New Gowalla Pin: New Year's Eve 2011

buat pengguna "gowalla" juga tersedia pin baru edisi khusus tahun baru 2011, pin bernama "new year's eve 2011" sudah tersedia untuk diunlock menyambut pergantian tahun ini.

untuk mendapatkan pin "new year's eve 2011" ini cukup cek in menggunakan gowalla di semua spot yang ada di sekitar kita dan wajib disertai komentar atau shout "new year’s eve" atau "nye" atau "happy new year".

Nama: New Year's Eve 2011
Message: "Go out with Gowalla on New Year's Eve and land this one-of-a-kind Pin! Just check-in, mention New Year's Eve or NYE. Enjoy!"

How To Unlock: Check-in with shout "New Year's Eve or NYE"

Untappd Badge: [How To Unlock] Birthday Brew

badge yang ditunggu-tunggu dari "untappd" akhirnya keluar juga di awal tahun ini, belum banyak yang unlock badge ini apalagi badge ini akan unlock otomatis saat cek in di hari ulang tahun yang bersangkutan.

badge "birthday brew" ini dapat diunlock sesuai data tanggal lahir yang diinput pada saat registrasi akun "untappd" dan pada saat tanggal tersebut akan unlock apabila cek in.

Name: Birthday Brew
Message: "Happy birthday to you! Drinks are on us! Hopefully you’ll remember this tomorrow."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di hari ulang tahun

Cara Unlock badge Lain: "Untappd"


End of the Year Message: A Thank You to My Readers

I want to conclude 2010 by writing a “Thank You” message to all my readers.

The blog has grown immensely in 2010. I remember starting the year with a small number of readers and writing articles maybe once or twice a week. I also remember wondering whether I should keep writing early in the year because there were not enough readers to justify me putting several hours a day into writing an article…

  • Lookup Fellowship’s recommendation of my blog back in March came at the right time because I don’t think I would have continued for much longer without it…

Now I have a respectable number of readers and a few hundred articles written. The year ends with me in a far different position than when I started the year…

Thank you for reading my writing and research with an open mind. I know a lot of people get instantly turned off to my writing as soon as they see me mention an unbiblical source. Unfortunately, a lot of new visitors don’t stay long enough to give me the chance to explain to them that the reason why I sometimes mention unbiblical sources is that I’m trying to help warn people about what the spiritual forces of evil are up to and how their plans may relate to Bible prophecy. All that I ask is for people to read my writing and research with an open mind. I’m grateful that you are willing to read my writing and research with an open mind and continue to read even if I write something you disagree with.

I also want to thank those who provide me with comments and feedback because it's always good to hear from people. I like hearing comments and feedback because it helps me know that I'm not just talking to myself and that people are listening.

Since last week I’ve thought about doing something with video in 2011. I think video would be a good addition to the blog if it’s done right. I think it helps to see a human face and/or to hear a human voice to establish more of a “connection”. I also think it could help because some people learn better by listening than they do by reading. I’m actually someone who learns much better when I listen than when I read. Perhaps I’ll add a video component to the blog sometime in 2011 if I can figure out the best way of doing it right…

  • I’d be curious to hear anyone’s thoughts about this potential idea.

Again, thank you for reading my writing and research with an open mind. Without your readership I would be unable to continue to pour hours of work each day into warning people about the dangers we face in the future. Have a Happy New Year and God Bless!

Untappd Badge: [How To Unlock] Happy Brew Year 2011, Last Brew (2010) & Fresh Start (2011)

rame-rame menyambut tahun baru 2011, layanan "untappd" tak mau kalah dengan layanan lain seperti "foursquare" maupun "getglue" dan layanan lain. setelah mengeluatkan badge spesial edisi natal "merry bre-mas" dan edisi "thanksgiving, beer-giving" kali ini "untappd" mengeluarkan edisi khusus yang jumlah gak tanggung-tanggung tetapi 3 buah badge baru.

badge bernama "happy brew year (2011)", "last brew 2010" dan "fresh start 2011" akan aktif semua hari ini tanggal 31 desember 2010 sampai dengan 01 januari 2011 lokal time. ketiga badge tersebut limited waktunya dan hanya dapat diunlock pada waktu dan cara tertentu.

berikut rinciannya:

Nama: Happy Brew Year (2011)
Message: "Ring in the new year by cracking open a bottle of your favorite reserve, or whatever you happen to have on hand!"

Status: Active (01.01.2011)
How To Unlock: Check-in di malam tahun baru mulai jam 00:00 dini hari sampai dengan jam 01:00 pagi tanggal 01.01.2010 (local time)

Name: Last Brew (2010)
Message: "Head out and celebrate the closing of 2010 in style! Have a beer at a venue between 8PM and midnight on New Years Eve!"

Status: Active (31.12.2010)
How To Unlock: Check-in di malam tahun baru mulai jam 8 malam tanggal 31.01.2010 sampai dengan jam 00:00 tanggal 01.01.2011 (local time), venue yang berlaku adalah "nightlife" dan "food".

