Analyzing An Interview Featuring a Man Who Some People Claim “Predicted” the NYC "UFO Sighting" on October 13

This past September a man named Stanley A. Fulham, a former NORAD officer and author, issued a press release predicting that there would be “a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities” on October 13, 2010. There was no “massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities” on that date, but there was the alleged UFO sighting over New York City.

Although Fulham’s prediction did not take place exactly like he stated it would, he received media attention for “accurately” predicting the UFO display over New York City from programs like Coast to Coast AM, which has millions of listeners around the world each week.

I spent time last night listening to a recent ninety-minute podcast program featuring Fulham as a guest. I decided to listen to the interview because Fulham claims he received the information about the recent, alleged New York City UFO sighting, information about upcoming chaos on the planet, and information about future plans for UFO landings on Earth from the spirit world. I was also curious about Fulham because some of his printed statements reminded me of statements made by Benjamin Creme (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of spiritual beings referred to as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” in Ephesians 6:12).

  • I often cite Benjamin Creme a lot when I discuss what the spiritual forces of evil have planned, so I was curious if the spiritual forces of evil were telling someone like Fulham something similar. After listening to the interview it seems like the spiritual forces of evil have told Fulham similar things.

In this blog post I share my thoughts about the Fulham interview I heard last night and some of the things Fulham talked about in case there is something worth gleaning (whether there is something worth gleaning is totally up to you to decide).

  • Note: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these un-biblical sources at the following link Here I am analyzing Fulham's statements to see if we can learn anything about the spiritual forces of evil's plans-not promoting his teachings.

Fulham began the interview by discussing his encounter with UFOs during World War 2 and stories he heard while working for NORAD. Fulham said he eventually contacted a “spiritual” friend who recommended he get in communication with the spirit world through a channeler.

  • My pre-interview suspicion that Fulham was susceptible to getting information from an evil source was confirmed with this statement since the Bible forbids communication with the spirit world through the channeling process (Deuteronomy 18).

Fulham says he communicates with a group of “old souls” called the “transcendors” through the channeling process. Fulham said that he was shocked by what the transcendors told him the first time he communicated with them because they knew everything about him, including his past. Fulham eventually asked the transcendors if they were the only group from the spirit world that speaks to humans on Earth. He said that the transcendors told him that there were other spirit groups that speak to humans like the "White Brotherhood".

  • I had no doubt that these “transcendors” were evil spiritual entities once I heard they were associated with the “White Brotherhood”. The “White Brotherhood” is a nickname for…the Ascended Masters.
  • The “transcendors” knowing facts about Fulham does not surprise me one bit. Satan likes to keep tabs on people…

Fulham stated that the UFO sighting over New York City was intended to prepare/condition people for an eventual public appearance by UFOs over cities throughout the world. Fulham went on to claim that the current “plan” is to have aliens address the public at the U.N. in 2014 and make an even greater outward display in 2015.

  • I began to roll my eyes here because I really doubt anything that relates to timing when it comes to alien appearances. Fulham predicted that there would be UFOs appearing over the world’s major cities on October 13. Although one could argue that a UFO display transpired in New York City on October 13, Fulham’s actual prediction was incorrect. The excuse that Fulham says the transcendors gave him was that the aliens did not feel the world was "ready" yet for such a great outward display. If the spirit world is giving incorrect information about what they are going to do on a specific date then it’s hard to believe that they’ll fulfill similar promises in the future. Remember, a true prophecy coming from God is one that comes true (Deuteronomy 18:22).
  • I’m not saying that UFOs/aliens won’t eventually come. I think it’s likely that people will see them when Satan and his fallen angels are kicked out of Heaven (Revelation 12:9).

Fulham claimed that UFOs intend to appear publicly over Earth to clean up the Earth’s atmosphere which humans have polluted. Benjamin Creme teaches similar gobblygook except that he states that UFOs have already been cleaning up the Earth’s atmosphere. Fulham stated that the transcendors told him that the two main reasons why aliens bother to “help us” is because Earth contains high-levels of emotional energy and aliens have high hopes for “our spiritual development”.

  • I listened to the Coast to Coast AM interview with Fulham to hear more about what it is meant by “our spiritual development”. Fulham stated that aliens hope that humans will one day ascend to a “higher level of spiritual consciousness” which is spoken about by the Mayan. This statement is reminiscent of the stated objectives of the Ascended Masters (they state they want to bring spiritual evolution to mankind). In Christian terms, the spiritual forces of evil want to condemn everyone they can to eternity in the lake of fire.

Fulham claimed he was told that the world would experience political, economic, financial, geological, and environmental turmoil in the next five years by the transcendors. The events that Fulham described are reminiscent of the events predicted by messengers of evil like Edgar Cayce and Benjamin Creme. From a Christian point of view the events described sound like the intensification of birth pangs.

  • We have a case where the spiritual forces of evil agree with what the Bible teaches us about the chaos still to come in the birth pangs period.

Interestingly, Fulham mentioned that he asked the transcendors about Jesus Christ. The transcendors “confirmed” that Christ existed, performed all the miracles stated in the Bible, died on the cross, and even rose from the dead.

  • This is another case where the spiritual forces of evil admit that Jesus Christ did the things the Bible states He did.

However, Fulham denied that Christ would return again in a body, which contradicts the Bible (there’s always a caveat with the spiritual forces of evil statements about Christ). Instead Fulham said he was told that the “Christ Consciousness” would be returning to Earth in 10 to 20 years; beginning in Russia and then spreading to the rest of the world through the efforts of a spiritual "guru".

  • This startled me because similar predictions are made by messengers of evil Alice Bailey (who worked under the guidance of an Ascended Master named Djwhal Khul) and Edgar Cayce. In addition, the host interviewing Fulham commented that similar predictions are given by other channelers.
  • From a Christian point of view, Fulham was basically echoing something that people like Bailey and Cayce were hinting at and something I believe when I look at Ezekiel 38:1-3. Antichrist is coming from Russia… New Age teachings state that “Christ Consciousness” is an energy that influences people spiritually through the heart (the Bible said the heart is deceitful in Jeremiah 17:9) and is an energy embodied by Maitreya. The name “Christ Consciousness” is deceptive because it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. If “Christ Consciousness” is an “energy”, it is an evil energy that’ll likely prepare people for an End Times initiation ceremony that is likely associated with the giving of the Mark of the Beast (more on this can be found in my report about 2012).
  • Fulham stated that the individual who will lead Russia and eventually the world in a rise to a higher level of spiritual consciousness is already in his teens or late teens and is already having an impact on the country. I found this interesting because that would imply that the man who will be Antichrist is here and is still young if Antichrist is actually coming from Russia and if Fulham has any credibility with regard to this.

Overall, the interview reaffirmed my belief that aliens/UFOs are evil entities and that they are up to no good. In addition, I found the information concerning this individual in Russia quite fascinating given that I believe Antichrist will come someday take over Russia. The interview is ninety-minutes long so that may be way too much time to devote to listening to someone who is regurgitating the lies from the spirit world. Remember, be suspicious of anyone who claims to have contacts from the spirit world.