Chile Earthquake Updates

By now we all know about the M 8.8 earthquake that hit Chile at 3 am local time this morning. I've been watching the story unfold both online and on TV since I woke up this morning .

I'm thinking about all the people affected by this and wondering what it is about earthquakes. I'm not the only one. The earth seems to be moving a lot these days.

As of now the death toll stands at 100 and is expected to rise and places in the Pacific from The USA west coast, to Hawaii and Samoa are bracing for a possible tsunami.

Where I'm Getting Updates

CNN is offering minute to minute updates on TV and at onlline. Also, on the CNN website, iReports are beginning to filter in from the quake area, from citizen journalists and offer a good view of what is going on on the ground for ordinary people.

There is streaming, real time video online here. It's in Spanish, but even if you can't follow the audio, the pictures are worth 1000 words.

The New York Times is practically live blogging on The Lede, which is offering frequent updates on the whole situation from all over. As always, it's a useful source of information.

Twitter is the way to stay really on top of things. Check out the hashtag #earthquake. It's hoppin

I'm just posting this quickly in an effort to share the sources I'm using to keep up with the quake. More later. If you have any sources to add, feel free to add them in the comments

Gotta go out and shovel my car out of yesterday's foot of snow. Hmmmm It's not nice to fool with mother nature. She doesn't really like it. I'm thinking the weather is getting really weird all

Update- Saturday night

The death toll has climbed to over 200 and will go higher The tsunamis never really materialized ( Thank God) and there's more good information onine. Huffington Post has added a great page of videos and live updates on the earthquake. Check it out here

Thoughts on the Health Care Summit

I watched the health care summit today. It was fascinating. I couldn't tear myself away.

When I wasn't watching it on TV I was streaming it online and I must say it was nice to see Democrats and Republicans actually sitting around a table discussing the issues rather than yelling insults and spinning half truths at each other.

It was also refreshing to see the meeting led by a President who has not only mastered critical thinking, but who can also manage to string two declarative sentences together without tripping over his own tongue. Well, there I said it. I couldn't help thinking about George Bush. But that is the last thing I'll say about him.

Clearly, I am a Democrat. I'd be happy with a government- run, single- payer health care system, or what people are calling " Medicare for All." Since that isn't going to happen, I'll settle for the public option but we must do something. The current system is totally broken. The personal stories coming from both sides of the aisle were bone chilling.

I think the men and women sitting in that room, both Democrat and Republican felt a glimmer of hope. I know I did. For the first time I really understood the vast difference in the vision of Government held by Democrats and Republicans as the Republicans explained their position logically. Each side stopped the other from outrageous political grandstanding and they really got down to brass tacks. You could feel the mood change as both sides relaxed.

By the end of it, I, at least, felt that a workable compromise just might be possible. It felt good to see people listening to each other instead of hurling insults and it was amazing to watch the two sides gingerly admit they might have more in common than they thought they had. I was thrilled to watch the system move out of gridlock and begin to work.

I'm turning off the TV now and breathing a sigh of relief. Thank God we have an intelligent grown up in the White House who isn't afraid to take the initiative and actually lead. Hooray for the Health Care Summit. I think it just might lead to something good.

Helping Haiti for Real

From Rock Stars to the Red Cross the whole world seems to be collecting money and supplies to send to post earthquake Haiti. That's a good thing, but in the " teach a man to fish as opposed to giving him a fish" department, here's an even better thing.

Here's the deal. Haitian workers sew many of the garments sold in the United States. Those lucky enough to work at these sewing jobs work long hours for around $3.09 a day. Unemployment runs at about 80% in Haiti these days.

Recently, the Haitian legislature passed an act requiring that Haitian garment workers be paid $5.00 a day. What could be easier. More and more American manufacturers are sending garments to Haiti to be assembled. Names like Hanes and New Balance contribute to the $513 million worth of Haitian made apparel coming into the United States as the result of HOPEII, an act passed by Congress in 2008 which lets Haiti export textiles to the USA duty free for the next decade.