Name: Fresh Start (2011)
Message: "Now that it’s a new year, why not try something new? It’s all about resolutions and starting fresh! Check-in to a brew you’ve never had any time on New Years day!"

Status: Active (31.12.2010)
How To Unlock: Check-in di tanggal 01.01.2011 (local time) dengan brew yang baru atau belum pernah dikonsumsi.

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "MTV New Year's Bash 2011" Sticker

Name: MTV New Year's Bash 2011
Message: "You're ringing in 2011 with Whitney Cummings, Snookie, Pauli D., and a fist-pumping crowd. Check it out at Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at MTV."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show MTV's New Year's Bash 01.01.2011

Pay Attention to the Rising Dragon: China

I know a lot of people are relaxing this time of year and have their mind focused on more pleasant things as everyone needs a break from their normal, daily lives. I also that some people on the East Coast of the U.S. are dealing with a lot of cleanup after a massive storm dumped a few feet of snow on them. Suffice to say that a lot of people have their minds elsewhere this time of year instead of tracking current events and news relating to Bible prophecy.

If you are among the few who are currently watching current events and news relating to Bible prophecy this time of year you probably have your attention focused on the Middle East and perhaps Europe. I would too because one should never let their guard down in watching those areas for something to develop. However, I think it is also wise to begin paying some attention to China-if you’re not already-because they are showing signs of potentially becoming a participant in armed conflict in the near future.

There is an article today by the Daily Telegraph’s Beijing-based reporter about China’s preparation for armed conflict against everyone. The article includes a quote by China’s National Defense Minister, Liang Guanglie, proclaiming:

“In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction…We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away”

The article outlines some of the recent developments China has undertaken to prepare its military for potential armed conflict with. This includes China announcing plans to begin building air craft carriers, which would be a major tool to enable China to project its military power beyond its coastlines, and China’s work to develop carrier-destroying ballistic missiles, which is a weapon that U.S. military analysts are concerned about.

My concern is that China is rapidly upgrading its military because they have armed conflict with the U.S. in mind. Although the Daily Telegraph article points out that China’s military spending is just a small fraction of the U.S.’s military spending, it’s disconcerting to see China making these major military upgrades when they are seemingly unnecessary.

  • China does not need to worry about the U.S. or its neighbors threatening their very existence. The U.S. is more concerned about Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran than making war with China. Meanwhile, countries like Japan and South Korea are no threats to China militarily and probably have no interest in armed conflict with China because of the economic consequences associated with doing so… China has been able to develop rapidly into a major global economic and political power under relatively peaceful conditions-not war. Yet, Chinese leaders and the Chinese military are preparing for armed conflict within five years…

My suspicion is that China is preparing for armed conflict with the U.S. in mind because they see a high probability of an eventual clash. The clash could be over a wide-array of issues. Here are some issues off the top of my head:

  • Taiwan: China wants to control Taiwan and the U.S. is obligated to protect Taiwan.
  • The Dominant Power of Asia: China and the U.S. could clash over who controls the region. As a rising global power, China may want to assert themselves by taking control of the region.
  • China’s peg to the U.S. dollar: U.S. officials are angry because they believe China purposely undervalues its currency to hurt the U.S. in trade while China denies any wrong doing.
  • The U.S.’s money printing practices: China holds a substantial amount of U.S. dollar holdings. The U.S.’s money printing practices weakens the value of China’s holdings. China is very unhappy with this as evidenced by their condemnation of Quantitative Easing 2.0.
  • Economic Hegemony: The U.S. is still seen by many as the country who has the most economic influence in the world-the economic hegemon. However, China’s economy is rapidly ascending and is poised to surpass the U.S. economy in the near distant future. China could claim that they should lead a new economic order because they have surpassed the U.S. in terms of economic strength. U.S. policymakers could move to resist China’s claims because they still want to have the most economic influence.
  • Rare Earth Minerals: Rare earth minerals are essential in making a variety of electronic equipment, including mobile phones, and essential in making wind turbines and smart bombs. China holds a near monopoly in the global supply of rare earth minerals. China is gradually reducing the supply of rare earth minerals it is making available to the rest of the world. The U.S. (and other countries) must somehow secure a reliable supply of rare earth minerals or there could be huge problems…

Beyond preparing for armed conflict with the U.S., I could easily see China eventually behaving like expansionist Japan in the 1930s and 1940s by attempting to take over resource-rich and strategic areas of Asia. China has an unquenchable appetite to secure natural resources for its huge, growing population and is willing to do anything to acquire them. For instance, China has recently made oil deals with Sudan and Venezuela-two countries that are not exactly the trumpeters of human rights. In the future China may utilize a strengthened military to simply seize what they need if they feel it’s a more reliable way of securing the resources they need.

The Bible says we will see wars and rumors of wars prior to the Second Coming of Christ. I could easily see China as a participant in future armed conflict and could even see one future armed conflict involve the U.S. versus China...

Foursquare Badge: "Andy Cohen", Check into New Year's Eve with Andy!

