New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "BlackBerry SXSW 2011" Badge

Name: BlackBerry SXSW 2011

Message: "Congrats -- you found us! Don't forget to say hi to our staff onsite for your chance to score some sweet BlackBerry swag!"

How To Unlock: Check-in to BlackBerry Venue
- "Hilton" Event: How Progress Bars Change the Way We Live (12.03.11 - 11 -1) 
- "BlackBerry at Hilton Austin" (12..03.11 Event: BlackBerry)
- "BlackBerry at Amy’s Ice Cream"
- "BlackBerry at Foodspotting Food Fest" (13.03.11. 11am - 4pm)

(Liat juga schedule SXSW 2011 di SINI)
Info Lokasi Buat Unlock BlackBerry SXSW 2011 Badge dari Team @BlackBerryScene