What could be easier than making sure that all Haitian workers in factories participating in HOPEII get $5.00 a day. Surely, companies like Hanes and New Balance can afford it and if not, I'd be willing to pay an extra dollar for socks and sneakers. Wouldn't you?

One of my favorite blogs, News Junkie Post ,recently addressed the issue of corporate responsibility in Haiti and offered this analysis

"Living in Haiti is not cheap and that is why the $3 a day figure it’s horrific. In Port-au-Prince a gallon of gasoline is $5 a gallon on a good day, $30 in a real bad one. The cost of a soda in Haiti is almost equal to the cost of a soda in the US. By earning $3.09 a day, people in Haiti can’t even give themselves the luxury of drinking a Pepsi, much less ever afford to buy a bicycle."

$5.00 a day isn't too much to ask and the difference it would make for Haiti's economy is incalculable. It's really very simple. Let's help Haiti not just for a day but for a lifetime by working to make sure Haitian garment workers get what's coming to them and boycotting American manufacturers who continue to exploit them.

source: Truthout

photo credit: Dolores Bernal News Junkie Post

Has the World Changed Much in the Past Week?

Overall, the state of the world has not changed much in the past week, but there are some new developments.

The ongoing crisis in Europe is actually deteriorating with the Deputy Prime Minister of Greece labeling the Germans as “incompetent Nazis” and the Greek government showing little sign that they are willing to implement austerity measures demanded by the EU (link to the story). In addition, Greece was literally shutdown on Wednesday with a national strike by all its unions (a video report can be accessed by clicking this link). Europe is going to explode if Greece fails to implement austerity measures by the middle of March Europe. Meanwhile, the fiscal crisis in Spain is looking worse by the day with nationwide protests of the Spanish government’s suggestion that the retirement age be raised from 65 to 67 and with youth unemployment around 45%. The video report about these protests is below.

Spain’s problems are featured in a great Wall Street Journal article which suggests that Spain’s problems may lead to the breakup of the Euro as a currency.

Benjamin Creme visiting Spain this week to give a lecture and is working on the new edition of Share International Magazine so there is unlikely going to be news from him.

The Democrats appear ready to ram health care reform through Congress by taking advantage of procedures which will enable passage with only 51 Senate votes. My sense is that if the Democrats ram health care coverage through Congress as they appear ready to do there is a high probability that they will lose both houses of Congress in the 2010 election. However, given how bad the economy is and how much people loath incumbents these days that may happen anyway. You could see the Democrats ram through every law they possibly can in the next several months because they realize they may not have the opportunity to pass another law after the 2010 election.

My plan in the coming days is to write a new research report about the Mark of the Beast. I have some information that I have not yet seen in other articles or reports about the Mark of the Beast. It’s very interesting information that I hope will be somewhat enlightening.

I will write when I am compelled to. You can get my blog entries sent to your inbox by subscribing in the box on the top, right-hand sign of the page.

Sunday Quote

Sunday Quote from Dwight David Eisenhower

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed." - General Dwight David Eisenhower

Could not have said it better. General -- later President-- Eisenhower knew all about war and hated it. For this Sunday, I had to share these words of wisdom from a great man.

Source: Civilian Military Intelligence Group

New Info About Maitreya’s TV Tour (Creme Live Interview Notes 2/18/09)

This morning Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of a group of beings Paul referred to in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” and a being that meets John’s description of the Spirit of Antichrist), granted a live interview on an Internet radio talk show. Here is a brief overview of the things Creme talked about.

Creme proclaimed that 99 out of 100 reports of miracles (like weeping statues of the Virgin Mary) should be taken seriously. He credits these miracles to the Ascended Masters.

Creme spoke about Maitreya’s supposed television appearance tour. Creme now says that Maitreya has made 6 television appearances on American television as of this date.

  • On an aside, some people have been stating for awhile that author Raj Patel is Maitreya. In fact, a recent New York Times article focused on people, particularly followers of the New Age Movement, believing that Patel is Maitreya (link to the article). I want to remind people that Maitreya is spiritual being. Maitreya can take any form he wants so he could look like me if he wanted to or he could look like some anonymous person. This means that when Maitreya reveals his true identity he isn’t going to look like what he may appear in television interviews (I’m not saying that Patel is Maitreya in human form). Creme’s claim that Maitreya has appeared on 6 television shows now gives people additional clues to search for the person if such television appearances actually took place.

