The Importance of Understanding the Climate

I find weather and climate fascinating. I spent my first year and half of college as an Atmospheric Science major taking practically all the undergraduate courses offered by the department. I would have remained an Atmospheric Science major if I were more of a math person and if I wasn't so interested in Finance. Even after changing my major I still took courses about the environmental problems and severe global climate change.

Taking all of these classes has helped me to understand that one of the key aspects of understanding what may happen is to understand what the earth’s climate is going to be like in the future. Climate affects the availability of food, the availability of war, and ultimately political stability. I am currently researching and writing about what the earth’s climate may be like in the next 10 years. So far I found that global warming is not guaranteed in the future and that we would actually be better off with global warming than we would be with global cooling.

I am going to reference a Hong Kong university study published in the National Academy of Sciences Journal that looked at how global climate change impacted the prospects of war. The study found that global cooling is far more destabilizing to societies than global warming is. The most violent periods and most unstable periods have occurred during periods of relatively cooler climatic conditions. It is a very fascinating study…

The special reporting I am working on is over 50 pages long and at this rate it might as well go to 100 pages. There is so much information out there... I hope to finish the report sometime in November.