Debunking Creme’s Latest Claims: Mar 2011 Share Intl Review

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Excerpts from the March 2011 edition of Benjamin Creme's (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of spiritual beings referred to as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” in Ephesians 6:12) magazine have finally been posted on his website. As I typically do, I provide a review of the new edition of Creme’s magazine.

The Ascended Master who advises Benjamin Creme had an article (transcribed by Creme) about the Egyptians’ successful ouster of the Mubarak regime last month.

  • The article began by praising the Egyptian people’s efforts to withstand Mubarak’s attempts to quell the protests and to hold onto power. However, the article quickly turned into an outlandish piece of writing when the author suggested that Maitreya was responsible for inspiring the Egyptian people to rise up peacefully against the Mubarak regime.
  • The article’s suggestion that Maitreya was responsible for inspiring the Egyptian people to rise up together peacefully against the Mubarak regime would most likely be taken as an insult by the average Egyptian who participated in the demonstrations against the Mubarak regime. The article’s suggestion implies that the weariness from 30 years of repression, discontent from high food prices, and the Tunisian people's ouster of their oppressive ruler were not factors that led/inspired Egyptians to rise up against the Mubarak regime.
  • The article is an example of how the spiritual forces of evil like to take credit for any event or phenomenon that is seen as a “positive” by many people around the world regardless of who or what is actually responsible for the event or phenomenon taking place. Humility is something Satan and his minions lack…

The reader Question and Answer section of Creme’s magazine focused on Maitreya’s alleged television appearances on American television. Creme claims the following about these appearances:

  • 4 million people, on average, watch each Maitreya interview on television
  • Maiterya has given 32 interviews in the U.S, 2 interviews in Mexico, and 0 interviews in Japan (34 total).

These latest claims make me seriously doubt that there are actual television interviews involving Maitreya taking place…

The claim that 4 million people on average are watching each Maitreya interview is hard to believe. There are only a few television news programs in America that have audiences above 4 million viewers, but it’s hard to believe that a single person could be interviewed 32 times in a little more than a year on them.

  • The most-watched cable news program in America is the O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, which only gets between 2 to 3 million viewers per night. If the most-watched cable news program attracts less than 4 million viewers each night it is unlikely that the alleged appearances are taking place on a cable news channel since there is not an audience of 4 million people watching at a single time.
  • The three main nightly network news broadcasts attract audiences above 4 million each night, but those news programs do not feature interviews that often. These broadcasts are focused on covering news events in the limited time they have (30 minutes minus television commercials).
  • Two morning network television shows have audiences larger than 4 million: NBC’s Today Show and ABC’s Good Morning America. However, it’s hard to imagine a person that espouses political views that are far out of the mainstream (like Maitreya would if he actually appeared on television) could be invited on these programs multiple times without drawing the close scrutiny of websites that closely monitor the political bias on cable and network news.

Creme’s claim that Maitreya has begun giving interviews in Mexico contradicts a prediction he made a time long ago. Creme claimed that Maitreya would appear on television in Japan after he appeared on television in America-not Mexico. These contradictory claims add to my doubts that actual television appearances are taking place…

As usual, the magazine included new photographs of the “Star Sign” and included letters from readers around the world describing strange, personal experiences that they suspect could have been influenced by the Ascended Masters. In addition, there was more coverage about the "mysterious white horse” that appeared in Cairo and the “UFO” over Jerusalem in the magazine.

  • As I wrote last month, “the Bible tells us to beware of lying signs and wonders (Matthew 24:24, Revelation 13:13-14, and 2 Thessalonians 2:9). In contrast, Creme’s magazine seems to encourage its readers to actively search for signs and wonders by publishing stories of readers who sought signs and wonders and found them. The contrast further strengths my view that people should not seek signs and wonders…”

This is my review of Creme’s latest magazine. I hope you found this review useful…