the road to the End Times. I’ll try my best in this blog entry to explain why this seemingly mundane economic/financial/business news topic is relevant in context of the spiritual warfare.

  • Please be patient when you read this article because it is quite long and at certain points it can get a bit intensive. However, I try my best to keep things simple and to minimize the theoretical mumbo jumbo. I think you'll get a better idea of why I've focused a lot on economic/financial issues recently when your read this article.

People who follow Benjamin Creme (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of beings referred to as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” in Ephesians 6:12) know that he and the Ascended Master that guides him have predicted a collapse in global stock markets. In fact, they suggested that it would be the first major catalyst to bring major global change.

“We are nearing a time of major change in the world: before long, the transformation of all structures will begin, commencing with the dissolution of the stock markets as they now function”.[1] –Creme’s Master

“The mechanics of the change is a world stock market crash... This stock market crash will end the present distorted and unjust economic structures”.[2] –Creme

Creme indicated that the main catalyst for the collapse of the global financial and economic system would be the collapse of the U.S. economy. According to Creme, the downfall of the U.S. economy would lead to a complete global meltdown:

“When the US's "oasis of prosperity" begins to dry up, as it must in the current global financial crisis, stock markets in the West will plunge”.[3]

Creme also indicated to his followers that the global financial and economic meltdown will at least initially be accompanied by deflation.[4] I’m not trying to sound like I’m an apologist for Creme (because I am not…I’m a critic), but between late 2007 and March 2009 the world experienced a violent downturn in global stock markets that was so severe that it could fairly be labeled as a “collapse”.

  • Even if Creme is accurate about certain predictions, it is important to remind people that it is wise to take what he says with a huge grain of salt. Creme has made failed predictions before and constantly provides unbiblical teachings. Creme’s connections make him someone who may have more “inside” information than the typical person, but he is not infallible.

Yesterday I noted that Creme recently proclaimed that we are still in midst of the collapse but it is not going to get “terribly worse” (by “worse” Creme stated that more people would experience the impact of the collapse). Few people who follow Creme’s predictions (via his Ascended Master) are aware that the next event the spiritual forces of evil predict is going to follow after the collapse is a period of global currency devaluation. In fact, according to Creme’s Master, the collapse in global stock markets will be followed by a period where the value of money will be destroyed worldwide:

very soon, there is going to be a complete transformation in the world’s economic systems due to the devaluation of money after the coming world stock market crash”.[5]

  • (Update 4:o4PM EST) The devaluation/destruction of paper money can potentially lead to great political and social instability. For instance, when Weimar Germany experienced a period of hyperinflation German Marks became more valuable as wallpaper than as money. The people who saved their money were left broke and the middle class was destroyed. The horrific situation in Germany resulting from the hyperinflation left the government vulnerable to revolution (Adolf Hitler in fact did try to overthrow the Weimar government near the end of Germany's hyperinflation). Imagine this on a worldwide scale... you could easily get a major increase in commotions, wars, and rumors of wars predicted by the Bible before the start of the End Times.

The consequences of a breakdown in the global economic system will be catastrophic according to Creme’s Master. The high-level fallen angel states the impending collapse of the U.S. and global economy will trigger a period of utter chaos: “a total collapse of the world’s economy is inevitable. This would result in chaotic conditions; for example: civil war, internal strife of all kinds and even, eventually, major world conflict. This situation the UN would be powerless to halt”.[6]

Following this chaos the spiritual forces of evil predict the arrival of the New Age Christ (the spirit of Antichrist in Christian terms) as a prominent figure on the world stage. This probably coincides with the appearance of the rider on a white horse described in the first seal in the Book of Revelation…

Why Quantitative Easing Matters

Creme’s statement that the collapse is not going to get “terribly worse” suggests that the next stage of major global change may be ready to begin: the currency devaluation stage. Coincidentally, countries across the world have recently begun to engage in a currency war where they purposely attempt to devalue their respective currencies to maintain competitive or gain an advantage with their respective export industries.

  • The rising cost of food at the supermarket and energy (gasoline) in many countries, including the U.S., is a symptom of the currency devaluation taking place worldwide.

The Federal Reserve’s announcement that it will engage in quantitative easing is a big deal because it represents a major escalation in the currency war. Countries ranging from China, Germany, and Brazil have condemned the U.S. for its action because quantitative easing is perceived by these countries as a deliberate attempt by the U.S. to gain an upper hand in the currency war by weakening the value of the U.S. dollar (the more money create out of thin air the weaker your currency is going to be and this is what the U.S. is doing with quantitative's like state-sanctioned counterfeiting. The money that already existed before is devalued because it is now competing with the newly created money for goods and services).