Creme said something really revealing when he said that without this economic collapse people would be unable to respond to Maitreya. We can infer from this comment that the economic collapse is something the forces of evil wanted to happen and perhaps planned on having because you can find predictions all the way back to the late 1980s where Creme and the Ascended Master that advises Creme about the situation we find ourselves in now.

Finally, Creme revealed in this interview that he is going to have a new book out in the U.S. about the spiritual mission of UFOs this summer. It will first be published in Japan later this spring.

Obviously, the big news is that Creme says Maiterya has appeared 6 times on American television. You may accept Creme’s statement as the truth or as a lie. It is up to you…

Turmoil in Europe: A Major Current Ongoing Crisis

There is a major ongoing event that I feel few people are aware of in the U.S. I feel now this event is important enough for me to write about it here.

Currently there is a major fiscal crisis going on in Southern Europe that is testing the long-term viability of the European Union (EU). The country most impacted at the moment is Greece, which has a massive fiscal deficit of between 13 and 16% of the size of its economy (the EU demands that a country’s fiscal deficit is no higher than 3% of its economy). Other European countries that are also in trouble like Greece are Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.

The situation is developing into a major crisis because the European Union is structured in a way that makes it practically impossible (legally-speaking) for other European countries engineer a bailout and extremely painful for countries to deal with their own problems. In addition, even if other European countries could bailout others, countries like Germany are very reluctant to bailout indebted European countries because they would essentially be asking their taxpayers to pay for the mistakes other countries made. As a result, indebted countries are left to deal with the crisis mostly on their own. The problem is that the Euro currency prevents indebted countries to devalue their currency (print money) to cover their deficit. Indebted countries also are finding it increasingly difficult to borrow money because investors want higher levels of compensation to compensate for the risk of debt default. Indebted European countries are left to make draconian cuts on government spending to reduce their deficit.

The draconian cuts on government spending are very severe in several indebted European countries. There is a lot more unionization in Europe than compared to America so there is very stiff resistance to the spending cuts.

For instance, there have been a lot of strikes in Greece in the past couple of weeks, and the Greek unions are planning to practically shutdown the country next week. In addition, Greek citizens are calling their political leaders traitors and are engaging in acts of civil disobedience to demonstrate their disgust with the current situation. Nevertheless, the European Union is giving Greece one month to implement more draconian spending cuts or Greece risks losing its economic sovereignty. The EU actually has the legal power to take away Greece’s ability to determine its own tax and spending policies. If this happens it would be like the United Nations taking away the U.S. government’s ability to collect tax revenue and to spend taxpayer dollars. I doubt the average Greek citizen would settle for the loss of their country's economic sovereignty without a fight.

The current situation has the ability to fracture the Eurozone. It is conceivable that countries could leave the European Union as individual European governments grow tired of being unable to print their own money and tired of having to cooperate with other European countries on some economic decisions. In the worst case scenario the entire Euro currency disintegrates as the wealthier European countries decide they want to determine their own economic fate again and not have to be dragged down by the poorer European countries… It is difficult to forecast exactly what is going to happen because there is so much uncertainty right now. I do not see the European Union as a superpower during the End Times like many Christians forecast so I would not rule out the disintegration of the Euro as a possibility.

On my website I have a section devoted to listing and analyzing news headlines that I believe are important to understanding what is going on today and/or what may happen in the future. Lately, I have been selecting a lot of headlines related to the ongoing crisis in Europe so if you want to stay up to date with what is going on you can continually checkout my headlines section, which can be found by clicking this link:

One of the links I posted in the headlines section is an interview of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. Ambrose is the best financial reporter covering the situation in Europe. The interview is only 27 minutes long so I highly recommend you listen to it. Here is a link to the interview:


It is important to note that what is going on in Europe is just a preview of what is going to happen in the U.S. The U.S. is actually in worst fiscal shape than Europe is (the U.S. has a national debt larger than its actual economy and has an unfunded liability as high as over $100 trillion by some estimates). In addition, individual states like California and New York are in a similar situation as indebted European countries because they too are unable to print money. Unless a bailout comes, states will continue to be forced to make drastic cuts in spending to reduce their large deficits. This will lead to more job losses and growing civil unrest.

