Holographic Images of the Beast? Revelation 13:14-15

Last week IBM announced a series of predictions about what technologies we could see developed within the next five years. One of the predictions IBM made is that we could see holographic image technology on cell phones which may enable users to interact with 3D holograms of the individual(s) they are talking to.

I told my dad about the technology and he immediately tried to link this potential technological development to the image of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13:14-15.

  • Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
  • Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

The idea he posited is that people could use holographic technology to create 3D holographic images of the beast to worship. Today I’ll share my initial thoughts about his hypothesis (you’re actually going to hear them before he does).

I’ve thought about the idea of people worshipping holographic images of the beast, but I don’t know how feasible it is. The main issue I have with this idea is that Revelation 13:15 says the False Prophet will give "life" to the image of the beast. How can a holographic projection be given life?

  • In my article about fallen angels vs demons article, I cite Revelation 9:18-21 and Revelation 13:14 as potential evidence that demons could inhabit images or idols that people worship. In this case, demons would inhabit physical objects, which is not impossible for them since they are recorded in the Bible to have possessed individuals. In contrast, people would not be worshiping something physical if they utilize 3D holographic images of the beast. It’s hard to see how a demon would have the ability to possess an illusion.
  • Scientists are developing moving 3D holograms, but it’s hard for me to see right now how a moving 3D hologram could be equated with being given "life"… The False Prophet giving "life" to images of the beast could easily be one of the deceptions he uses to fool people into worshipping Antichrist. However, I don't know if people would be so easily deceived if they relied on holographic technology to worship the beast since more people each day are becoming aware that moving holograms is becoming a real technological possibility.

Another issue I have with the idea is that the image of the beast has the ability to kill people who refuse to worship it. If people are worshipping holographic images of the beast it’s hard for me to imagine how these images would know when a person is refusing to worship them. In contrast, if a demon inhabited a physical image or idol of the beast it could detect when someone refuses to worship it and perhaps alert a person of someone’s insubordination.

I think it’s far more likely that the followers of the Antichrist will print out images of the beast from their printers or make idols (if they have the skill to make one) than to worship 3D holograms of the Antichrist. I could be wrong though because I don’t know what the full potential of this technology is going to be yet-no one does because it’s in the early stages of its development.

Feel free to comment if you have any idea how this technology could be used by Antichrist in the End Times or have a better idea how this technology could work than me. It’s something I’ve been wondering about…