Untappd Badges: [How To Unlock] Frat Party, Beer Party & Adventurer

berikut ada 3 badge "untappd" di bawah kategori "venue badges" selain yang udah dibahas sebelumnya seperti "here comes the brew", "ahoy matey!", "beach bum", "above the clouds", "layover" dan "tailgater". untuk melihat kembali cara unlock badge tersebut silahkan ke alamat ini.

ketiga badge ini antara lain "frat party", "beer party" dan "adventurer" dengan rincian dan cara sebagai berikut:

Name: Frat Party
Message: "Where’s the party at bro? That's at least three cheap beers that college kids love and can afford."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in atau brewing di 3 item seperti "Keystone Ice, Keystone Premium dan Pabst Blue Ribbon Light" dan lokasi check-in di venue kategori "University".

Name: Beer Party
Message: "Drinking with friends is fun. Right? You've checked in with at least 4 other people within 2 hours."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in bersama dengan 4 teman di tempat/ venue yang sama dalam jangka waktu 2 jam.

Name: Adventurer
Message: "That’s one way to get over your fear of roller coasts. Just hope you can keep it down on the loop! Enjoy 5 brews at a theme park."

Status: Active
How To Unlock: Check-in 5 kali di lokasi/ venue berkategori "Theme Park".

buat liat cara unlock badge-badge untappd bisa buka link: untappd badges.