Quantitative easing is a process where a major devaluation of all currencies can be achieved. Last week I wrote about how quantitative easing process has potential to ignite high levels of inflation or even hyperinflation in the U.S. in the long-term (Link 1, Link 2). High inflation generally is a symptom of the currency devaluation taking place. In addition:

  • Several countries around the world including China and Saudi Arabia closely follow the policy actions of the Federal Reserve because their respective policymakers have dictated that their respective currencies must maintain a certain relative value against the U.S. dollar. These countries already have inflation problems, but now they are compelled to devalue their own currencies even more to keep up with the devaluation of the U.S. dollar. The value of paper money in these countries is going to fall even more against items like food and gasoline.

  • Many countries are concerned about exporting their goods to other countries around the world. Assuming the cost to produce an item worldwide is the same, the more valuable Country A’s currency is relative to Country B’s the more difficult it is for Country A to sell its goods to Country C since Country B’s currency is cheaper for Country C to obtain than Country A. Consequently, if Country A wants to offset Country B’s advantage it must turn to devaluing its own currency so the value of its currency relative Country B’s currency is eventually equal or less. Similarly, countries that want to maintain their competitiveness in exports are compelled to devaluing their own currencies to keep up with the U.S.’s currency devaluation. Japan is one country that has tried several times to purposely devalue its currency, the Yen, through its own quantitative easing and other currency market interventions so it can improve its export situation. The problem for the Japanese is that the U.S. may have the “best” set of money printers in the entire world with the Federal Reserve.

It’s going to be awhile before we can fairly determine whether the beginning of this new round (Round 2…Round 1 occurred in Spring 2009) of quantitative easing has initiated the currency devaluation period that Creme’s Ascended Master referred to as coming before the start of the real extreme global instability. This new round has the potential to signify the start of this period, but it’s possible that the real currency devaluation comes at a later time with potentially Round 3, Round 4, Round 5, etc.

  • Nevertheless, it is something that people who follow and do not follow economic and financial issues closely should take note of because it may be an event that we look back at in a couple of years as something that helped push the world closer to the start of the End Times. If not, then it is an event that could easily make the cost of living for you a lot more expensive because the money you hold is becoming worth less and less as time continues.

The questionable assumptions made in this analysis are 1) that the Ascended Master that advises Benjamin Creme is being truthful about the idea that there is going to be a period of currency devaluation and (2) that the spiritual forces of evil actually can influence events so that there is a period of currency devaluation.

  • The first assumption may be the most difficult to accept since the spiritual forces of evil do lie a lot. However, I wonder whether they would lie about this because they would lose a lot of credibility with their followers if they failed to predict something as important as this. Why would the spiritual forces of evil ruin their credibility with their followers now when they have the chance to further strengthen people’s faith in their predictions so that they can later ruin their followers’ souls during the End Times? Again, it is biblically possible for there to be a period of global currency devaluation due to the lack of references to paper money in End Times prophecy…

  • The second assumption may be easier to accept since some people believe the spiritual forces of evil influence certain elites across the globe.

Thank you everyone who has provided me some feedback. Further feedback is welcomed! :) I plan to refocus on spiritual warfare issues in the coming days. I still will write about secular issues from time to time, but I’ll try more to connect them with spiritual warfare issues and describe them in simpler terms. I hope this article helps you better understand the importance of the recent economic news in context of the ongoing spiritual warfare. Again I made a mistake for not making the connection earlier. Sometimes a writer loses perspective that the reader cannot read their mind.

Notes and References

[1] The Master (through Benjamin Crème). “The Unfolding Plan”. 15. Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 6. Jul. 2009.

[2] Creme, Benjamin. “Sharing FAQ”. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 6 Jul. 2009.

[3] “Maitreya’s Priorities”. 19 Jun. 2009. Last Accessed 6 Jul. 2009.

[4] Creme responded to a question about whether we would see hyperinflation or deflation following a world stock market crash. Creme’s response is that we would see deflation. This response does not mean that Creme is contradicting the notion that there will be inflation after a crash because deflation would likely be experienced first for a period of time before the inflation arrives.

[5] Pitchon, Patricia. “Drugs: A World Problem-Interview with the Master-through Benjamin Creme”. 15. Oct. 2005. Last Accessed. 6. Jul. 2009.

[6] “A Positive Vision of the Future”. 26. Aug. 2007. Last Accessed. 6 Jul. 2009.