The Ascended Master that advises Benjamin Creme wrote several years ago that the U.S. would be overwhelmed by the weight of its debt, but it looks like the entire world is in this situation.

Sex, Lies, Ireland and The Vatican

The Vatican is at it again. Another sex scandal involving pedophile priests has surfaced, this time in Ireland. The Pope responded immediately by calling a big meeting of senior Irish clergy in Rome and writing a letter expressing shock, surprise, and a lot of blahblah blah. It's a replay of the response to similar scandals in the USA and Australia. It's what the Vatican always does when it gets caught. Mea Culpa and more of the same.

Let's get real folks. Horny priests have been molesting the choirboys since the Middle Ages and they aren't about to stop now. It shocked Martin Luther too. The Pope can repent all he wants to, and call all the meetings in the world, but it won't do any good until a truly corrupt sexual culture of mysogeny, homophobia, and homo-eroticism that is part and parcel of clerical celibacy is addressed.

The current scandal in Ireland is neither unexpected nor surprising. It is merely the latest expression of an old old problem. The Church's official attitudes towards sex are twisted to begin with. Sadly, they encourage young men of faith, frightened about their own proclivities, to enter a celibate clergy to avoid facing the problem. That is mistake number one.

So they are immersed in a skewed culture, out of the mainstream where they can tell themselves that what they are doing is OK. I have a friend who was molested by his parish priest starting at the age of 7. I'm not talking just a bit of groping here, although that would be bad enough. This went all the way to sodomy which, given the priest's position, carried the weight of incest. This pedophile priest managed to molest at least 25 boys in my friend's parish before being discovered and transferred by the bishop to a new parish, where he could start all over again. There are millions of stories like this all over the world.

I know that there are wonderful priests and religious who are true to their vows and who have embraced a life of giving that deserves respect, and I know that they too are being betrayed by their leaders and the sexual creeps among them. Time for this culture of secret perversion and corruption to see the light of day and be recognized for what it is.

The bottom line is that in Ireland, North America, Australia or Vatican City, secrets and lies are not only just plain wrong, they are evil and the antithesis of what the Church says it is about. Time to open the windows and let in the truth.

Time for the Vatican to stop writing letters and start cleaning house.

photo from

One More for Haiti- We Are the World

We Are the World for Haiti is here. The video may be new, but the message is the same as it was 25 years ago when the original first alerted the world to famine in Africa.

It's an amazing, star studded reprise of the original. Have a listen-- This video rocks on so many levels

Download and donate here
Buy the song on iTunes or just text "world" to 50555 to donate $10.00 to Haiti relief.

Another Update About What I'm Doing

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a non-Creme live interview notes blog entry so I felt it was a good time to update people about what I’m doing.

I am currently focusing on ways to increase people’s exposure to my work. I feel that at this point it is far more important to make sure as many people as possible are informed about what is coming in the future than it is to come up with new research findings. As a result, I’ve been busy doing some things to drive up traffic to my reports in the past two weeks.

I have been updating my research reports so that people aren’t so judgmental when they read about the Ascended Masters, fallen angels, Maitreya, etc. I figure that a very small number of people have any idea who or what these New Age figures are and why they are important to reference so any extra attempts to clarify who these figures are and why they are important to reference could go a long way in getting people to accept what I write.

Another thing I’ve recently done is to begin writing some articles for a website called EzineArticles. I submitted my first article to EzineArticles yesterday and they quickly posted it on their website. You can read my articles on EzineArticles by clicking this link.

In the coming weeks I will be posting more articles on EzineArticles about various topics.

I still plan on posting blog entries on this website when I am compelled to…so check this blog often or subscribe to receive e-mail updates of when I post new blog entries.