Here’s What: You’re a man/woman about town, hitting up all the right places. And by “right,” we mean a healthy combo of the trendy and the timeless. “Mazel” to you.

brand "bravotv" bersama foursquare memilih badge "andy cohen" di antara beberapa badge dari "bravotv" menyambut pergantian tahun baru 2010 - 2011 dengan menyelenggarakan party yang diberi nama "watch what happens live: andy’s new year’s eve party" di tanggal 1 januari 2011.

selain badge lawas ini, pengguna yang cek in di venue "bravotv" juga akan tampil nama dan avatarnya di layar "bravotv" yang tayang live di jam 10:30 est.

untuk mendapatkan badge "andy cohen" plus berperan serta di acara "andy’s new year’s eve party" ini sebelumnya follow terlebih dahulu halaman ""bravotv"" di trus cek in di venue yang direkomendasikan di acara tersebut.

sedangkan bagi yang gak mau mendapatkan badge "andi cohen" dan nongol di tv bisa unfollow halaman "bravotv" atau cek in tetapi "offthe grid".

happy new year...

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "The Event Fan" Stickers

Name: The Event Fan

Message: "You may not have figured out what the Event is, but you certainly have a theory! That's 5 check-ins/visits to The Event! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "The Event" 5 Times (5x)

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Chuck Fan" Sticker

Name: Chuck Fan

Message: "From the Buy More Geek Squad to a Globe Trotting Spy, you've been there with Chuck! That's 5 check-ins/visits to Chuck! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC"

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Chuck" 5 Times (5x)

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "The Cape" Stickers

Name: The Cape Coming Soon
Message: "Follow the adventure as The Cape battles corruption in Palm City. Tune in Mondays at 9/8c on NBC, starting January 9th. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "The Cape" 29.12.2010 - 09.01.2011

Name: The Cape Fan
Message: "Palm City is safe under your watchful eye! That's 5 check-ins/visits to The Cape! Continue to tune in Mondays at 9/8c. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "The Cape" 5 times (5x)

Name: The Cape Premiere
Message: "Thanks for watching The Cape take off! Continue to tune in Mondays at 9/8c. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "The Cape" 09.01.2011

Another Critique of the Blood Moon Rapture Theory

I noticed my Blood Moon Rapture theory critique recently became the top article listed on Google relating to the search terms “Blood Moon Rapture”. This development has led to a big a boost in new visitors to the blog. For newer readers who haven’t heard about the theory, here is a quick summary of what the Blood Moon Rapture theory is:

The Blood Moon Rapture theory (or Red Moon Rapture theory) posits that the Second Coming of Christ is likely going to occur in 2014 or 2015 when there will be four consecutive, total lunar eclipses or a tetrad. These total lunar eclipses will coincide with two major holidays on the Jewish calendar in 2014 and 2015: Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth). Here are the major dates below:

The Next Set of Total Lunar Eclipses that Coincide With Jewish Holiday Periods

Supporters of this theory believe the Rapture is likely going to take place on one of the days which will have a total lunar eclipse.

There are a few verses in the Bible that describe the moon turning red or into blood just prior to the Rapture.

  • Joe 2:30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
  • Joe 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

  • Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
  • Rev 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

The Blood Moon theory attracts a lot of proponents because these total lunar eclipses are capable of turning the moon into the color of blood (hence the term “blood moon”). In addition, the fact that these total lunar eclipses will occur on important Jewish holidays makes people wonder if something really important is going on.

In my previous critique I cited my Rapture viewpoint and my viewpoint on our proximity to the End Times as my reason why I did not believe in the theory. Today I want to critique the theory again, but in a far more analytical way using historical and scientific data for those who do not agree with my Rapture position and my viewpoint our proximity to the End Times.

The idea that something could happen during a Jewish holiday period has some appeal since there can be some symbolism involved. However, it’s not unprecedented for a total lunar eclipse to occur during a Jewish holiday period. In fact, this coincidence has taken place several times in the past fifty years. Below is a list of total lunar eclipses that have taken place during Jewish Holiday periods over the past fifty years.

Recent Total Lunar Eclipses that Coincided With Jewish Holiday Periods

The dates above suggest we are not guaranteed the Rapture when a total lunar eclipse occurs during a Jewish holiday period. This type of event has taken place several times in the past without anything Earth-shattering taking place.

  • Some people might point out that some important events regarding Israel did take place in 1967, but those events did not take place when there was total lunar eclipse.
  • Some people might point out that it’s going to be a long time before we have another total lunar eclipse coincide with a Jewish holiday after 2015. The rebuttal I have for that point is: “Where in the Bible does it specifically say that the Rapture must take place at a time of a total lunar eclipse?” Sure the moon’s appearance changes, but a total lunar eclipse isn’t the only thing that can make the moon’s appearance change like that…

Another issue that I have with the Blood Moon Rapture theory is that the upcoming total lunar eclipses are going to have limited visibility across the world. NASA’s maps of who will see these upcoming total lunar eclipse and who will not reveal that large segments of the world’s population will not see each of the upcoming total lunar eclipses during Jewish holiday periods. Here is a brief overview of who will not see the upcoming total lunar eclipses (when you click the links over the day a map should popup in another tab/window on your browser):

April 15, 2014: Nisan 15 (Passover)

  • The Middle East, most of Asia, eastern parts of Africa, and most of Europe will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse.

