GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Driver's Seat & Forza Motorsport 4" Stickers

Name: Driver's Seat

Message: "You can't keep your hands off the wheel. Keep an eye out for Forza Motorsport 4, coming in Fall 2011. Visit the official page for Forza (Rated E): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Check-in to Video Games "Forza Motorsport 3" - 5 Times

Name: Forza Motorsport 4 Coming Soon

Name: "Forza Motorsport 4 arrives in Fall 2011. Can't wait that long? Visit the official page for Forza (Rated E): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Check-in to Video Games "Forza Motorsport 4 "