A Day of Mourning in Haiti

The government of Haiti has declared today, Friday, February 12th, an official day of mourning to mark the one month anniversary of the earthquake which ravaged this poorest of the Western Hemisphere's nations on January 12th. It is a largely symbolic gesture, but an important one nonetheless.

Close to a quarter of a million people are presumed dead. Survivors are still, one month later, struggling with impossible conditions as the beginning of the rainy season brings even more misery to the makeshift tent cities set up all around Port Au Prince. Yet the spirit of the Haitian people is amazing. Where there might have been anarchy and looting, there has been just the opposite-- an outpouring of national pride and a sense of kinship with each other that is downright amazing.

You Can Make A Difference

In spite of a massive international relief effort, help is still needed. You can show your solidarity and mark this national day of mourning too. With a couple of clicks of your mouse, you can make a donation that will make a difference. Here are the links:

The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Your donation goes towards food, medicine and shelter for survivors plus most of your donation goes right to the people of Haiti. The website makes donating a breeze. Go ahead, click on the link.

Doctors Without Borders ( Medecins Sans Frontieres) has a one month update on their website so you can know what they have been doing in Haiti. Your donation will bring doctors and much needed medicine and medical services to the stricken area

American Red Cross More than three million people have texted $10. donations for Haiti. You can do the same by texting Haiti to 90999. Or go to and click on the " donate now" button. The red cross has the infrastucture to make things happen and these days, 90% or more of your donation goes directly to disaster relief and not to administrative costs.

There are many other good organizations working in Haiti. I have chosen these three because they are experienced, international and with no religious or political axes to grind. If you want to recommend any others, feel free to do so by leaving a comment to this post.

Let's all observe Haiti's day of mourning by giving our help in whatever way we can

Keep Your Eye on Iran Tomorrow

Keep your eye on Iran this Thursday. Tomorrow, February 11th, marks the thirty first anniversary of the fall of the Shah in 1979, paving the way for the establishment of the Islamic Republic. It is also the day when Iran's Green protesters have called for tens of thousands to turn out in the streets all over the country to protest the current government and call for its overthrow. Sympathy protests are planned in cities around the world, organizers keeping in touch via cell phone and twitter. It is going to be a big deal.

Thursday in Iran will be bloody, no question about it. The Islamic Republic will come down hard once again on dissent. The protesters simply do not have the critical mass to unseat an entrenched, repressive theocracy, unless the military and paramilitary join them, which is not likely.

The Government, fighting for it's life, controls the army and the instruments of power and is not about to give up. After eight months, it looks like things are at a stalemate. But you never can tell.

The Iranian government continues to wave it's nuclear sabre at the rest of the world, unsettling the neighbors and angering the West. Its bellicose posturing is on the increase. Economic sanctions are almost inevitable. The Iranian people are not happy and they keep protesting. In spite of arrests, torture, assassination, beatings, and harassment, martyrs to the Green Revolution keep being made which fuels more protests and more martyrs. Momentum is surely building.

Keep your eye on Iran tomorrow and say a prayer for the protesters. It takes time and sacrifice, but in the end light will always triumph over darkness.

Creme Promises Big Changes This Year: Live Interview Notes 2/9/10

Today Benjamin Creme granted a live interview with another Internet radio show. Creme spoke on a variety of topics including politics, economics, UFOs, Maitreya, and what is in store for 2010. Here are some of highlights of the interview.

Creme again talked about the “spiritual mission” of UFOs. He mentioned that UFOs change their frequency when they want to be seen and when they do not want to be seen.

Creme spoke of the U.S.’s debt problem. He mentioned that the U.S. has colossal amounts of debt and are dependent on China and Japan to continue functioning as a country. Creme lies a lot, but he is correct about this.

Creme talked about Maitreya’s plan to redistribute all the world’s resources in fair detail. The plan is to have an Ascended Master oversee a new U.N. department that monitors the distribution of global resources. Each country would be required to take an inventory of its resources and contribute any excess resources to a world resource pool. Countries that have need for a certain resource would then get that resource from the world resource pool. The interviewer commented that this plan is Communism, but Creme denied it.

