The United Nations Helps Promote 2012

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

There are 730 days between now and December 21, 2012. I believe the Bible refutes the notion that something Earth-shattering is going to happen on December 21, 2012. In fact, I wrote a report entitled “The Big Deception in 2012 Doomsday Prophecies” demonstrating that the Battle of Armageddon, the unveiling of the Antichrist’s true identity to the world, or the start of the End Times cannot happen on December 21, 2012 because of the details the Bible provides us about the seventieth week of Daniel. In addition, I provided evidence that the 2012 phenomenon is likely a deception designed by Satan to lead people astray in the report.

Regardless of my belief that people should not view December 21, 2012 as a tremendously important day (could an event that helps bring on the End Times happen on December 21, 2012? Yes, but we can say that about any date on the calendar…), people’s speculation regarding what may or may not happen in 2012 is growing each day. Yesterday I searched online for news about 2012 because I anticipated there would be a surge in news articles with December 21, 2012 just being two years away. I discovered in my search that some key Mayan figures recently visited a notable place in New York City to talk to people about 2012…

Back in October a group of Mayan elders, including the Mayan Grand Elder Don Alejandro, visited New York City to speak about 2012 and to perform a ceremony. They first gave a news conference at Quest Bookshop, which claims to be “the premiere esoteric book shop in New York City”. Later on that day the Mayan elders gave a lecture at the United Nations (U.N.) Church Center, which is located at 777 United Nations Plaza.

  • It’s reasonable to point out that just because the Mayan elders spoke at the U.N. does not automatically mean the U.N. endorsed the talk. However, a press release about the event revealed that the gathering at the U.N. was sponsored by the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation, which is described by the press release as the “spiritual arm of the United Nations” (to be fair, someone commenting on the press release disagreed with that title, but that's what is in the press release). Therefore, the U.N. did endorse the Mayan elders’ talk about 2012.

I watched Don Alejandro’s talk at the U.N on Youtube. Don Alejandro downplayed the fears that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012 and spoke about how the time period after 2012 would supposedly be a better world, a more united world. Don Alejandro also briefly spoke about how people would witness the “return of our ancestors” and the “return of the men of wisdom”.

  • In my report about 2012, I cited a Mayan expert (who worked with Alejandro) suggest that the “return of our ancestors” corresponds to the Nephilim (Alejandro says it refers to "words of wisdom" left in rocks, animal skins, etc by "our ancestors" in his U.N. address) and cited a statement Alejandro made before his U.N. address which suggests “the men of wisdom” corresponds to the Ascended Masters (a group of spiritual beings mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” and a group of spiritual beings who New Agers claim will appear openly in the world in the future).

Although Don Alejandro downplayed the 2012 hype, the fact that the U.N. helped promote 2012 makes me further suspicious about the 2012 phenomenon. The U.N. is an organization whose spiritual purpose is to serve the spiritual forces of evil in the present and in the future.

  • Newer readers,… that’s not me making baseless accusations about the U.N. Information to support this claim comes directly from sources like Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme, who I wrote about yesterday and who positively describe how the U.N. has a purpose in the plan of (Satan's) spiritual hierarchy. Click this link to read more: Link

I’ll let you come to your own conclusions about why the U.N. would invite the Mayans to speak about 2012. I’m not 100% sure what to think, but my gut feeling is that something isn’t right when an organization like the U.N. helps promote a major spiritual deception designed to lead people astray: the 2012 phenomenon. It further strengthens my belief that the 2012 phenomenon is something Christians should not be caught up in…