October 8, 2014: Tishri 14

  • The Middle East, Europe, and Africa will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse.

April 4, 2015: Nisan 15 (Passover)

  • Europe, Africa, and nearly the entire Middle East will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse.

September 28, 2015: Tishri 15: (Sukkoth)

  • Most of Asia and all of Australia will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse

NASA’s maps demonstrate that many people won’t see the moon turn “blood red” as a result of a total lunar eclipse. This means that if you believe that the Rapture will take place at a time of a total lunar eclipse you must also accept the idea that there will be people who will be unable to see the moon turn into “blood” at the time of the Rapture. This is a difficult idea for me to accept because Revelation 6:12-17 suggests that everyone on Earth at that time will see the events following the opening of the sixth seal take place:

  • Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
  • Rev 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
  • Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
  • Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
  • Rev 6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
  • Rev 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Consequently, I do not believe the change in the moon’s appearance is due to a total lunar eclipse. A total lunar eclipse is unlikely going to be the event that turns the moon’s appearance into “blood” at the time of the sixth seal as billions of people won’t even notice that a total lunar eclipse is taking place…

  • Three out of Four of the upcoming total lunar eclipses during Jewish holiday periods won't even be visible to the Middle East. You'd think that people in the Middle East would see the moon turn into "blood" during the sixth seal since that's where much of the action is taking place...

This is probably not my last critique of the Blood Moon Rapture theory because I have a theory of my own about what causes the moon’s appearance to change. I’ll save that topic for another day…

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Power Month, Top Of The Morning, Weekday Warrior, Risk Taker, Drinking Your Paycheck & Taste Crazy

Name: Power Month
Message: "A beer a day will keep the doctor away... or something like that. That’s 30 brews in a month!"

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 30 brew dalam 30 hari (akun harus udah 30 hari umurnya)

Name: Top of the Mornin
Message: "Hair of the dog? You know how to start the day off right. Have at least 5 brews before noon."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 5 brew dari pagi hari sampai sore hari.

Name: Weekday Warrior
Message: "Planning on calling out tomorrow? If not, we’ll be sure to have some coffee ready for you! Drink 5 beers during the week after 10PM."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 5 brew setealh jam 10 malam semalam weekday (Senin - Jumat)

Name: Risk Taker
Message: "You’ve never had it, but you’ll take your friend’s word for it. Try 10 different recommended brews!"

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 10 brew yang direkomendasikan Untappd (list rekomendasi ada di bagian bawah yg bertuliskan "RECOMMENDED BREWS" setelah check in)

Name: Drinking Your Paycheck
Message: "It’s been a long week and you deserve a drink, or five. Besides, isn’t that what your check is for?"

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 5 brew pada hari Jumat malam.

Name: Taste Crazy
Message: "Are you crazy? Five different types of beer in one day? Hope you were just sampling."

Status: Inactive (Update: Active Again April 2011)
How To Unlock: Check-in di 5 jenis brew yang berbeda dalam 1 hari.

buat liat cara unlock badge-badge untappd bisa buka link: untappd badges.

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] All American, Cerveza Matador, Luck of the Irish, Das Boot & Beer Connoisseur

kalo di postingan sebelumnya tentang badge yang diunlock berdasarkan bir/ brew yang dikonsumsi, kali ini dibahas badge-badge "untappd" yang dapat diunlock dengan cara cek in di bir/ brew yang berasal dari negara tertentu.

Kelima badge tersebut antara lain "All American", "Cerveza Matador", "Luck of the Irish", "Das Boot" dan "Beer Connoisseur".

Name: All American
Message: "America, f**k yeah! It feels good to be an American! Now what channel’s got NASCAR?"

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 10 buah American Beers yakni dari Bud/ Budweiser, Coors dan Miller ditambah dengan Wheat Beer dari Bud (bisa di search dengan kata kunci Bud, Coor, Miller dan Wheat)
Name: Cerveza Matador
Message: "¡Te gusta las cervezas de Mexico! Baxter, you know I don't speak Spanish. In English, please."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 10 buah Mexico Beers, contohnya produk dari brewery Cerveceria Yucatan atau dari Grupo Modelo (Corona), contohnya adalah bir Pacifico dan Montejo (silahkan search dengan kata kunci kedua brewery tadi).

Name: Luck of the Irish
Message: "You've discovered a pot of gold, or you’ve just had one too many. That's at least 5 Irish beers."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 5 buah bir/ brew yang berasal dari Irlandia/ Irish (bisa di search dengan kata kunci Irish), contohnya adalah Smithwick's dan Triple Nickel Irish Stout.
Name: Das Boot
Message: "Das ist mindestens 15 deutsche biere! David Hasselhoff would be proud of you."

