Bible Exclusive Research Reports Now Available

Over the weekend I worked on updating my main website with some new content. After a lot of work, I now offer Bible prophecy exclusive versions of many research reports that are featured at my main website. These Bible prophecy exclusive reports are designed for people who are uncomfortable with the New Age sources I sometimes mention and people who prefer to rely solely on the inerrancy of the Bible to get their information instead of sources that are not always believable to say the least.

Most of the Bible prophecy exclusive reports are similar to the original reports in terms of the main ideas conveyed. However, in some cases you can see how much more detail I can describe things when I use more than the Bible to describe future events. Nevertheless, the Bible is the most important thing people need to look at when trying to understand the future. Without having knowledge of the Bible first, one’s ability to forecast long-term, future events is severely limited.

Over the past several days I also significantly revised many of the original reports, so if you are a person who looked at/downloaded some of my original reports you may want to take another look at them again. You can find the research reports at the following link.

Next I plan to write about the newest BP Statistical Review which has some ominous information in it.