The U.N. May Be Slowly Advancing Towards Regulating the Internet

I had planned to focus on another topic today, but today’s report that the United Nations is contemplating the creation of an inter-governmental “working group” to synchronize efforts to regulate the Internet changed my focus today because that is the big story of the day and perhaps the week.

  • Based on the U.N.’s general definition of a “working group”, this potential new group would develop general recommendations to policymakers on how to improve their efforts to regulate the Internet and potentially how to coordinate these efforts.

The report says that the Brazil is spearheading the U.N. efforts “specifically in reaction to challenges such as WikiLeaks”. A representative from Brazil reportedly said that the efforts aren’t an attempt to “takeover” the Internet, but what else would you expect the representative to say? The representative cannot openly say that they are taking over the Internet because that could lead to a massive public uprising.

The report also says that countries like Saudi Arabia and China support the idea of creating a working group focused on regulating the Internet.

  • These two countries are not exactly the vessels of freedom (especially China, who censors the Internet), so anyone who likes freedom should be alarmed by these countries endorsement of the idea to create such a working group.

The report suggests that countries like the U.S. and the U.K. oppose the idea of creating a government member-only working group, but don’t oppose the idea of creating a body to regulate the Internet in general. These countries prefer to see industry and public representation in the working group too.

Fortunately, the U.N. is fairly impotent at the moment because it is currently up to individual countries to decide whether to go along with the U.N.’s recommendations or not. Therefore, the recommendations a new working group focused on regulating the Internet comes up with would unlikely be implemented forcibly yet. However, a time is coming when the working group’s recommendations may be implemented forcibly…

When I review sources that contain statements from the spiritual forces of evil I notice that they talk a lot about how there are groups of elites from different fields (like politics, economics, finance, science, etc) working to create plans for eventually usage in a one-world government scenario and how the U.N. is going to play a big role in a one-world governing system. If the spiritual forces of evil are not lying about this (which is a big IF since they do have the tendency to lie a lot), then a new U.N. working group designed to provide recommendations to policymakers on how to regulate the Internet could conceivably also serve as the group that devises the plan to regulate the Internet under a one-world government scenario under the control of Antichrist. If this is the case (which is another big IF), then we could be witnessing the early stages of a significant attempt to regulate the Internet in the future.

  • It’s probably still too early to definitely say that this potential new working group is going to or is not going to be part of a significant attempt to regulate the Internet this since the working group hasn’t even been created yet. However, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be at least somewhat suspicious of the U.N.’s intentions given who supports the U.N.’s efforts.
  • I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that the Internet is going to be regulated when the Antichrist is around since he will want complete control of information. He would not want information out there that challenges/undermines his authority and information that exposes his attempts and his minions’ attempts to deceive people.

The Internet is the key information provider and information delivery system that exists today. Without the Internet I would be unable to conduct much of my research and I definitely would be unable to share my findings with the world. I know in the back of my mind that one day this blog and others like it may no longer exist because it could either be too dangerous to continue running them and/or these websites could be shut down by some governing body. We have a limited window of opportunity to warn and educate people about what is coming because there appears to be forces at work planning to cut off the free flow of information…