End of the Year Message: A Thank You to My Readers

I want to conclude 2010 by writing a “Thank You” message to all my readers.

The blog has grown immensely in 2010. I remember starting the year with a small number of readers and writing articles maybe once or twice a week. I also remember wondering whether I should keep writing early in the year because there were not enough readers to justify me putting several hours a day into writing an article…

  • Lookup Fellowship’s recommendation of my blog back in March came at the right time because I don’t think I would have continued for much longer without it…

Now I have a respectable number of readers and a few hundred articles written. The year ends with me in a far different position than when I started the year…

Thank you for reading my writing and research with an open mind. I know a lot of people get instantly turned off to my writing as soon as they see me mention an unbiblical source. Unfortunately, a lot of new visitors don’t stay long enough to give me the chance to explain to them that the reason why I sometimes mention unbiblical sources is that I’m trying to help warn people about what the spiritual forces of evil are up to and how their plans may relate to Bible prophecy. All that I ask is for people to read my writing and research with an open mind. I’m grateful that you are willing to read my writing and research with an open mind and continue to read even if I write something you disagree with.

I also want to thank those who provide me with comments and feedback because it's always good to hear from people. I like hearing comments and feedback because it helps me know that I'm not just talking to myself and that people are listening.

Since last week I’ve thought about doing something with video in 2011. I think video would be a good addition to the blog if it’s done right. I think it helps to see a human face and/or to hear a human voice to establish more of a “connection”. I also think it could help because some people learn better by listening than they do by reading. I’m actually someone who learns much better when I listen than when I read. Perhaps I’ll add a video component to the blog sometime in 2011 if I can figure out the best way of doing it right…

  • I’d be curious to hear anyone’s thoughts about this potential idea.

Again, thank you for reading my writing and research with an open mind. Without your readership I would be unable to continue to pour hours of work each day into warning people about the dangers we face in the future. Have a Happy New Year and God Bless!