How To Unlock: Check-in di 15 buah bir/ brew yang berasal dari Jerman/ Deutch (bisa di search dengan kata kunci Deutch atau Germany atau Weisse atau Weissbier), contohnya German Premium Dark atau Weisse Franziskaner atau Hefe-Weissbier Dunkel
Name: Beer Connoisseur
Message: "Travel much? You must be a “brewsetter”. That's at least 5 beers from 5 different countries."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 5 macam bir. brew dari 5 negara asal yang berbeda (biasanya kalo udah mendapatkan ke empat badge sebelumnya di atas pasti akan mendapat badge ini).

buat liat cara unlock badge-badge untappd bisa buka link: untappd badges.

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Lite Weight, Heavy Weight, Johnny Appleseed & Heffenista

di layanan "untappd" ada beberapa badge yang tergabung dalam kategori "beer badges" yang didapatkan dengan cara mengkonsumsi bir/ brew dengan kategori atau asal negara tertentu.

berikut cara unlock empat badge berdasarkan kategori bir/ brew yang dikonsumsi yakni "lite weight", "heavy weight", "johnny appleseed" dan "heffenista"

Name: Lite Weight
Message: "Watching your figure? You certainly like your light beer. That’s at least 3 American Light Beers."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 3 American Light Beer seperti Coors Light, Miller Lite, Bud Light

Name: Heavy Weight
Message: "You like it thick and dark. Your beer! What did you think I was talking about? That's at least 10 dark beers."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 10 jenis Dark Beer (silahkan pake search "Dark")

Name: Johnny Appleseed
Message: "Grab a pot and put it on your head because your a modern day Johnny Appleseed. That’s at least 10 cider beers."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 10 jenis Cider (silahkan pake search "Cider")

Name: Heffenista
Message: "It may not be cloudy outside, but your brew definitely is. That's at least 10 hefeweizen beers!"

Status: Active
How To Unlock:  Check-in di 10 jenis hefeweizen (silahkan pake search "hefeweizen")

buat liat cara unlock badge-badge untappd bisa buka link: untappd badges.

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Night Out, Brew Crawl, Last Call & Happy Hour Hound

berikut badge-badge "untappd" yang dapat diunlock dengan cara tertentu yang berdasarkan waktu yang sudah ditentukan. ke empat badge ini yaitu "night out", "brew crawl", "last call" dan "happy hour hound" masih dalam kategori "venue badges"

Name: Night Out
Message: "Enjoying a nice Night Out on the town? Thanks for taking untappd along."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di venue berkategori "Pub" atau "Bar" setelah jam 7 malam

Name: Brew Crawl
Message: "Can't stay in the same place for 1 night? That's 3 bars in 1 night."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di 3 venue berkategori "Pub" atau "Bar" yang berbeda dalam 1 malam.

Name: Last Call
Message: "Closing time, one last call... enjoy a little night cap. That's at least 3 brews after 1AM."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in 3 kali (brew) pada jam 1 sampai jam 7 pagi pada hari Jumat/ Sabtu (venue: kategori "Nightlife")

Name: Happy Hour Hound
Message: "It’s been a long day. Time to get your drink on. You’ve had 10 beers from 5PM - 8PM on weekdays."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in 10 kali (brew) antara jam 5 sore dan 8 malam di hari Senin-Jumat (venue: bar atau pub)

buat liat cara unlock badge-badge untappd bisa buka link: untappd badges.

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "New Year's 2011" Badge

Happy New Year! Thanks for all your check-ins, tips, photos, comments and badge unlocks in 2010. Here's to a happy and healthy 2011 - and a hangover free tomorrow

kalo kemaren di hari natal foursquare gak mengeluarkan badge edisi khusus christmas, kali ini di pergantian tahun 2010 ke 2011 bakal ada badge baru foursquare edisi limited khusus perayaan tahun baru alias new years 2011.

badge baru "new years 2011" dengan warna dasar kuning dengan gambar dua gelas minuman plus angka sebelas sudah tersedia di halaman galeri badge foursquare dan siap diunlock di pergantian tahun 2011 atau tepatnya tanggal 01.01.2011.

untuk unlock badge terbatas ini tak perlu follow brand apapun karena ini badge foursquare bukan badge partner dengan brand lain. tentang cara unlock badge "new years 2011" ini apakah di venue tertentu atau bebas atau disertai shout "happy new years 2011" nanti akan selalu diupdate di blog ini atau di twitter.
update: tanpa shout bisa unlock... bahkan off the grid juga bisa. badge ini aktif mulai jam 8 malam tanggal 31 desember 2010 sampai dengan jam 4 pagi di tanggal 1 januari 2011.

yang menarik lagi, badge "new years 2011" ini akan berlaku secara global termasuk dapat diunlock di indonesia.

siap menyambut tahun 2011 dengan badge-badge baru foursquare? stay tune terus di blog ini atau twitter @tamtomo2 dan @pc_holic ... selamat tahun baru 2011...

