Another Critique of the Blood Moon Rapture Theory

I noticed my Blood Moon Rapture theory critique recently became the top article listed on Google relating to the search terms “Blood Moon Rapture”. This development has led to a big a boost in new visitors to the blog. For newer readers who haven’t heard about the theory, here is a quick summary of what the Blood Moon Rapture theory is:

The Blood Moon Rapture theory (or Red Moon Rapture theory) posits that the Second Coming of Christ is likely going to occur in 2014 or 2015 when there will be four consecutive, total lunar eclipses or a tetrad. These total lunar eclipses will coincide with two major holidays on the Jewish calendar in 2014 and 2015: Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth). Here are the major dates below:

The Next Set of Total Lunar Eclipses that Coincide With Jewish Holiday Periods

Supporters of this theory believe the Rapture is likely going to take place on one of the days which will have a total lunar eclipse.

There are a few verses in the Bible that describe the moon turning red or into blood just prior to the Rapture.

  • Joe 2:30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
  • Joe 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

  • Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
  • Rev 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

The Blood Moon theory attracts a lot of proponents because these total lunar eclipses are capable of turning the moon into the color of blood (hence the term “blood moon”). In addition, the fact that these total lunar eclipses will occur on important Jewish holidays makes people wonder if something really important is going on.

In my previous critique I cited my Rapture viewpoint and my viewpoint on our proximity to the End Times as my reason why I did not believe in the theory. Today I want to critique the theory again, but in a far more analytical way using historical and scientific data for those who do not agree with my Rapture position and my viewpoint our proximity to the End Times.

The idea that something could happen during a Jewish holiday period has some appeal since there can be some symbolism involved. However, it’s not unprecedented for a total lunar eclipse to occur during a Jewish holiday period. In fact, this coincidence has taken place several times in the past fifty years. Below is a list of total lunar eclipses that have taken place during Jewish Holiday periods over the past fifty years.

Recent Total Lunar Eclipses that Coincided With Jewish Holiday Periods

The dates above suggest we are not guaranteed the Rapture when a total lunar eclipse occurs during a Jewish holiday period. This type of event has taken place several times in the past without anything Earth-shattering taking place.

  • Some people might point out that some important events regarding Israel did take place in 1967, but those events did not take place when there was total lunar eclipse.
  • Some people might point out that it’s going to be a long time before we have another total lunar eclipse coincide with a Jewish holiday after 2015. The rebuttal I have for that point is: “Where in the Bible does it specifically say that the Rapture must take place at a time of a total lunar eclipse?” Sure the moon’s appearance changes, but a total lunar eclipse isn’t the only thing that can make the moon’s appearance change like that…

Another issue that I have with the Blood Moon Rapture theory is that the upcoming total lunar eclipses are going to have limited visibility across the world. NASA’s maps of who will see these upcoming total lunar eclipse and who will not reveal that large segments of the world’s population will not see each of the upcoming total lunar eclipses during Jewish holiday periods. Here is a brief overview of who will not see the upcoming total lunar eclipses (when you click the links over the day a map should popup in another tab/window on your browser):

April 15, 2014: Nisan 15 (Passover)

  • The Middle East, most of Asia, eastern parts of Africa, and most of Europe will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse.

October 8, 2014: Tishri 14

  • The Middle East, Europe, and Africa will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse.

April 4, 2015: Nisan 15 (Passover)

  • Europe, Africa, and nearly the entire Middle East will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse.

September 28, 2015: Tishri 15: (Sukkoth)

  • Most of Asia and all of Australia will be unable to see the total lunar eclipse

NASA’s maps demonstrate that many people won’t see the moon turn “blood red” as a result of a total lunar eclipse. This means that if you believe that the Rapture will take place at a time of a total lunar eclipse you must also accept the idea that there will be people who will be unable to see the moon turn into “blood” at the time of the Rapture. This is a difficult idea for me to accept because Revelation 6:12-17 suggests that everyone on Earth at that time will see the events following the opening of the sixth seal take place:

  • Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
  • Rev 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
  • Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
  • Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
  • Rev 6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
  • Rev 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Consequently, I do not believe the change in the moon’s appearance is due to a total lunar eclipse. A total lunar eclipse is unlikely going to be the event that turns the moon’s appearance into “blood” at the time of the sixth seal as billions of people won’t even notice that a total lunar eclipse is taking place…

  • Three out of Four of the upcoming total lunar eclipses during Jewish holiday periods won't even be visible to the Middle East. You'd think that people in the Middle East would see the moon turn into "blood" during the sixth seal since that's where much of the action is taking place...

This is probably not my last critique of the Blood Moon Rapture theory because I have a theory of my own about what causes the moon’s appearance to change. I’ll save that topic for another day…