Three Links Showing the Breadth of Middle East and Northern Africa Unrest & Instability

There are so many protests and uprisings going on throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East at the moment that it can be difficult to monitor what is going in each country at any given moment. For instance, recent, violent events in Libya have overshadowed reports of massive protests in Yemen and reports of sectarian violence in Bahrain these past several days.

  • Today I want to share a few links that may help you track the ongoing unrest in Northern Africa and the Middle East and may give you some idea of the potential for more unrest in the world.

CNN has a webpage and interactive map that enables you to track the ongoing unrest in over a dozen countries in Northern Africa and the Middle East at one time. The webpage and interactive map is available at this link.

  • Included in the webpage is an explanation of why there is unrest in each country spotlighted and updated information about the unrest taking place in each country spotlighted.

Update: I just found an interactive map from the Wall Street Journal where you can track the unrest in ten Middle East and Northern Africa countries on an almost day-by-day basis Link

Meanwhile, Financial Times has a new blog post about a new report by Royal Bank of Canada about the current state of political and social unrest around the world. Unfortunately, the Financial Times blog post has not provided a good link to the Royal Bank of Canada's actual report at the time of this writing, so I have not had an opportunity to review the report myself. Fortunately, however, the Financial Times's blog post includes a map from the report detailing the potential for political and social unrest around the world, which you can find at this link

  • The map shows most countries in Africa and the Middle East are currently at high risk of experiencing political and social unrest. This is unsurprising given that over a dozen countries in the region are experiencing unrest to some degree at the moment. However, it is interesting that there are several countries labeled on the map as “high risk” which have not yet had major protests or uprisings. This suggests that there is potential for the ongoing political unrest to spread even more…

This weekend I plan to examine several Bible prophecy verses concerning Egypt, Libya, Arabia, and other Middle East locations. If I find anything interesting that relates to what is going on now or what might happen in the future I’ll let you know.