Creme lashed out against countries that follow market forces and blamed market forces for the current situation. Creme claims that market forces are blind and that those who follow market forces are leading their countries into destruction.

  • I believe Creme is totally off-based here. The current situation is a result of governments making poor policy decisions like forcing banks to take bad loans in the earlier part of last decade and engaging in wasteful spending. I also believe the purpose of discrediting market forces is to implement regulations that will eventually give Antichrist more power to control the world’s economic system.

The same applies to global warming. Despite the global warming scandal, Creme continues to maintain the stance that there is man-made global warming. Creme mentioned that the Ascended Masters told him that 80% of the change in global temperatures is man-made.

  • The Ascended Masters want people to believe there is global warming because it gives governments an excuse to implement more regulations on the global economy. I doubt governments could justify implementing more regulations if they admitted that there is global cooling.

Creme often speaks about how there are 1.8 billion people who would be receptive to Maitreya’s teachings. However, this is the first time Creme actually proclaimed that Maitreya has 1.8 billion people that “he knows will respond to his teachings” right now if he were to reveal himself now. Creme also said that there are more than enough people already that can make Maitreya’s plan work. Creme actually referenced the idea that a little bit of leaven can leaven-ize the whole lump when describing how Maitreya can get an entire world full of followers. Creme claimed there would be a critical mass where non-followers would see what Maitreya followers are doing and would then seek to imitate them.

Creme demonstrated his extreme disdain for Israel when he blamed them for all the Middle East’s problems. He said Israel’s actions in the 1967 war were illegal; though he conveniently “forgets” that Israel was attacked first. He also claimed that every time the Palestinians have made a gesture of peace Israel would illegally invade some Palestinian territory. In addition, although Creme is against any country owning nuclear weapons, he believes that Iran is justified to pursue nuclear weapons because Israel possesses nuclear weapons. Satan hates Israel so it’s no surprise that Creme dislikes Israel too.

Creme claimed that North Korea and Iran are not threats to the U.S. and that these two countries do not want to do harm to the U.S. He claims that Americans are just overly paranoid about threats to their country. It should be pretty clear who’s side Creme is on by this point.

Finally, Creme stated that he heard from Maitreya that “this (year) 2010 is the year of the Tiger in the Chinese calendar…and in the year of the Tiger everything starts-everything big takes place-it’s a year in which big changes takes place and he says this will be so this year. He did not indicate what kind of changes would take place, but he said that everything probably will not going to be in place this year.

Iran is promising to punch the West in the mouth on Thursday. I wonder if Iran is going to unveil a new weapon that will trigger big changes in world politics and world economics.

Creme Live Interview Notes 2/6 (Creme on Lucifer and More)

Today Benjamin Creme granted a live interview to an Internet radio host on Blogtalk Radio. The interview demonstrated that the evilest lies can be presented in the nicest of packages. Here are some of the things discussed in the interview.

Creme was immediately asked by the host about where and when the supposed television interview with Maitreya took place. Creme said he could not reveal where the interview took place because it would go against Maitreya’s plans. Creme emphasized that it did not matter that Maitreya was the speaker-what mattered is the message. After nearly 30 years of hyping Maitreya’s live interview, it’s quite puzzling to see Creme try to deemphasize the event.

The host mentioned to Creme that Christians would find his message that “we are gods” against the Bible. Creme proclaimed that Christians misunderstand their own scriptures, including the role of Lucifer. Creme spoke glowingly of Lucifer saying that he brought us the “divine light of the soul” and claimed that Lucifer never rebelled against God. He also denied that Lucifer was the devil.

The host was very sympathetic towards Creme. Someone who knew about the evils of Maitreya and Creme tried to warn the listeners on the talk show’s message board about how deceptive Creme and Maitreya’s message was. The host was hostile with the person and warned them to stop. In addition, the host told Creme that he had a Christian upbringing, but when he listened to what followers of the New Age Movement had to say he found that Christians really misunderstood what the New Age Movement is all about.