Unlocked Badge: @PC_holic

Holographic Images of the Beast? Revelation 13:14-15

Last week IBM announced a series of predictions about what technologies we could see developed within the next five years. One of the predictions IBM made is that we could see holographic image technology on cell phones which may enable users to interact with 3D holograms of the individual(s) they are talking to.

I told my dad about the technology and he immediately tried to link this potential technological development to the image of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13:14-15.

  • Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
  • Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

The idea he posited is that people could use holographic technology to create 3D holographic images of the beast to worship. Today I’ll share my initial thoughts about his hypothesis (you’re actually going to hear them before he does).

I’ve thought about the idea of people worshipping holographic images of the beast, but I don’t know how feasible it is. The main issue I have with this idea is that Revelation 13:15 says the False Prophet will give "life" to the image of the beast. How can a holographic projection be given life?

  • In my article about fallen angels vs demons article, I cite Revelation 9:18-21 and Revelation 13:14 as potential evidence that demons could inhabit images or idols that people worship. In this case, demons would inhabit physical objects, which is not impossible for them since they are recorded in the Bible to have possessed individuals. In contrast, people would not be worshiping something physical if they utilize 3D holographic images of the beast. It’s hard to see how a demon would have the ability to possess an illusion.
  • Scientists are developing moving 3D holograms, but it’s hard for me to see right now how a moving 3D hologram could be equated with being given "life"… The False Prophet giving "life" to images of the beast could easily be one of the deceptions he uses to fool people into worshipping Antichrist. However, I don't know if people would be so easily deceived if they relied on holographic technology to worship the beast since more people each day are becoming aware that moving holograms is becoming a real technological possibility.

Another issue I have with the idea is that the image of the beast has the ability to kill people who refuse to worship it. If people are worshipping holographic images of the beast it’s hard for me to imagine how these images would know when a person is refusing to worship them. In contrast, if a demon inhabited a physical image or idol of the beast it could detect when someone refuses to worship it and perhaps alert a person of someone’s insubordination.

I think it’s far more likely that the followers of the Antichrist will print out images of the beast from their printers or make idols (if they have the skill to make one) than to worship 3D holograms of the Antichrist. I could be wrong though because I don’t know what the full potential of this technology is going to be yet-no one does because it’s in the early stages of its development.

Feel free to comment if you have any idea how this technology could be used by Antichrist in the End Times or have a better idea how this technology could work than me. It’s something I’ve been wondering about…

Sarah Palin Wins MIsinformer of the Year Award

The folks at Media Matters have given  the second annual Glenn Beck Honorary Award for Excellence in Misinformation to ( drum roll please) Sarah Palin-- the woman who with such personal magnetism and style has so blurred the boundaries between truth and falsehood that she has brought misinformation to a new, never before achieved  level.

Working closely with Glenn Beck and Fox News, the Killah from Wasilla has managed to scare and confuse more Americans than any other public figure this year, using both distortions and outright lies.  Her " death panel" rumor during the run up to the Health Care Reform vote was a master-stroke that perfectly exemplifies her style and finesse.

Let's hear it for the former governor of Alaska  and Misinformer of the Year, Sarah "youbetcha"  Palin.

H/T  to  Crooks and Liers   and  The Fifth Column

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Frat Party, Beer Party & Adventurer

berikut ada 3 badge "untappd" di bawah kategori "venue badges" selain yang udah dibahas sebelumnya seperti "here comes the brew", "ahoy matey!", "beach bum", "above the clouds", "layover" dan "tailgater". untuk melihat kembali cara unlock badge tersebut silahkan ke alamat ini.

ketiga badge ini antara lain "frat party", "beer party" dan "adventurer" dengan rincian dan cara sebagai berikut:

Name: Frat Party
Message: "Where’s the party at bro? That's at least three cheap beers that college kids love and can afford."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in atau brewing di 3 item seperti "Keystone Ice, Keystone Premium dan Pabst Blue Ribbon Light" dan lokasi check-in di venue kategori "University".

Name: Beer Party
Message: "Drinking with friends is fun. Right? You've checked in with at least 4 other people within 2 hours."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in bersama dengan 4 teman di tempat/ venue yang sama dalam jangka waktu 2 jam.

Name: Adventurer
Message: "That’s one way to get over your fear of roller coasts. Just hope you can keep it down on the loop! Enjoy 5 brews at a theme park."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in 5 kali di lokasi/ venue berkategori "Theme Park".

buat liat cara unlock badge-badge untappd bisa buka link: untappd badges.

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] New Brew Thursday

Name: New Brew Thursday
Message: "It's New Brew Thursday! Drink a new beer on three Thursday's in a 30 day period! Need help finding a new beer? Check out the latest episode of New Brew Thursday today!"

bulan ini selain badge "merry bre-mas (2010)" juga ada badge baru yang bernama "new brew thursday", kalo untuk badge natal "merry bre-mas (2010)" sudah dibahas di sini kali ini kita bahas cara unlock badge "new brew thursday".

badge "new brew thursday" hanya bisa diunlock dengan cara tertentu yakni cek in di item brew baru selama 3 kali hari kamis dalam waktu 30 hari, item brew yang menjadi syarat badge ini adalah yang sedang ditayangkan di episode terakhir "new brew thursday" yang ada di sini. kamis kemarin (23.12.2010) yang ditayangkan adalah episode "infinium" dan tunggu aja kamis depan dan kamis berikutnya.

buat liat cara unlock badge-badge untappd bisa buka link:  untappd badges.