The host’s comment led to Creme telling a story about a Christian that went to see him lecture because he wanted to experience Maitreya’s energies. The Christian went alone because his fellow church members were scared of Maiterya’s energy. As Creme spoke he noticed that this individual was taking copious notes while others in the audience just watched and listened to the lecture. After the lecture ended, the now former-Christian walked up to Creme and told him that he learned a lot that night and had become a follower of Maitreya after being exposed to his energy. The former-Christian then asked Creme what book he should buy to learn more.

One woman called up Creme to ask him about whether she should engage in certain spiritual practices like Creme was a Christian pastor. Surprisingly, Creme actually told the woman to not use mediumships, Ouija boards, or contact the dead. However, Creme indicated that doing those things would be okay if she were under the protection of an Ascended Master. The woman asked Creme if tarot cards were safe to use, which Creme replied that they were rather harmless. I hope she did not follow Creme’s advice about using tarots cards.

Creme said that we are still in the early stages of a global economic meltdown. He warned that it will get very tough in the future. Creme called what the world will be going through the “wilderness experience”.

Creme said that the fake Jesus (fallen angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel) has the task of driving out all the old Christian teachings-“all the misinformation, the distortions which have grown into a distortion of Christian teachings down the ages”. Creme then went on to deny that Jesus is the Christ, which would earn Creme the title of “antichrist” according to 1 John 2:22.

  • 1Jn 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Creme has another live interview scheduled this coming Tuesday. I might to listen to hear if he says anything noteworthy.

Marriage as Child Abuse in Yemen

Marriage customs in Yemen seem to be rather unusual. Evidently, marriage is not a union between man and woman in this poorest of the world's nations. Instead, it is a business transaction between men-- a form of slavery and child abuse where perverted potential husbands with a preference for sex with very young girls buy them from their fathers, like sheep or goats and then proceed to rape, beat and torture them.

According to a study done by the University of Saana in Yemen, over half of Yemeni brides are under fifteen years old. Many are no more than eleven or twelve years old.

If I sound angry about this, it is because I am. My stomach churns at the idea of a mature man raping a child and I do not understand how this can possibly be acceptable in any civilized society. but evidently it is the norm in some places, including Yemen.

According to Voice of America's News Service, legislation setting a minimum age for marriage at seventeen has been languishing in the country's parliament for over a year, blocked by several influential sheiks who contend that the proposed legislation violates Islamic law. Huh? Islamic law protects child molesters? What kind of law is that? Certainly such exploitation cannot be the will of God.

To sexualize such a young girl is to emotionally and spiritually cripple a young human being and destroy her potential forever. In addition, when girls become pregnant at eleven or twelve, their chances of dying in childbirth or delivering a stillborn are double those of a woman in her twenties. Moreover, it is next to impossible for a girl who is still a child herself to be an effective mother.

Click here to read a heart rending account of a Yemini child bride who sought and was granted a divorce from her 30 year old husband. You'll see why I am so angry.

I have a message for Yemeni men who want to buy themselves a ten year old girl. Buy a sheep or a camel instead. Leave the little girls alone and let them grow up to be real women and good wives for real men, not perverted jerks like you.

An Update On My Writing

I’m not dead. I’m still alive. Here is an update about what is going on with me:

I had plans to put up Benjamin Creme live interview notes last Sunday, but Creme’s interview was too short and rather uneventful. Creme gave an interview on Tuesday, but apparently it is only available as a podcast which has not yet been uploaded. I eagerly await for this interview to see if Creme said anything interesting. Creme has a live interview on the Feb 6 which can be heard at this link:

I’ve taken some time off from researching and writing in-depth about current events and prophecy because I am unsure of what I want to do in the long-run. At this moment, I’m going through a very tough stretch which has taken away a lot of my motivation to research and write. I’m considering a few options that may lead to a change in how often I write and how much more research I do. I speak in rather vague terms because I don’t want to sound an alarm. Perhaps one day I will share with you exactly what I am going through now.

I do not know when I will be compelled to write next. However, I do plan to have Creme live interview notes when that podcast becomes available.