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "CNN New Year's" Stickers

Name: CNN New Year's Eve Live Coming Soon
Message: "Watch New Year's Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin, starting at 11pm ET/ 8pm PT on 12/31 on CNN! Remember to check-in during the live event for another sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at CNN."

How To Earn: Check-in To Topic "New Year's Eve Live with Anderson and Kathy Griffin" 28.12.2010

Name: Happy 2011 from CNN!
Message: "2011 is off to a great start with New Year's Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin. Watch AC360 at 10pm weeknights in 2011. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at CNN."

How To Earn: Check-in To Topic "New Year's Eve Live with Anderson and Kathy Griffin" 31.12.2010

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Country Strong" Stickers

Name: Country Strong Opening Weekend
Message: "Country Strong is now open in select cities, and it opens everywhere January 7. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures."

How To Earn: Check-in To Country Strong 28.12.2010 - 07.01.2011

Name: Country Strong Box Office
Message: "Love and music reign in this drama starring Gywneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw, Garrett Hedlund, and Leighton Meester. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures."

How To Earn: Check-in To Country Strong 07.01.2011

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "2011 International CES" Badge

Welcome to the world’s largest tech show! Now head on over to Experience CEA in the Grand Lobby and show your badge to score some cool prizes (while supplies last).

satu lagi badge terbaru dari foursquare bocor desainnya ke meja redaksi @pc_holic setelah sebelumnya sempat posting "where to eat 2011" seminggu sebelum rilis.. kali ini dari ajang tahunan yang secara rutin dilangsungkan di las vegas amrik setiap bulan januari...

badge foursquare "2011 international ces" ini akan terbit di ajang "ces 2011" atau consumer electronics showcase yang dilamgsungkan tanggal 6 sampai dengan 9 januari 2011 di las vegas. banyak brand-brand ternama yang ikut serta di ajang ini termasuk salah satunya blackberry dan sony.

penasaran dengan cara unlock badge "2011 international ces" tersebut? penasaran juga selain badge "2011 international ces" tersebut ada badge lain dari brand "blackberry" yakni "blackberry ces 2011 badge" seperti yang ada di halaman foursquare-nya blackberry? tunggu terus infonya di blog ini dan twitter @pc_holic dan @tamtomo2

buat persiapan silahkan follow terlebih dahulu halaman foursquare milik "2011 international ces" di alamat juga halaman foursquare milik "blackberry" di alamat dan halaman foursquare milik "sony" di serta halaman milik intel di

-- postingan ini akan selalu diupdate...

Update: 28.12.2010
- Badge "CES 2011" bakal aktif mulai tanggal 4 Januari sampai dengan 9 Januari 2011.
- Halaman resmi "2011 International CES" sudah tersedia dan harus di-follow:
- Cara unlock badge "CES 2011" adalah dengan cara check-in di 5 venue dari 10 venue utama yang ada di halaman foursquare "2011 International CES" tersebut.
- Venue List buat unlock Badge "CES 2011:

- Baca juga Rules buat badge ini plus cara mengikuti undian buat memenangkan tiket "House Full of Music" di alamat Official Rules

- Unlocked Badge: @PC_holic


Creme Addresses Fallibility: Dec 2010 Share Intl Review

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

A small portion of the December edition of Benjamin Creme’s (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of spiritual beings referred to as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” in Ephesians 6:12) magazine was published online on Christmas Eve. Today I provide a brief overview of the portion of Creme’s magazine that is available online and provide some of my thoughts on some of the claims Creme and the Ascended Master who advises Creme make in this magazine.

The magazine began with an article by the Ascended Master who advises Benjamin Creme (transcribed by Creme) about the "need" for change in the world. Interestingly, the article began by suggesting that the ongoing efforts by experts and governments to keep the current economic and financial system going would eventually fail. The article then claimed that many people are looking for a voice to express their suffering and claimed that Maitreya is that “voice” working to influence events.

  • The only thing that stands out in the article is the suggestion that the ongoing efforts to keep the current economic and financial system going would fail. Christ told us in the Olivet Discourse that we’ll see wars, rumors of wars, commotions, etc prior to His Second Coming. In order to get this type of chaos/instability the current economic and financial system probably would have to collapse. Therefore, I would not disagree with the statement that the ongoing efforts to keep the current economic and financial system going would fail eventually. However, this by no means make Creme’s Ascended Master a reliable source of truthful information. For instance, the rest of his article attempted to present Maitreya as the hope of the world, which is complete LIE. The truth is that Jesus Christ is the Savior.

A reader asked Creme whether he was infallible. Interestingly, Creme responded by saying that neither he nor the Ascended Masters are infallible. This is actually a truthful remark because Creme has made failed predictions in the past and the Ascended Masters are evil spiritual beings who have a tendency to deceive a lot.

  • I try to be extremely careful when telling you what these sources claim because they are totally fallible. In contrast, the Bible-the Word of God-is a totally infallible source of truthful information. Psalms 119:160 says: “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever” while Christ said that scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35). As a Christian, I will side with the infallible Bible over fallible sources anytime.
  • I am not infallible either. I try my best to present information and analysis that is consistent with what the Bible says. However, I am human and I make mistakes.

The magazine also featured a section on the mysterious missile launch in California back in early November. The magazine says that the Ascended Master who advises Creme claims it was a Martian spacecraft that was launched from underwater.

  • I’ll let you decide whether to believe this claim or not…

Finally, if anyone is still tracking the alleged Maitreya television tour on American television, Creme claims that Maitreya has given 28 interviews as of December 21. As of November 14, Creme alleged that Maitreya gave 27 interviews so if you’re still tracking it you can do the math…

Overall, there was nothing Earth-shattering in the sections of the magazine that were made available online. I don’t think the Christmas Eve release has any significant meaning. Nevertheless, I hope you found this review somewhat informative.

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Six Pack, Take It Easy, The Usual & The Regular

masih lanjut membahas cara unlock badge-badge "untappd" kali ini ada 4 badge yang bisa diunlock dengan cara yang agak mirip dan bisa berurutan yakni "six pack", "take it easy", "the usual" dan "the regular".

sedangkan untuk melihat cara unlock badge-badge lain yang sudah diposting serta melihat cara menggunakan layanan "untappd" bisa liat kembali halaman yang ini:

berikut rincian dan cara unlock keempat badge tersebut:

Name: Six Pack
Message: "It’s in the fridge, so why not drink it. Hope you don’t get bored. Drink 6 of the same beer, in a row, in 1 week."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di brew yang sama 6 kali berturut-turut dalam 1 minggu tanpa diselingi brew yang lain.

Name: Take It Easy
Message: "Whoa, I think you’ve had enough. That's 12 beers in 1 day - you might need to call a cab."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in 12 brew dalam 1 hari (bisa item sama atau berbeda)

Name: The Usual
Message: "I think you need to change it up. You've had the same beer 15 times in the last 30 days. Boring."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di brew yang sama sebanyak 15 kali dalam 30 hari.

Name: The Regular
Message: "They know what you want when you walk in the door. That’s right, you don’t have to wait for anyone here."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in di suatu venue yang sama sebanyak 15 kali (contohnya bar yang sama 15 kali)

Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Time Out – Bar Hunter" Badge

Whoa! You sure know Chicago bars! 
That's 4 check-ins at venues recommended by Time Out Chicago.

kalo sebelumnya pernah dibahas badge "time out new york" di sini, kali ini badge serupa tetapi di kota lain yakni "time out – bar hunter" dari "time out chicago" yang berada di beberapa tempat di chicago, amrik.

untuk unlock badge ini terlebih dahulu follow halaman "time out chicago" di alamat kemudian mengunjungi 4 tempat seperti bar, restoran atau pub yang direkomendasikan di halaman tersebut.

contoh 4 tempat yang direkomendasikan adalah seperti "the whistler", "murasaki lounge", "guthrie's tavern" dan "bar deville".

"Explore the best of Chicago with Time Out Chicago on Foursquare. Check in to four recommended venues to unlock our Bar Hunter badge, and check back! We'll be adding more!"

contoh unlocked badge: @PC_holic

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Toast King & Social Drinker

Name: Toast King
Message: "You raise your glass so much you barely have time to drink it! Cheers! Toast to 15 check-ins in a month"

How To Unlock: melakukan "toast" di 15 tempat cek in teman dalam sebulan, lalu melakukan cek in sendiri.

Name: Social Drinker
Message: "You’re very talkative. A couple of brews will do that to ya’. Comment on 10 different check-ins in a month."

How To Unlock: memberi komentar di 10 tempat cek in teman dalam sebulan, lalu melakukan cek in sendiri.

Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Apprentice, Journeyman, Artisan, Master & Legendary

Name: Apprentice
Message: "Looks like you’re getting around. You've enjoyed at least 25 different beers!"

How To Unlock: Check-in di 25 jenis bir yang berbeda

Name: Journeyman
Message: "You’re getting the hang of it, but there’s much more to try. That’s over 50 unique brews!"

How To Unlock: Check-in di 50 jenis bir yang berbeda

Name: Artisan
Message: "Nice job exploring the world of beer. You’ve sampled over 100 different brews!"

How To Unlock: Check-in di 100 jenis bir yang berbeda

Name: Master
Message: "Total Beer Domination. We’re not worthy. That’s over 200 different brews!"

How To Unlock: Check-in di 200 jenis bir yang berbeda

Name: Legendary
Message: "Your beer tastes are legendary. That’s over 500 different brews!"

How To Unlock: Check-in di 500 jenis bir yang berbeda